The Little-known Link Between Inflammation and Depression

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We’ve been told for decades that it's caused by a chemical imbalance and low serotonin levels.

It turns out that is SIMPLY NOT TRUE.

But if depression isn’t caused by a chemical imbalance, what IS the cause?

There’s no single answer because depression is a complex, multifactorial condition.

But one theory that has gained a lot of support amongst experts in the field is that INFLAMMATION is a primary driver of depression.

In this video, I share the latest research linking inflammation to depression, tell you the most common causes of inflammation, and give you some tips for how to reduce inflammation and stabilize your mood.



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This is cutting edge. Why haven't more people viewed this video!? Thank for you spreading the truth, Chris Kresser! Sharing this video with all!


Thank you for bringing this to light. I have seen so many casualties of the psych med industry in my family. A sad side effect of many of these meds is a craving for sugar and carbs, thus perpetuating the inflammation cycle. I have also observed a connection with thyroid disease and psych conditions, it would be interesting if we could get a video on that someday. Thank you for all you do Chris.


Woww..this is what I have been waiting to hear for years...thank you so much!!!


This reminds me of a research proposal I was writing when unsure what direction to take for doctoral studies. I was proposing the possibility of using testosterone to treat depression in men, and one of the reasons noted was a reduction in inflammatory cytokines (though this was more relevant to hypogonadal men, while I was proposing a more general applicability), which may play a role in the disorder. Interesting to see new studies coming out regarding that link, so thanks for the heads up!


Thank you for such informative info! I just launched an Innovative Mental Health Alternatives course and refer your 'Unconventional Medicine' book/case study. In regards to my own health struggles, thankfully I do not have depression, am very active, and have a nutrient dense diet/broad spectrum supplementation approach. Though I have autoimmune challenges and attended your series. I have a white nasal discharge (not covid) and breathe essential oils daily. I have tried elimination diets in the past, and struggle to keep weight on. (I also do resistance training for hypertrophy!) I don't want to go to my Primary because am afraid she'll just give me Pharma and not get to the root. Considering what to do--want to ditch the inflammation. Thanks again!


Wow. I have Lupus with frequent high inflammation. There is a fallacy of mental illness around Lupus. Now we see that inflammation causes depression. I have had a Dr tell me I didn't have Lupus but had a mental illness. I never went back! I have tested positive for lupus for 18 years! Have had periods of depression as well. I have become morose since having Lupus.


I've been listening and watching you for many years and I wish I could better implement your knowledge and findings. I see this inflammation-depression link playing out in my food allergic, EOE daughter. Her chronic illness seems to cause her a lot of anxiety and tendency for sadness. Her diet is very difficult to fine-tune since she's IgE medicated to: Dairy, Egg, Tree Nuts, Coconut, Peanuts, Avocado and Sesame. She takes fish oil daily. She has EOE so swallowing large size or large amounts of pills is difficult so getting supplements in her is a challenge We have tried powders and liquids but those are hard to tolerate as well. She's a fighter and loves sports, especially volleyball and just the other day she wondered aloud, "I wonder if other people feel as badly as I do or if my illnesses make me feel this way?" Do you have a good source for magnesium and other inflammatory-decreasing items for a 14 year old girl who has a very limited diet, plays 3+ hours of intense (she's a setter) volleyball, 8 hour school day, 1 hour PE in addition to practices, and has a very hard time falling asleep? We live in Tooele, UT and I think the dry, poor air quality air also is a culprit. Thanks for the video and the insightful information, as always.


You don't discuss anxiety and its link to depression. I realize the gist here is that the benefits of an SSRI is myth - a placebo. My SSRI without a shred of doubt lowers my anxiety and obsessive thinking which in turns allows me to sleep a full night. Without it, over time, my anxiety ramps up greatly as my mind ruminates over everything. I do not sleep well and I pretty quickly fall into bad depression. I am not overweight, I work out 4 days week hard, my diet is not great but not terrible. I have an open mind here but its borderline insulting to hear that what seems to work for me is basically all in my head.


Is it always inflammation that causes depression?
