6 True Scary Stories About Dark Family Secrets

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Today's episode delves into the eerie and mysterious tales hidden within family histories. In this spine-tingling compilation, viewers are taken on a journey through six unsettling narratives that unveil the shadowy secrets lurking beneath seemingly normal facades. From long-buried mysteries resurfacing to hidden connections that defy explanation, these unsettling stories will leave you on the edge of your seat, questioning the depths of darkness that can reside within even the closest of families. Brace yourself for a haunting exploration of secrets best left undiscovered, as each story unfolds with a sense of unease that lingers long after the video ends...


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♫ Music: Iron Cthulhu Apoc

Thumbnail: Robin Mikalsen


DISCLAIMER: All stories within this video are provided with explicit permission from their respective authors. Thank you to all who participated in today's video!

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Story 4???? “A young man’s life was ruined that night” Yeah your friend’s life was ruined years prior by his abuser, damn him for fighting back???


I'm so pleased that the people in the comments agree about story 4.

OP lacks empathy, loyalty, and logic.

Their friend endured hospitalizing abuse at the hands of their brother for years -- but OP reduced it all down to "anger issues." As if he, out of nowhere, chose to push them down the stairs in a murderous rage.


Story 4 is sickening on the posters part.
Watches their friend suffer through abuse that at time leaves him hospitalized, friend finally fights back and defends himself, attacker -who is drunk- falls down the stairs and ends up a cripple, somehow it's the defenders fault? Defender has anger issues?! Defender is blamed?!
I wouldn't be suprised if Kyle ended up killing himself given how supportive and helpful his family and friends had been.


Story 4, why on earth would you abandon your most fond childhood friend and blame him for defending himself against prolonged abuse? Then go and tell his personal business including his childhood, the abuse he endured from his family, and his deepest secret to the world? Terrible and cowardly person.


story 4 is a great example of someone who grew up in such a sheltered, white-picket fence life that they've never had to endure anything themselves and only sense of justice is whatever their pig lord lawmakers decide is law at the time. aka bootlickers. i feel so bad for his friend, he deserves so much support


Story 5: my dude, you have to tell her. If it destroys your relationship that is just another part of your penance for completely taking away two innocent lives who you placed below your drinking. She has a right to know and make an informed decision on who she is marrying and who she has children with. Imagine your kid is in school and a classmate finds out what you did and you wife has to deal with both a very upset child and finding out your secret.


I don’t think I’ve ever been so upset at a submitter as I was when I heard story #4. Glad I’m not the only one who feels strongly about it! What a terrible, terrible “friend.”


Story 4: Casey deserved it. It was self defense and anyone reacting with horror at Kyle's actions is disgusting. If dude was really Kyle's friend he would have told him he did the right thing. I WOULD wish that kind of hell to anyone who is an abuser. "Anger issues", hell. I despise people who think it's wrong to fight back against violence with violence. Casey got exactly what he deserved. He was made as helpless as he made his victim feel for so many years.


I'm fuming about that piece of sh.. "friend & forever brother" of story #4. How can people be so lacking of even a shred of empathy and still so self-righteous? Wanna punch that guy so bad. Awesome vid Mr. Joel as always!


Story 4 OP is a self righteous duchebag, and I wouldn't be surprised if his rejection of Kyle sharing his darkest secret with the person he thought was his best friend might have led to his early death. After being abused and neglected by all family in your life, then finally getting the courage to open up to the only other person he felt would understand, it would be heartbreaking.


Story 3 gave me way too many emotions. The moms brother is so amazing for protecting her even from their own father. Her son tho.... oh man. That made me livid. Why on earth would you be mad that she didn't want to share such a traumatic experience. I'm sure she would have when she was ready. That just really hit me wrong. Also why would the brother get a life charge for taking out a person that raped his sister. This world is f'ing sick and warped


Story 4: your friend is abused for years and as an adult you find out he defended himself against his abuser so your answer is to abandon him when he clearly needed help? 🤨 Great friend you are


If you really hate your mom for not telling you she was raped and abused just because you didn’t have all of the information you wanted you need help 🤷🏻‍♀️


Story 4 was horrible, The abuse victim, accidentally hurt his abuser fighting back and trusted his friend enough to tell him about the fight and the guy cut him off, what a terrible friend.


Story four is unfortunate, parents that did not intervene or prevent Kyle’s abuse. Kyle was a victim through and through and his parents should have been around more to protect him. The author of story four is such a gaslighter. Telling his “brother” to get help with his anger is so incredibly sad. Then to make it out like he was the one that missed out when he cut Kyle out of his life is insane.


To the 'friend' in story 4: I hope your conscience ( if you've got one ) rips you to pieces for years.
Rest in peace Kyle. Casey was clearly a POS who karma caught up with one drunken night on a staircase.


Story 4 & 3. No loyalty in people anymore... That was your best mate, even if he did it out of spite I don't think it would matter. Where is your loyalty? That other kid to, the one who talked all that bs about protecting his family. Found out something truly horrible happened to his mom and that she's a beast to move on and succeed. Well he can't even talk to her now and doesn't care if he graduates!!!! Wtf? No loyalty in people man.


Imagine believing self-defense is somehow worse than abuse of any kind. Kyle's life was a nightmare, no one helped him and so he was forced to do it himself.
The OP of story four failed his friend. Everyone in that poor man's life failed him.


He killed a 22 year old woman and her 19 month old child, and was released in only six years! That's ridiculous!


For the alcoholic guy that killed 2 people. Tell her. Your going to be married and something like this is no small secret. If she loves you she might be very angry for a long time but she will stay. If she doesn’t want to accept it then she will leave and that is her right even if it hurts you. It’s much better to find out from you instead of finding out on her own
