Ignition timing tech you probably did not know!

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In this, episode 120 of PowerTec 10, DV details what an engine needs for the most efficient use of the fuel involved.
Knowing the "why's" of ignition timing can result in a far smoother and lower idle RPM as well as a more authoritative "lope" when a big cam is used. He talks about one big cammed 500 inch test BB Chevy motor that, on the dyno, idled at an amazingly low 200 RPM!
All the advice applies to both carburated and EFI motors be they street or race. A smooth and consistent idle, whether it has a big cam lope or not is the mark of professionalism. This video shows just how to do it.
Knowing the "why's" of ignition timing can result in a far smoother and lower idle RPM as well as a more authoritative "lope" when a big cam is used. He talks about one big cammed 500 inch test BB Chevy motor that, on the dyno, idled at an amazingly low 200 RPM!
All the advice applies to both carburated and EFI motors be they street or race. A smooth and consistent idle, whether it has a big cam lope or not is the mark of professionalism. This video shows just how to do it.
Ignition timing tech you probably did not know!
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Rarely discussed power producing Ignition tech.