Irish Girl Tries COSTCO For The First Time!

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Today, your resident Irish girl explores Costco for the very first time! Join me as I sneak into Costco without a membership to see what all the hype is about. EVERYTHING is bigger even the shopping carts!

Join me as I sneak past security!

From giant tubs of peanut butter to endless aisles of snacks, I'll be sharing my honest reactions and funniest moments. Will I get caught? Watch to find out!

In this video, I’ll take you through the entire experience – from the entrance to the checkout, and even taste-testing some of the popular American treats. Plus, I'll be comparing the prices and products to what we have back in Ireland. Trust me, you don't want to miss this adventure! Costco is known for its bulk items and amazing deals, but how does it compare to our stores across the pond? I'm here to give you the full scoop. Thank you so much for watching! If you enjoyed this video, don't forget to give it a thumbs up and share it with your friends. Also, let me know in the comments if you've ever tried sneaking into Costco or any other fun shopping adventures you'd like to share!





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Sorta a fun fact you can order a casket at Costco I check that a couple of years ago


One of the things I appreciate about Costco is that they have a good employment reputation compared to other companies that are similar. They also have a reputation for really good employment benefits.


Plumbers have told me that there is no such thing as a flushable wipe. It's only a matter of time before you have to call the plumber.


Now that our kids are grown and moved out we have an abundance of closet space. My wife shops at Costco a couple of times a month. The bulk things, like paper towels or toilet paper, go into a closet and we're set for several months. The meat department is exceptional, far better steaks at Costco than at any of the local grocery stores. Kirkland is their store brand, and it tends to be mostly top-notch. Well worth the annual membership, and noticeably better than Sam's Club, which is a similar concept.


you have to understand that originally, costco and Sam's were made ONLY for businesses... you had to have a business and sign up with that business in order to get a membership and then you could have employees get memberships under your business. and the products sold were meant for businesses... office furniture, snacks, safes, cleaning supplies.. and it was all in bulk. even gas stations would shop there for snacks and cleaning supplies... (this was when there were still mom 'n pop gas stations). BUT people with business memberships would buy there for themselves or bring relatives to shop there... so the stores figured out that they could sell to the public and make a larger profit.. so they started opening it up to public memberships and the started selling more of the products they have now. groceries, cloths, household items.. ect.. but they kept the 'bulk' aspect of their products...


Diane goes to Costco without a membership card
She had to act like a ninja to get past the door guard
She found loads of good deals for her house and her yard
But she had to leave with nothing, which was really hard


I worked at a print shop just a half mile from the world headquarters of Costco just outside of Seattle for years. I got to meet many of the executives that would come over to print stuff and shop at REI. One lady I got to know was real nice, we talked about how she and her family loved to go camping out near my hometown in Eastern WA state. I did some basic print work for her and made a poster for her aunt's birthday. Come to find out she is the head wine buyer for the whole company. There are vintners all over the world that would sell their eye teeth to get a personal sit down with her. When I worked the late shift, salesmen would come staggering in from the bar trying to get their presentations printed out for a 9:00am meeting. They would show up 30 minutes before closing. I would tell them I can get it done but it would be after hours so they would have to pick them up when we opened. So these men, half in the bag, would have to get their asses up early, come in and pick up the documents and high tail it to Costco headquarters with no chance to proofread their work.


15:29 I'm sure that, by now, everyone and their mother has already offered it, but you're welcome to come shopping at Costco with me, and with Ricky and Bobby, of course, using my membership.



I am a single retired adult. I shop at Costco 3-4 times a year because they have things I use regularly and are not perishable at the best price in the area. I love that they have bulk packs of single serving foods in their freezer section (I have a small upright freezer so I have room). Usually I go at the beginning of summer so I can get a case of their $8 prosecco, which I use a lot for summer cocktails. In the fall, I buy a couple cases of the 4 hour firelogs for my fireplace. The rest of my purchases are cases of diced tomatoes and tomato paste, protein bars, Kerrygold butter, and I always buy a chicken or two which I remove and freeze the meat for stews, etc. Even though I don't buy much, it is worth the cost of membership for the things I do get.


10:50 I _LOVE_ Kerrygold butter. After buying it ONCE, I'm hooked.
I bought "regular" butter one time after, and it was like greasy white stuff compared to the flavorful golden Kerrrygold.


Thanks Diane! We do have Costco in Canada. It has been a while since I have been in one though. Package sizes are just too big for one person. For the maple syrup I would make sure it is grade A and is the flavour type you prefer - golden, amber, dark or very dark. The darker the colour the stronger the flavour and is harvested later in the season, it is NOT more concentrated.


That's my local Costco! They are pretty strict with showing the membership card, but there's no need to worry on your way out once you are in. I've gone in there to get hot dog/drink or a pizza slice (without buying anything) no problem. A negative for Costco is that it gets annoying if you have an item you like and it's a rotational item that doesn't come back. Small price to pay since membership is cheap and you can get rotisserie chickens, windshield wipers, glasses and multivitamins at the same place

Chicago Costco minutia - they just approved a proposal to add 60 more parking spots, add a small park near the river (next to Costco) and adding a seating area outside.

The Costco is down the same street from Pequods (about a mile).

Great vid Diane!


Could've turned to the first young single guy walking in and said something along the lines of "I'm an attractive Irish YouTuber and I want to see an American Costco. Will you let me walk in with you and your membership card?" Dude would have gotten you that food court assortment too!


Here's a pro tip Diane, buy the chips and other snacks along with zip lock bags. Once you open the large bags, pour the remaining chips into smaller zip lock bags and eat at your leisure.


Costco started as a place for small businesses to buy things in bulk. In the beginning you had to have a business to purchase a membership. But people can't going with friends, or getting on friends cards so they could buy for themselves. Costco go the drift and opened memberships to anyone. There are still a lot of small businesses that buy from them and I believe they give a business discount on top. Local pool I go to has a snack bar fully stocked with costco snacks and ice pops.


I'm glad you finally got to see the excess that is Costco. So much stuff in such large quantities!

They usually have lots of free samples, but it looked like the only one you got was the orange slice (which you didn't eat). Too bad. If you go there on a good day, you can have a whole meal of nothing but samples. Yes, they're mostly things like cookies and crisps, but it's free.

My local Costco sells tires. You leave your car with them and go shopping in the store. By the time you're done shopping, the tires are installed. There's also an optician and an audiologist (for hearing aids).

Costco's house brand is Kirkland. I've found that Kirkland products are usually excellent in quality, and the prices are low. They must have a team of people at their headquarters making deals with suppliers for these things.

Costco has a reputation of being a good place to work. Another thing to like about them.


There are two types of Costco warehouses. You happened to vist a normal public consumer Costco based upon the merchandise and tags you showed. There is a business center Costco and your regular costco membership card also works at those. The business costco have many of the consumer goods, but also larger versions if the manufacturer makes those. You will find items businesses buy such as commercial stoves, commercial washers, commercial restaurant equipment, and larger bulk versions of cooking supplies such as five gallon buckets of soy sauce, etc. As for canned goods, you may find those larger cans there such as half gallon of diced tomato. Businesses such as restaurants don't use tiny cute bottles or tiny quantities, so you probably won't see tiny things at a business costco unless these items are meant for a convenience store to resell or put into a vending machine.


13:35 those reeses peanut butter chocolate eggs look so good. I want some easter chocolates too.


10:05 the giant bag of ruffles crisp chips looks really good. If You can eat them all cotsco figures you'll buy plastics bags to put all the crisp chips in to keep them from getting stale.


I live less than a mile from a Costco and it is nice and I do have a membership, although I’m single and it’s really geared more towards families since everything they sell is in bulk. I get some bulk frozen items there and the discount on their gas is awesome. Plus, their food court is fantastic! You can get a large-ish hot dog and drink for $1.50, so I occasionally go there just for lunch.
