Marriage After 40 Years Old | Dating Advice for Women | Mindset for Finding Love After 40

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Today, I’ll discuss marriage after 40 years old, dating advice for women, and the best mindset for finding love after 40. Hello, this is Tisa from Late Bloomer. Welcome back to my channel. I want to give a life update and talk about my first marriage after 40 years old. I went on a journey to find someone special, and I thought it was important to discuss and share my mindset before meeting my husband, talk about the wedding ceremony, the experience of eloping, and how life is going now. I know it's been about two or three years since I've posted a video, but I'm back with a life update!

People are marrying later in their lives. So, if you're thinking of marrying in your forties, you're not alone. There is no such thing as the ideal time to meet your romantic spouse in order to be successful in love, and you are not a failure if you haven't married by a specific age. If all of your friends are married and have children, and you haven't found the one, you might be concerned about the stigma of marrying later in life. However, there is no right or wrong moment to marry. It's the ideal time to marry when you've found your soulmate, the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. At any age, you can meet that individual. Some people marry their high school sweethearts, while others date later in life. There are benefits and drawbacks to marrying in your forties.

One benefit of marrying in your forties is that you have more life experience. You've experienced the highs and lows of life by the time you're in your forties. You've seen how happy marriage and children can be. You've experienced the agony of illness and bereavement. Life experience aids in determining who is the best match. Because they haven't yet encountered such extremes, those who marry young don't necessarily consider the implications of "for better, for worse." When you're in your 40s, however, you've had enough experience to find someone who will be a true companion through it all.

Another advantage of marrying in your forties is that you are more aware of who you are and what you want. Being over 40 brings with it a certain level of wisdom. You've figured out who you are and are comfortable with it. Gone are the days when you had to pretend to be someone you weren't just to impress people. You have high standards and know exactly what you want (and don't want) in life and in a companion, and you won't settle for anything less. You've already matured into your own person by the time you're getting married in your 40s. Because you've already done your growing and changing, you don't have to be as concerned about drifting away from your relationship.

Finally, it's becoming the rule rather than the exception. Even if it appears that everyone around you is married, this is not usually the truth. Unlike our parents and grandparents, Americans are marrying later in life, and the statistics support this assertion. Half of 21-year-olds and 90% of 30-year-olds had been married at least once in the 1960s. By 2020, however, only around 9% of people under the age of 21 were married, and just half of those under the age of 30 were married. It's difficult to forecast what the numbers will be in the next generations.

Please watch my videos linked below to hear my experience dating my husband and life now. If you enjoyed this video about marriage after 40 years old, dating advice for women, and the best mindset for finding love after 40, please remember to like, share, subscribe and leave a comment if you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback. We hope to see you here again soon!

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Please share this video with someone who might be interested in this type of content. 🌻🧡


You gave me hope ... I found some videos talking nonsense about decay and being not attractive at fourty and lowering standards as if we are used objects don't deserve to be loved ...a lot of guys commenting that women deserve lonlyness assuming that she was so picky when she was young... I felt very bad cus not all women were popular when they were young and it's so unfair and mean to say we deserve to be lonely... Thank you for giving me hope


Am 48 years young and still looking for my King Charming, I have never been married nor do I have any children but I do desire to be married. Congratulations on finding love at 42 🎉❤


Congrats. I got married later in life(35 yrs Old). We are BW/WM couple. We are still conquering the journey together with love and grace. Wishing you all nothing but the best💖💖


I'm encouraged ✨️ at 43yr (bf) still hoping to find a lasting love to build a life with. Big congrats to you! 🎉


Age 43, black female in Los Angeles. Never married. Just failed relationships. Last one was with a narcissist and I had to get therapy because of the trauma I endured. I want to have hope that someone would love me enough to honor and cherish me but…. Still alone to this day. Apps don’t work. I feel awkward going out alone. I don’t really know what to do with myself and life anymore. It’s like I’m living without a purpose


Am 40 now, still trusting God, I need grace to wait for my man


This is so inspiring ❤️ I’m in my mid-30s, never been married, no kids, and just enjoying life. Using this time for my self-development.


I’m sad that I’m not too far from 40 and still never married. I’m still a single mom trying to have hope and it’s very hard for me to cope with.


Congratulations 🎊 Tisa, I am 44, single mum from kenya, separated from an abusive marriage, 3 grown-up children. Very optimistic of giving love a second chance 🧡💞


This is what scares me. I'm still single at 31 and will turn 32 this October. I've been single since birth. I don't want to get married old and married an old guy and be in a 10 year age gap relationship and start a family old. 😞 I didn't ask for any of this. I get jealous of teens and younger people in their early 20s having kids and getting married and here I am living at home with parents and haven't accomplished anything. I wish I didn't have autism. I'm late bloomer and always have been since I was born and a big reason why I am a late bloomer is because of my autism.


I'm really happy for you. My wife and I will be celebrating our 26th wedding anniversary on September 8th. Your story is very encouraging because my youngest daughter is having a hard time in the dating pool. We taught her good morals but when a potential date comes along and the topic of sex comes up, she tells the young men that she's waiting until marriage and they immediately ghost her. Because of this she says that she never want to get married. She's only 25. I told her that there is someone out there for her that has the same morals she does and that it may take a little longer. However she has made up her mind though I know that she really want to meet that special guy. Thanks for sharing your story.


Congrats, I am still looking for the right fit. It's hard. Nothing in life I've done has come easy, so it's just another grind and finding the beauty in suffering on life's journey to find what I want.


My step mom married for the first time at 42 and it's all good, my half brother is the most beautiful and talented of all as well despite what they say that the babies at that age may suffer health issues.


I just turned 30 and I am going to wait. Thank you so much for your video. Truly inspiring. ❤


Thank you so much for sharing your life experiences I am an older single woman and I do look forward to getting married thank you for giving me your life experiences


So incredibly happy for you, Tisa!! It was a long journey, and your positivity and perseverance has paid off! Your story is so inspirational. So very happy for you again 😊


Thanks for sharing your story. You both look so healthy (mentally) and happy in your picture. I truly hope your marriage stays strong and loving ❤.


God bless you Tisa for sharing your journey.. after 40 def is an uphill ride but this gives reassurance and hope.. sending you and your family so many blessings and love ❤


Tish!!!!😻 Thank y'all!!!! Praise God!💜 Thank you for the update and responding to my comment in the other video that lead me here! The pictures are beautiful! You look sooo happy! I love the gap in your teeth by the way!💗 A lot of women on my mother's side have this and I was so jealous I didn't have one!😍 Any way... I am 46 y.o. mother of 3 boys age 8, 14, and. 17. I am currently dating to connect with my future husband!💜 I pray that God covers you're union and blesses y'all beyond measure!!💞😘
