The whole truth about high resolution headphones

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You are about to spend a ton of money on a new pair of Hi-Res cans? Check this video out first!
High Resolution audio and the gear necessary to play it may be a good decision but you need to have the full picture before buying and to know what to look for.


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2:32 Is that mean my anti-mosquito devices high-res?


9:35 R.I.P. Bluetooth EarBuds users :(


I have to say vey good explained. Thank you fot that. I went to a high end audio store with very good and unfortunately expensive gear to gave this a test and afterwards a blindfold test in comparison with a normal cd an LP. To my ears the difference is there but Sometimes i don't hear it because in the blindfolded test I failed 4 times out of 10. I'm an audiofile, 52 years old, and my ears are not the same as they use to be. Little nuances in some instruments are more detailed. Where this shines is in Jazz, classical especially new recordings. In mainstream music where the mastering trend is making everything as loud as possible and put a brick limiter at the end, i hear no difference. I'm a dedicated vinyl lover and the warmth and overall sound is still the best for my ears. Everybody has to decide for themselves what sounds the best.


Thanks for sharing this information. As you correctly mentioned, the big companies branding their Bluetooth headphones as Hi-Res, are just fooling around. I would recommend this video to all those planning to buy so called Hi-Res headphones.


100% Correct, I like Hi Res only because the sound of older music if done right the sound quality gets maxed out


Bottom-line, you need a high-res chain

- Good source recording (ADC/mastering)
- Good source container /file (DSD/WAV/CD/Transport)
- Good DAC (Dragonfly, musical fidelity)
- Good amplifier
- good cable/pathway to output
- Good speakers/headset paired properly with DAC/Amplifier.


Based on my experience, the freg. range of a headphone is never congruent with its audio quality. My Srax setup always (so far) outperforms any dynamic headphones I test it against no matter what each phones’ freq ranges are. It is the driver and amplification that matter. CD freq range is good enough. But most headphones are not.


I subbed, because you are the first to really make it plausible, what it is all about. Thanks 🙂😄


Great and very clear explanation, also for people who are not high resolution experts. Thanks! I just ordered the Cowon Plenue D2 player. I am very curious how it will sound with my Sony 1000-XM3 headphones, although I think it will not be able to use the 2.5mm balanced output of the D2 (if at all necessary?).


It's true I have a ATH-M50x, Amplifier of 5 80kHz response, and vinyl first pressing records.
The digital compresion in bluetooh even with cd to wav is poor and in the majority of cases don't benfit for that..
Thanks for your videos . They 've very instructive topics.


The Audio-Technica ATH-AR5BTBK are Bluetooth but they say that they are also Hi-Res (according to the spec sheet). Does this mean it is likely meant that when I used them with a wired jack and DAC/Amp, I would be able to use their Hi-Res capabilities?


Honest info that no one knows & tells. Thank you, keep up the good work👍 Subscribed😊


Great video!! But raises questions: which music is recorded in hi res equipment? How could we possibly know that? Name a album?


Thank you for the info I never would have thought you should look for the higher frequency for knowing if it is hi res. I always thought it should be the lower frequency.


Why do you need hi resolution at all? I have recently tested my hearing and I am not able to hear sounds above the 18kHz mark. Why bother with equipment reaching as much as fifty kilohertz? Just wondering, but I smell the scent of audiophile mumbo-jumbo.


That is so so true Bluetooth ads EXTRA cost as well It is used for a selling point for todays venerable customer .
I use headphones for meditation a lot , apart from that I use them for a sound microscope .ad DJ mixing .
Bluetooth just ads more radio activity in the room you are in, as well as Wi Fi , its every ware .


Great video... very informative... I am new to your channel...
I have one question/point. Why do you think other reviewers hate the M50x? You said in your video they are really great. This is an honest question.


Looking for high resolution loud speakers...
Any idea?


I think that I'm love with your Beatles Mono Boxset, couldn't get my eyes off it.


Hey I got sony xb 900n over hear on 3 even though hear on 3 had hi res Audio. Both were priced same do u think I am going to miss out a lot just because xb 900n doesn't support hi res?
