Can't survive in Warframe? DO THIS!

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In this Warframe Guide for Steel Path and Beginners I will show you how to survive in Steel Path and stay alive FOREVER!
We're going to take a look at different Warframe abilities, Mods and tactics such as Shield Gating that you can use as a beginner as well as a Steel Path veteran. These will make sure that you can survive with every Warframe even against level 9999 Enemies.

This Warframe Guide is inspired by the works of TheKengineer, KnightmareFrame, Grind Hard Squad and many more...


► Chapters:
0:00​ - Intro
0:33 - Play like THIS to survive
2:07 - Distract the enemy
4:17 - When to use Shields
6:13 - How to be super tanky
10:38​ - "I see you!"... No you don't!
12:03 - Just become INVINCIBLE
14:44 - THE KEY to Level 9999

► Tags:
warframe guide,
warframe beginner guide,
warframe beginners guide 2022,
warframe steel path builds,
warframe steel path,
warframe shield gating,
warframe shield gating explained,
warframe shield gating build,
warframe survivability tips,
warframe survivability,
warframe level cap,
warframe level 9999,
warframe beginners guide,
warframe gameplay
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Which method do you use to stay alive? 😉


the best method of not dying is not to go out of orbital (Even so the Ordis would kill us)


Dude, you have just become my favorite WF youtuber on earth. in 3 years, you are the first person to actually effin explain the terms being used, both verbally and visually then demonstrate them so we can actually LEARN WHAT WE ARE DOING instead of just running to youtube to just Copy and paste builds with out the basic understanding of "Why" we are doing the things. it's not enough to just go for results because if you don't know why something should happen, it's really hard to understand why it doesn't when things go wrong. this is the second video today i've watched as i followed the link from the damage one to this one. I nominate you King of WF information disbursement. I've learned more in 30 minutes about the game than i have in the last 3 years. THANK YOU.


This is such a great guide for most of the levels that people face survivability issues. On helminthed abilities there could have been some discussion on good defensive choices: silence (CC and blocks enemy abilities), resonator (enemy focus on it instead of you), gloom (was mentioned on healing, but also does very potent slow at high strength), entangle (CC), radial blind (CC, or breach surge, but it is somewhat slow in spreading out), etc...


MHBlacky: don't stand still
That one Mesa without mesa's waltz:😡


this series is FEEEE-gnom-gnom-able! this and damage guide are soo helpful. i bet i'm similar to a lot of big hr players but spend that time relaxing after work/RL and and want to kill stuff (casuals ;) that are now embarrassingly high MR but struggle with parts of SP. best of all is your attitude, calm and supportive style. I like the salty folk too, but that gets old to me. anyway. i've subbed and now i have to go back and check your catalogue (so thanks for that time sink ;)


that was the best explanation on how to shield gate I have ever heard. I am quite confident I can apply this technique now.


For the cc part, something I love to room most of the time is a companion with a good aoe weapon modded purely for radiation and status. I personally like helios for its other utility but just about anything can work as long as it can affect many enemies at once.

Not the sort of thing to count on too much, but it does add that little edge to your survivability that might just be the one thing saving you from certain death from time to time.


I love how thorough this is! Just one thing: while Pillage may not always be the best for restoring shields on a regular basis, it is unmatched in how MUCH shields it can restore. So you can use Pillage to do a shield gating build and still have a huge shield number. Furthermore, it strips armor off of enemies which is an easy way to make them vulnerable.


Magus repair is what I use for healing. Stay invis with operator, lockdown enemies, and heal not just your own Warframe but others as well. Saves the spamming.


I use khora and I find she has a great self heal with her built in companion, there’s a mod that lets pets heal you when they damage something, most of the time it seems to be more than my max hp per hit. I use this mod on both of my companions. I often find myself constantly sitting at max health no matter how much I get hit, unfortunately I do have issues when there are enemies or bosses they can’t reach or the ai goes stupid and they stand and do nothing the previous room. I’ll definitely use some of these tips to survive those other issues I have. Thank you for the video


Just an FYI, "Decaying Dragon Keys have been updated to debuff both Shields and Shield Gating." Also "...period of invulnerability scales with the amount of Shields you have."
Catalyzing Shields is now a decent survivability mod choice as it gives you a guaranteed 1.33 seconds then you can rolling guard. Makes you almost immortal, add an augur mod or brief respite and it's even more effective.


This is so good, tyvm! One of my bigger gripes with the game is the lack of decent tutorials. So many players struggle to stay alive in a simple sortie due to this and yet in the forums there is that loud minority screaming for more nerfs, because the game is too easy for them.

Nice to see some players are not elitist, out of touch pricks and make these neat tutorials for players that need them. I always find it better than the stupid "good riddance" mentality towards weaker/inexperienced players that's spreading like cancer after the AoE nerfs...


Truly one of the most informative videos I've ever seen on warframe


I jump in the middle of a big crowd cast breach surge then throw my glave... It's a very nice combination. Plus that and embers second abilitie active I feel pretty comfortable.


Molt additionately grants a speed multiplier buff for 5 seconds base along with a negative status cleanse. Its perfect for making a quick escape while you rebuild your defenses.


Very, very, VERY underrated Warframe content-maker. Cheers!


Good video. Magus Lockdown is essential but new Tenno, keep in mind that it only lasts for 4 seconds. The maxed out Magus Lockdown only increases the amount of enemies bound per Void Sling over a specific radius. Still effective, but doesn't last long. I totally agree with Radiation damage but I found that a custom Kitguns from Rude Zuud are great for administering radiation damage and Nyx/Nyx Prime is awesome for creating the same status effect using Chaos. Modded for Duration and Range and Nyx can mind bend legions of enemies far and wide.

Also, enemies can't hit what they can't see. Invisibility can be a great equalizer no matter where you are in Warframe. Again, good video. Thanks for it.


magus repair for healing(when gloom is not enough/available because of energy lack) and subsumed gloom for CC.. usually players use gloom for healing but most important is the crowd control slow effect of it.. crowd control is more more important then healing cause crowd control keeps you alive indefinitely while healing is saving you only in low-mid tier enemy while depending on frame you cant be instantly killed


Revenant with some good mods, and possibly something subsumed over Reave (unless you're playing with squads, as Reave can add a stack of Mesmer Skin to allies). Also, yellow archon shards (choose +30% energy restored on spawn until you have 90% [this may take 3 if you're not lucky enough to have 2 tauforged], and the rest for +50% energy orb effectiveness), cause his skills eat a lot of energy, and it's a pain needing to use energy restore methods. These shards will even overcome multiple host migrations (which normally knock my energy down to 50 on spawn). Mesmer Skin got a buff a while back that gives a bit of invulnerability between stack losses, really making up for the Eximus overguard upgrade (which happened not long after I started playing). Something that some longer-time players that I converse with seem to have not noticed is that Oberon's Tesla Nervos (which happens to be his subsumable ability) are effectively invincible latcher specters. As such, they get targeted by enemies, who can't damage them. Sure, they may suck at damaging higher-level enemies, but they make for a good distraction, and will stun enemies when attached. Additionally, most enemies in the game, including bosses and Liches/Sisters, can be enthralled (though bosses and boss-likes have a much reduced thrall time). If you can't beat 'em all at once, make 'em join you. Also, thralls killed by Danse Macabre will drop overshield pickups, and enemies put to sleep by Mesmer Skin can be enthralled for 0 energy. Additionally, when thralls die, they leave behind an energy plume that will damage (and possibly enthrall) other enemies. These plumes can used to set up areas of denial at choke points in some maps. Kill them at key doorways, in narrow hallways, at common spawning spots, etc. Plus, if you enthrall an enemy that can spawn other enemies (hyekka masters, those corpus that summon osprey and roller bots, etc), they can spawn thrall allies far above the normal limit of 7 thralls. Infested Boilers, if enthralled and killed, and their husks allowed to hatch, will spawn actual allies (not thralls, allies, for the duration of the mission).
Also, gear, if it's not disabled (and not in nightmare mode). The recent addition of the ability to summon Khal (with grattler!) and some of his "brothers" via air support currently means we can have a summon in Archon Missions/Sorties (I have yet to hear if anyone's tested it in Nightmare). Also, the various levels of specters scale to spawn at a level range above that of current enemies. So, do a lot of rescue missions to obtain warframe specters, do the weekly Clem missions, gain standing with syndicates. Arbiters standing can be exchanged for Corrupted Lancer Specters (Syndicate specters are pre-fabricated, not blueprints), which spawn as Arson Eximus (arguably the strongest enemies in the game). I currently have well over 200 CL specters and Ancient Healer specters. The latter are good for not only healing me, but also for keeping squishier teammates and defense targets alive.
