Arcane Dissolution & what DE won't tell you! | Warframe

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Find out how you can dissolve unwanted arcanes into more practical options, farm Vosfor in various ways and for how much, and what DE is hiding from the playerbase.

0:00 Intro
0:24 Basics
0:51 Vosfor & Arcane sources
1:35 Standing vendors
1:46 Onkko
1:53 Cavalero
1:58 Bird 3
2:03 Little Duck, Hok, and Rude Zuud
2:15 Limits of standing
2:31 Currency vendors
2:36 Acrithis/Duviri
2:54 Otak/Mirror Defense
3:21 Archimedean Yonta/Conjunction Survival
Mission sources
3:43 Acolytes
4:03 Arbitrations
4:41 Isolation Vaults
5:01 Zariman missions
5:31 Albrecht's Lab
6:00 Eidolons
6:47 Orphix
Vosfor value
7:24 DE's secrets
8:23 Estimated values
9:47 General advice and market implications

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You can actually dissolve the ranked arcanes too. You just have to click the little “show ranked” button in the bottom right when dissolving.


Working as intended. I don’t think this was ever intended to be a motivation to “farm” arcanes to convert. This was just supposed to be a way to convert extra, useless arcanes as an alternative to the tiresome process of selling them. And for practical purposes, and for most people, I’m sure on first pass that was 95% steel path arcanes. But I think you are right, if you are viewing this as a farming opportunity then more SP arcanes as an incidental byproduct of farming something ELSE you need is the way to go.


Stuff like this is exactly what warframe needs, connecting content islands while also allowing you to choose to grind in different locations to switch things up. Now you can farm steel path arcanes to reroll for arcane energizes, etc.


Finally, some solid info. Dissolution is actually very expensive, but it's pretty solid for most players.


Something else to keep in mind is that drop rates for arcanes from zariman enemies are affected by mod drop chance boosters (not resource drop chance boosters)


Zariman and general steel path runs are a very good suggestion since the zariman arcanes are just strong and useful and the acolyte ones you just have maxed out in no time, so its really good if youre looking to max out random arcanes for collection


The odds aren't that great, but it's something I can do while doing other things. That it is an option is always a net good and that eidolons are still there is good.

Thank you for the video Ken. always good to see more content out of you.


I clicked faster than Volt and Gauss can activate their speed boost.

I think dissolution is a good edition: one part farming, one part gamble, but you always benefit.


There's one more angle here. Some of us sat on hundreds of arcanes they don't need and can't be bothered selling either. I have more expensive prime sets to sell and I'm too lazy to even do that. The biggest arcane pile will be acolyte arcanes, but I have abundance of Zariman ones as well, and some Eidolon ones from old days. I'm not gonna farm anything, but I have a plan to round up my arcanes and finally complete each one to max level and melt everything else. The new functionality is perfect for this purpose and usecase, I swap stuff I don't need for stuff that might complete my sets, just so I can claim I've maxed out all arcanes heh.


If you've spent much time at all doing Eidolons, then you are probably absolutely swimming in sentient cores. Max out your Quills rep every day and use those to immediately buy out either Magus Vigor or Vituos Null. It's 3 minutes to pick up a dozen meltable arcanes with mats you otherwise have no use for, and probably in staggering quantities. I've barely done Eidolon hunting and I have hundreds of each core.


Anyone watching in 2024 and beyond, just spend Faction Standing on 200 vosfor packs. Now you can grind literally anything you want and just spend your Faction Standing for Arcanes. You're welcome.


I was too foolish to put down exact numbers, but the day this update came out, I pulled 48 Eidolon Arcane packs, and I can tell you that I got like 3-4 of *each of the Legendary Arcanes.* 4 Arcane Barrier, 4 Arcane Grace, 3 Arcane Energize. 11 Legendaries total. That was about *one in four pulls.*

144 arcanes, 11 of which were Legendary. 7.6%. For comparison's sake, capturing a Hydrolyst has a cumulative 15% chance for a Legendary.


Small tip use lua thrax to buy arcane blessing sell it for plat and buy roughly twice as much primary dexterity arcanes.


This is the exact video I was looking/waiting for and somehow I knew that the only person who would make it was you


I had something like 200 of each acolyte arcane when the update dropped. Doing all my playing on SP turned out to be more beneficial than the singular eidolon grind which is timegated. SP farming isn't. Got soo many arcanes finally maxed, we may not know the drop tables but its been a great addition for someone like me and hopefully most of the playerbase.


IMPORTANT: there is an Event at the moment, Gargoyles Cry.
if you do an assassination mission in sanctum anatomica the boss gives you 1 arcane and an angel spawns there too. if you find the tomb and defeat the whisper from the tome you get 3 arcanes in one 8 minute run on average. angel gives holdout arcanes and the whisper and the boss give sanctum arcanes. and the event gives you event credit to buy eidolon arcanes too at the gargoyle. its only for 30 days.


As someone who was bored of tridolon within 2-3 runs this was an absolute win, in finally have a use for all
The steel path and random bounty rewards I have been ignoring.


Thanks to this i finally maxed almost all the arbitrations arcanes, since i already had the most important eidolon ones from Scarlet Spear and Orphix Venom, now i just need to work on duviri and pick up a few stragglers from various other sources.


I have 1 arcane. Yup, I'll come back to this vid in 12 years thanks bro.
