Hurricane vs. Spitfire: The Real Hero of the Battle of Britain?✈️

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The Spitfire may have been the star, but the Hawker Hurricane was the true workhorse during the Battle of Britain. Responsible for 60% of the RAF’s victories, the Hurricane’s rugged design and ease of repair made it crucial in defending Britain. While the Spitfire took on enemy fighters, the Hurricane focused on bombers, solidifying its place as the unsung hero of the skies. Learn how these two iconic planes worked together to protect Britain!
The Spitfire may have been the star, but the Hawker Hurricane was the true workhorse during the Battle of Britain. Responsible for 60% of the RAF’s victories, the Hurricane’s rugged design and ease of repair made it crucial in defending Britain. While the Spitfire took on enemy fighters, the Hurricane focused on bombers, solidifying its place as the unsung hero of the skies. Learn how these two iconic planes worked together to protect Britain!
The Hurricane vs the Spitfire
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Hurricane vs. Spitfire: The Real Hero of the Battle of Britain?✈️
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