New Scientific Research Reveals Where Native Americans Came From! | Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson

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As Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson reveals in this video with Ken Ham, groundbreaking genetics has revealed that today’s Native Americans actually came from somewhere else entirely. This video answers how they got to America and what their reasons for getting there could’ve been.


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I am Native American and took a DNA test to discover that I am related to Mongolian and Chinese people.


Traveled to China twice in early 2000's. One one trip while looking through books in a store, came across pre communist era book on the different ways of various Chinese cultures, including ornamental dress. Then, back in the states in a public library, saw a similar book on native American cultures and dress. I was amazed at how similar the patterns was the same on both designs but using different materials. Several repetitive designs on both sides told me it wasn't just a coincidence. I wish I had a copy of both books, it would be telling of who came from where in much finer detail not to mention proof of not only origins, but timing.


I’m a indigenous (Gurung /Mongolian)from Nepal. Since I moved to US I’m always curious about history and I did little research about Native American unbelievably I found them very similar to us. Their culture, cultural outfit and musical instruments they play is very similar that we play in nepal specially in mountain reason. Even they looks like me. Interesting 🧐


My daughter and I just finished reading a biography of one of the Navajo code talkers of WWII. One of the things that stuck out to me in the book was that when the code talkers first arrived in the Pacific theater they had to be specifically introduced to as many of the marines as possible to avoid being thought to be the enemy and then when the author arrived in Japan after the bombing of Hiroshima, he was struck by how similar the Japanese people looked to him and his Navajo friends.


My ex-wife is Mexican, but she was often asked if she was Asian, I remember we were in the Bay Area in an Asian market and more than once an Asian woman would come up to her and speak Mandarin, LOL. I am often asked if my sons have an Asian mother, I am Mexican. Even my little sister when she was little she looked Asian, her eyes were slanted. It is amazing.


I have been a student of linguistics for fifty years. This is a _fascinating_ video. I'm so glad I just happened to stumble across it. To whomever posted this thought provoking video, *thank you!*


This is why I truly do not understand racism. We clearly are all human beings created in the image of the Living God.


I am native to Central America. My DNA tests showed Chinese ancestry as well as African and European. Very interesting video.


Human history is just amazing. Such a shame that ‘race politics’ has to poison and distort what should be an open enquiry into human origins. We’re all one family!


I have been talking about Shang dynasty (1766 to 1122 BC) to my friends for years. Shang dynasty ruled part of China but their last King committed suicide after his defeat in the battle. His troops of one hundred thousand people supposed to aid their King but found out the bad news. They decided to escape to somewhere far away to avoid the warlord who defeated their King. It was winter time and most of the river and part of the ocean water was frozen. They walked to the direction of Mexico.


Except for her clothing, the girl on the cover of this video could fit in here in the Philippines without anyone giving her a sideways glance. She looks identical to them. Tagalog Filipinos (one of approximately 180 distinctive languages here) are said to have come from Taiwan a millennium ago, and before that, from southern China. But their language is very similar to Indonesian and their genetics to Malay. Could be that some Native Americans are Malay in ancestry. I also had a Native American co-worker who was part of the American invading army in Cambodia during the Vietnam war. he said that the hill people of Cambodia looked Identical to his tribe in the American Southwest (I can't remember exactly where now) and they even used many of the same words as in his native language.


It's beautiful when you begin to realize how interconnected we all really are. We are all really one blood. And through Christ all believers are all one spiritual blood and belong to the seed of Abraham.


When I was in my 2nd year of high school, I had to do a report on Ancient China. In my reading I noticed the Dynasties only lasted about 400 years, before another Dynasty took over, one lasted about 800 years, so double 400. I wondered what happened that about every 400 years there would be such change... I've been looking at solar cycles after noticing changes in my vegetable garden and fruit trees over the last few years, and ha e found that the sun goes through big changes about every 400 years that affect the Earth, it's magnetic field, weather pattern changes and earthquake and volcanic activity, and therefore food production. I have mused that the sun's cycles and therefore loss of food production may have caused the fall of the Chinese Dynasties on the same time frames? Loss of food production could also be a driver for relocation of many people groups, I wonder if they are in line with the suns's cycles ?


New subscriber here. Wandering off my beaten path in YT, I am finding a lot of very interesting channels like this one.


Around 20, 000 Years Ago Native Americans Came From Siberia Chukchi People, A descendant of Kazakh Turk Niyazov Bey
By 40, 000 years ago modern humans had spread to Central Asia following the grasslands resulting from the cooling climate. Niyazov Bey, a Kazakh Turk living in Kazakhstan, was identified by the Genographic Project as one of the direct descendants of the first modern human settlers in Central Asia. His Y-DNA belongs to Haplogroup P and he carries the M45 marker which defines the first migrants to Central Asia from Africa. Haplogroup P is the ancestoral Y-haplogroup of most Europeans and almost all of the indigenous peoples of the Americas; it also contains around one third to two thirds of the males among various populations of Central and Southern Asia.


Latin and Spanish are not similar because they share a common ancestral language, but because Spanish developed from Latin.


I visited the mountain people in Taiwan in the 70s they have much in common with some of the American Indians: features, traditional dress, dances..


My training is in linguistics. Thirty-five years ago one of my special area exams in my PhD program was in language change. I had a Christian student in a beginning linguistics class who read the Bible and especially Genesis quite seriously. After class one day he asked a very sincere question about the tower of Babel as it related to the curriculum I was teaching on language change. I'm chagrined that I had no serious answer for him at that time, but as I listen to you speak, I am beginning to feel like a serious answer is much closer at hand. Thank you for all your research collating results from genetic history and cultural (esp. linguistic) history. You have really seized my attention!


That was very interesting. Being of Native American heritage I found these thoughts very intriguing. Thank you 😊


The indigenous people of America have been there for thousands of years. While there were people, there was no nation called English, German or French.
The indigenous people of America are of Siberian origin, their lifestyles, tents, beliefs, and rug patterns are all similar to the Siberian people.