How to Build The PERFECT Hover Bike In Tears of the Kingdom

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Apart from using a flat ground and stake, the fans have these tiny icons in the middle. Make sure the pointy part of that icon is pointing straight up or down.

Then use the R function of the ultrahand to align things from behind. If you can avoid moving link at all during the process, it makes it easier.


Pro Tip: If you attach a dragon part (e.g. a scale to the back fan) your Bike pretty much won't despawn anymore if you move away from it. Dragon Parts have the highest despawn distance in the game and that value will be used as the base for the whole build. So no worries if you land your bike to go explore a cave or something, it will still be there when you get back :)


One way to make sure the fans are aligned is to simply pick the fan up with your hands and then set it down in front of you.

The fan will be perfectly aligned with you and then you can use Ultrahand to pick it up and voila, the fan will stay aligned unless you rotate it.


Make sure to dismiss yunobo because it adds weight to your hoverbike


You can tell if it's centered properly if the magic glue spot is a small dot vs anything with a thicker curved contact.


Thanks for this tutorial! I’ve been going through hell and back trying to get the hover bike to line up.


The sky island with the Flux Construct, above Tarry Town, had all the parts you need. You dont have to take them from your own inventory.


Thanks man I really appreciate the simple breakdown and the fact you pushing out this knowledge instead of gate keeping it awesome after the super easy simple breakdown I'm subscribing for sure


I can never get this god forsaken bike to work correctly


I hate building this. People always skip over how to build it and you have to line it up perfectly or else it tilts


If I had dollar for every time he said “you’re gonna wanna play around with it” … I’d have 3 dollars.


The ultimate trick is going to the central underground mine and going to the area where you can find three fans and and the hoverboard.

Use the lines of the tiles of the floor to alienate everything as straight as possible, while pressing R to show the red arrow.

The key is to alienate the tip of the arrow with the tiles lines, and use the start of the red arrow to set the position of the fans and the controller.

Its not perfect unless youre a prodigy, but i could make a hover bike that just tilts slightly to the left, but only JUST a little.

Its the closest thing to a grid we have in the game


Mine has a very minor pull to the right, but I can travel quite far before it pulls you too far off course so I haven't really worried about it.


YES! After watching a half dozen videos, yours worked! I didnt even bother with the aligning symbols. I have a tilt, but its very manageable


I just got Majora's Mask yesterday and found an easy way to fight Lynels. Walk in wearing the Lynel Mask (trade Bubbel Gems with Koltin) and with Tulin's avatar out. The Lynels mostly ignored me and attacked my invincible avatars.


Did not think to use the construct head. Thanks for the break down.


"great sky island gumball machines "


If you want to transport heavier things like the shrine crystals, build the regular bike, grab 2 extra fans and just slap them on each side of your back fan, stand the shrine crystal on the middle fan in the back and fly away. You wont even notice its there


Thanks man, figuring this out was a pain.


I wish there was a way to activate a stabilizer without activating any other device on your contraption
