Mandalorian fights off a Trandoshan ambush, vaporising one of them

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The Mandalorian fends off several Trandoshan thugs in a melee before disintegrating one of them with his blaster-disruptor rifle.
BLASTERS: Anti-materiel Firepower
Footage from
Star Wars: The Mandalorian chapter 2

Boba Fett's EE-3 blaster carbine is capable of similar disintegration when set to full power, as is a probe droids blaster (and presumably other, similar types of military blaster). Therefore, there may be some overlap between conventional military blasters & fully-fledged disruptors. The Mandalorian's rifle was known as a "Amban phase pulse blaster rifle" in Legends.

The Imperial Senate banned the use of disruptors due to the torturous way in which they would atomise a living target. Disruptors do this to organic victims even on their standard-setting, it's what they do. A regular military blaster like the EE-3 carbine or the probe droids weapon only perform such violent acts on their highest power setting, and are therefore not considered disruptors, and are therefore legal for military use. (It might still be illegal to use the highest setting on regular blaster directly against living targets, however).

Despite their illegality, disruptors are occasionally used by Imperial forces and by special-forces of both the Galactic Empire & the Rebel Alliance, as well as underworld types.

Similar disintegration of a humanoid target, a Wampa, is described in the canon novelization of The Empire Strikes Back:
"The mound shook again, with a roar that nearly destroyed the probe droid's auditory sensors. It zoomed back several meters, widening the space between it and the creature. The droid had never before encountered a Wampa Ice Creature, its computers advised that the beast best be dealt with expeditiously.

The droid made an internal adjustment to regulate the potency of its laser beam. Less than a moment later the beam was at its maximum intensity. The machine aimed the laser at the creature, enveloping it in a great flaming and smoking cloud. Seconds later the few remaining particles of the Wampa were swept away by the icy winds.

The smoke disappeared, leaving behind no physical evidence- save for a large depression in the snow- that an Ice Creature had ever been there.
But its existence had been properly recorded in the memory of the probe droid, which was already continued on its programmed mission."

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