How to Kill Procrastination FOR GOOD

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A much-awaited video about how to beat procrastination - anything I missed? :)

R E S O U R C E S B Y A M Y ~

~🧡 Let's ace life together!

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🕙 Chapters:
00:00 - What many StudyTubers miss
00:51 - Solution 1: The BETTER rule
01:21 - How I got straight A's and still slept
02:04 - Solution 2: Say yes
03:33 - Solution 3: Leverage THIS
06:16 - Solution 4: Hack your mind + What to fear instead, the ULTIMATE weapon

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Music | "Sweet" by LiQWYD

• LiQWYD - Sweet [Official]
Stranger Things

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study motivation tips hacks
gpa student
good grades
college admissions
How to stop procrastination, how to stop procrastinating, beat procrastination, how to beat procrastination

Old titles:
Kill procrastination in 9 minutes - SECRETS from a Valedictorian
Kill Procrastination: non-basic HACKS from a Valedictorian

📅 Filmed: XX

Current sub count: 127,651
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Hi Amy! Hope you are doing well ❤

I totally agree with you about the 5-minute rule! I do or look through a few questions and suddenly feel motivated because they seem way easier than I thought! My motivation is how hard I see my friends and parents work, when they come home tired but still answer all my questions, why would I not do my homework, leading to poor qualifications and killing all my parents' hard work!? I love soft deadlines they make me finish stuff way earlier and contribute to a better sleep schedule! This may not be a good thing but my main motivation is negative motivation because getting bad merits from my teachers would 'ruin my perfect reputation' if you know what I mean plus the 'pit' when you feel when you get a bad mark really hurts my energy. The tip you gave about making a visual sounds great, I'm going to try it, but hopefully, there won't be too many incidents in it!

self-care is very important because when you are more confident I find that when getting homework I think that since I'm already good at this topic it won't take that long right?

One of my biggest fears is FOMO but I find that using the YOLO mindset helps! YOLO doesn't only apply to having fun but also to getting top marks and studying hard!

Your metaphor of time and money is so right! I'm currently trying to cut my screen time, wish me luck!

ILYSM and you are doing amazing! Please keep helping us with useful tips with fun clips!

(P.S. This video was great but id say I like the story time videos a bit better, its more motivational but different things work for different people!)


This is like, SO ACCURATE. She literally just voiced out all the problems that I have with procrastination AND gave solutions that would actually work omg :))


Quick summary, thank you, wAmy

1. The one thing
I will just do one task and then do a pleasurable thing (e.g., walking, meditation, 10 push-ups)

2. Soft deadlines with consequences
Fun plans before the actual deadline
Sprinkle of discomfort

3. Positive and negative motivation mix
If I procrastinate, I feel stressed and not worthy (those feelings like a cue and the result of not doing something)
I hate that feeling I got before
If I lose, I will be beaten by myself

Make a visual reminder > fuel your inner drive to continue doing the task

4. Fear of failure
To make the most of your life (Eminem song)
Tip: Procrastination itself will also hinder your ability to put your best
Life is short
Time is more worth than money
(flushing your time on the toilet, scrolling tiktoks)
What can you do? First, find the motivation


As a 12th Grader who's been procrastinating for 3 days straight, I think this video will be a game changer for me.
Thank You for the video!
Edit: Final exams starting from 11th March. Wish me luck 😊


death is definetly the worst fear I have in my mind specially dying without achieving something meaningful in life/ without achieving what I have planned. But I had almost forgot this because of comfort and lesuire I have. You made me have chills again just by saying death. Lets get on work A-team!!


i did this yesterday! I sat down for my chemistry worksheet, then realised geometry notes won't take long either, then i decided that world history isn't too hard and lastly i decided to get through a lot of my csp project and today i got a break day so tomorrow i can work on my extra curricular work❤


Wow thank you girl ❤️ I used to not be a procrastinator and actually be a straight A student, but ever since starting Sophomore year & getting my heart "broken", I just let my grades slip, to the point I was getting D's without even caring, right now I'm tackling all my missing work & practice work for tests & after watching this video this really pushed me to start. Hopefully by the end of 3rd quarter & 4th quarter of Sophomore year, I'll get back where I once was & work hard toward my goals❤️


Yo this is perfect, I've been hit by a solar wave of procrastination lately and it's mostly due to my final exams. This video tunes into my issues with self-confidence and validates my efforts by allowing me to persistently reap the benefits of exponential growth and break any mental jar lids that limit how high I can jump.


I used to be a really good student in high school and middle school, though I messed things up last year of high school (during COVID) BUT ended up in a med school. Now I'm still strugelling w studying in uni. Your videos reminded me how it was being at top of my class and REALLY helped me puting myself together and getting back on track! A BIG THANKS AMY!


Not me procrastinating on watching this video 😅


thank you so much for the motivation ! I just spent the last week catching up on all the assignments of the semester I procrastinated, NEVER AGAIN 😭 I’m beyond exhausted


You are right about motivation.
Another description is "push" vs "pull.
Most moments of real change of habit, which is what we are really discussing here, require a push motivation first. And if you have a strong desire to fight against the old temptations, then you will will push yourself to the point where it begins to become a habit. Then you start begin to reap the positive rewards of eliminating that bad habit/s and it becomes "pull" motivation which is the lasting kind.
You have to "want something bad enough" to push yourself first.


Amyyyy, you read my mind gurl, I have been procrastinating and avoiding my works for two days now eventhou I have my finals in a month😢. Hope this helps me. Thank you❤ . Please post more videos 💗


You're amazing 🥰.. 20 days new subscriber..
You're so relatable, and I am a fellow 8th grader right now. .. I am also a topper of my class .. and like i want to do better and get better grades and procrastination has taken over me alot and out finals are in february itself and watching your videos give me alot of motivation but i am studying a really kind of hard curriculum and has different ways like we don't have valedictorian and stuff but we do have an 80 mark exam and 2 semesters .. and then when you go to 11th you can choose between 3 things which are known as streams which you are most interested in and stuff..
I'm kind of tensing over the formulas in math honestly.. just trying to do better since last time I got at 70.5/80 need to get atleast above 75 and hoping to achieve from your motivation . I love you sooo sooo much You're a legend ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


Out of all the advice out there, i feel like this is the most realistic and useful one! The last part really it's equally accurate and scary, kind of like, negative motivation! Which, yes, i think it's also more effective, since for example, with positive you can simple grab the reward at the moment to keep procrastinating, but with the negative one... Thanks for this wonderful, video, Amy! Let's go, A-Team! Good luck with this new school year.
Btw, one think that I think also helps with avoiding procrastination and actually studying, it's studying along a topic that you actually enjoy, like, learning something new or a skill, if you study along that with maybe math, you will look up to the time you study! Because you know you will enjoy doing the other thing, that is hopefully, something useful, not something like tiktok.


it’s finals week at my high school my depression has taken over this past month and i’ve done barely anything and i’ve thrown up many times because of anxiety and stress this week. Thank you for this.


damn gurl you ACTUALLY saving lives! You do better than any other aesthetic yt channels on such topics tbh. LoVe


Amy, honestly i needed this video this time because i have my exams going on and trust me it's because of your study tips i have completed my syllabus earlier.
Before discovering your videos I procastinated and didn't knew what to do after coming from school as i felt really exhausted.. but your tips helped me a lot. Please keep making such videos these are really helpful. Thank you soo much amy!Lots of love. ❤


Amy, the rootcause of my procrastination has been my perfectionism. But this semester taught me I need to study however whenever and the girls don't need to be fast asleep, and I don't need a hot chocolate, or the perfect setting or incense or mood or anything I just need to get to work 😅 (while having fun with girls). Last night we all "studied" and it wasnt perfect at all but I got a lot of grammar "problems" done (arabic grammar is similar to math - lots of formulas). It was perfectly IMperfect. I was interrupted a 1000 times but I did it. I started to prep for my finals 3 weeks ahead.

My motivation is very different and personal. I will share with the risk of getting judged lol.
It is... afterlife.

xo 🎉


I love love love this channel so hard so so much
