Instrument Flight Tutorial: ILS Approach no 1

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This videos demonstrate an ILS instrument approach after being vectored before the procedure turn. This approach will be conduct to minimas under IFR conditions.

We will first study the approach chart and will go through radio aids, minimas, security altitude, horizontal and vertical path to the runway.

We won't talk about missed approach procedure since this will be the point of another video

I hope this video will help you to achieve better flights in flight simulator.

If you liked it, I will do my best post other videos about VOR and NDB approaches, holding patterns, departures, and videos about how to flight right using radio navigation aids.

And remember: "this is not to be used for real navigation" !
Рекомендации по теме

I'm currently a private pilot about to start my IFR training.  This video was awesome.  Not only did you explain what was going on but more importantly it showed where your focus should be in the different stages of the approach.  Thank you very much. 


Also the GPWS warning "too low flaps" at that height would also be a reason to initiate missed approach. Full landing flap would be taken on an ILS, don't worry about the missed approach. The missed approach procedure should be TOGA power, pitch up to the TOGA attitude (if you've hit the TOGA button on the throttles the FD will will direct you to this) and retract the flaps to a sensible setting (usually 20).


Who ever said autopilot is a must on an instrument approach for the 747? The only time where you have to have the autopilot engaged is when the minima are below that which you can hand-fly, i.e. CAT II and III minima. A hand flown ILS is perfectly acceptable and often the norm at CAT I minima and above. He was at one point however almost full scale deflection above the GS, certainly cause to initiate a missed approach!


Neat video, you should show us the approach plate, So we could have a better idea of the procedures, also you claim to perform bank angles not less than 20' at the very moment I saw 30' standard rate


One problem I am observing is that you are doing standard rate turns. (actually your not but you claim to) In reality in a large jet like this you would do half standard rate turns (4min turns). This is due to the bank angle that would be required to do standard rate 2 min turns at typical approach speeds of 180kts.


you mean the 13.7nm radius... was a little confused because the chart was indicating that the 10nm radius ends at the VOR ABNEE...or is it wrong what im saying


Please tell me, does the lady speaking is real or a software? ether way is very good

Автор all "procedure turns" occur 'off' of your localizer4final approach like this1?


@DJROMIXE93 oui je venait de voir cela dans airbus x merci pour la vidéo thanks xD ^^


I don't want to sound silly but 180knt asked to rotate but it wont run for take off what am I doing wrong. 777boeingER


bonjour comment avez vous fait poue les poiler auto


je n'arrive pas à télécharger FlightGear et je ne sais pas ou le téléchargé si tu peux m'envoyer le lien stp
