Student BEAT UP their Classmate?!? | AITBA

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00:46 - Missing the Birth of my Child
06:24 - Disallowing my Mother at my Wedding
09:13 - Hate our Baby Name
11:54 - Beating Up my Classmate

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Hi friends! You don’t have to agree with my reasoning for the first story, that’s the point! My reasoning is my reasoning because I would not accept such actions in my own life under any circumstances.

However, let’s not make assumptions about my own childhood and trauma. Thanks. ❤ I may have healed from my childhood trauma and started anew with my parents, but that doesn’t mean my childhood was sunshine and roses. I’m not the type of person to let someone force me to do something, which is why my decision and opinion is the way it is. You don’t have to agree with me! That’s fine!


Story 1: completely understand your reasoning. In addition however, wanted to contribute my 2 cents as a trauma therapist. The abuse-power and control dynamic between father and son in the story is evident and by the sounds has been present lifelong. It's not that easy to break free of that. The inability to leave that the story sharer experienced is likely a trauma response and is so real in these circumstances, as it is in any domestic abuse situation. I'm so sorry for this man in such a predicament and is having to navigate these consequences. Wishing you the best sir and hope you are supported to safely exit the abusive dynamic and repair your relationship with your wife.


I just want to say that last story was 100% self-defense and he was able to get up and run away so you didn't take it too far. You were a good apple for standing up for another kid and the only reason you had to fight back so hard was out of self-defense.

And if you told them the truth there's a good chance that you would have gotten suspended for defending yourself.


I’m a adopted child and I can’t even imagine my grandma telling me that it would break my heart so good for that dad for standing up for his kid


You are the good apple, Mrs Rogers. An amazing apple. You saved that classmate from what could've been serious injury. And from what I gather, you didn't hit the bully anywhere serious. Just his arm when he tried to hit you. Self defence, what were you supposed to do? Get a teacher and take a few minutes while the classmate gets hurt more and more? No! You have absolutely no reason to doubt your actions. Good apple.


The fourth one: YOU WERE 100% THE GOOD APPLE! That kid was crazy and that was self defense! Yes you didn't tell the teachers but kids are scared of what the adults will say in these situations. That seemed horrifying and you defended a girl! Good job


“My dad is a real jerk and he owns an Italian restaurant”
Yep, that’s all I needed to hear😂


Story 4: Good Apple. I've told my kid time and time again that if they ever feel that the only way to defend themselves or others is violence, then so be it. But *never* be the one to instigate.


I love when people are like "oh, there's a labor shortage and anyone will hire if you just walk in" and then I put in applications to places and they never bother to try and get back to me.


You are so not the bad apple or even a crabapple. I have always told my kids that if someone was to throw the first punch then it is by all means fine to hit back and defend yourself. It's called self-defense. By standing up for a fellow classmate by simply shouting at the bully or in this case the real bad apple you help save them and in return are punched to the ground, it was justified to protect yourself.


Story 4: Oh my gosh, Rebecca! Absolutely 💯 you were the good apple! It would have already been acceptable for being self-defense, but protecting someone else made it a truly good act of bravery. You went above and beyond coming to someone's aid. I hope you will be able look back on this memory with pride instead of doubt.

Also, I wouldnt sweat the omission of details part. It would have been unjust for you to be for protecting yourself and others from this violent bully.


Story 1- Crab apple
My reasoning: As someone who’s been mentally and verbally abused by my father, that trauma can really influence your better judgment in day to day life, let alone facing your abuser. Now op claimed that he already wasn’t the biggest fan of his father- which is a small red flag. But to fear that your own father would leave you unemployed because your wife went into labor? THATS a major red flag. Seems to me the father was manipulative. He was using his son to benefit himself- and when you’re under someone’s hold like that, it’s hard to get out. Hell I don’t even live with my dad, and he still finds ways to get into my mind and manipulate me.
That being said op is definitely not a good apple as the obvious, moral choice to make was go to the hospital. But as an abuse victim, the story reeks of manipulation. Therefore, crab apple.


For story#1, as a father of 2 and having lost a job over the birth of a child and dealing with the financial and emotional trauma that laid into our family, I'd call him a good apple. I understand the idea of wanting to be there to support your wife with the birth, and I understand how that's a very contentious emotional environment. Prior to losing my job, I thought it would be worth it, but after, we both realized it wasn't. It can be extremely hard to work schedules around after losing a job that meshes well with existing schedules, and there's a lot of circumstance that isn't there because we can't know everything, but honestly, when he shared his financial fear, he was looking out for the long term. It sucks, but life sucks a lot of the time and you learn to roll with it and adapt however you can


I think #1 is a crab apple. I think he was just terrified of his dad and couldn't think properly knowing his wife was giving birth. I think his dad truly was crazy enough to actually fire him and the man had no idea what would happen if he left and was too terrified to find out.

Edit: I’m usually not this person but thanks for the likes it’s blowing up my notifs


Story #1. This could very well be OPs only job. Meaning his dad would be his only reference as well as the only job he’ll be able to list on his resume. And I can tell you, as someone who just lost his job, finding another one isn’t as simple as it sounds. Sure the wife would be willing to work through it. But do you think they’ll have that same energy when the bills start to pile up? To clarify, I would’ve been more prepared for this since he knows how his dad is, but I can understand his panic the day of.


Story 4: As someone who has been in that same exact situation and told on myself I'm giving you a good apple. I protected my brother from a gang of older kids. When I told the nurse how I got hurt she called the principal and the assistant principal and told them I should be suspended for 2 weeks. They called my grandmother and she came down to pick me up. When she walked in the nurse insisted I tell her why I was being suspended. By this time I was in tears because the principal and the nurse were against me and wouldn't listen. The assistant principal was more understanding but he could not get the others to listen either. But when my grandmother heard that my brother, her favorite, was being bullied by older kids and I stopped it she went off. The nurse kept saying that I should be suspended for not being where I was supposed to be as well as for fighting, but my brother and I had the same classes for 7 out of 8 of our classes that year. 8th grade English was one of those, but every single one of the boys that was picking on my brother was a 9th grader. My grandmother lit into the nurse and the principal both. She asked them if the boys were going to be suspended. The principal said that it was my word against theirs since they weren't caught in the act. Long story shorter I got only a couple of days suspension instead of the 2 weeks the nurse wanted and the assistant principal watched out for me and my brother for the rest of the year because he didn't want to go toe to toe with my grandmother. So you probably were better off not saying anything.


Story 1 hit close to home. My husband was a chef at a chain "Italian" restaurant. Our son's birth was rough, and our son was in the NICU and I was in ICU. My husband was allowed time off to come to the birth, but his manager told him that there was no reason for him to stay with his family in ICU. He was told get back to work or you are fired. He left me long enough to drop off his uniforms and tell his manager a few choice words. Yeah, it took him a month to find a new job, but I needed him. Our son needed him. Food industry treats their workers like garbage, and this time, they got what they deserved. My husband did report to corporate what happened, and the manager was demoted.


For the first story, I'm gonna say good apple or crab apple. The dad was scared and stressed and couldnt think straight, and he tried to call his mother in law was ignored. I would say the mil and sil was bad apples for not letting him come in, he was there but trying to not have financial issues during tough times. The mom has her mother and sister there, but I can understand why she is upset. /nm


If there’s two steps above good apple, you’re definitely it. I think you did a perfect job, and shouldn’t be ashamed of it at all! You did amazing job defending yourself and someone else from a dangerous person. Dont be ashamed of that.


That last story was a roller coaster. I honestly think getting a teacher in that situation could have just left that girl to have gotten hurt even worse. Most situations don't call for violence but sometimes there is no other choice. For that reason I feel like I'm going to give the good apple on that one.
