The Danger of Dating Older Women...

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A lot of men come to me after getting lost in a woman, and it's not uncommon that when this happens, the woman is older than the man. This is a common pitfall which throws off the sexual dynamics and stems from neediness and a lack of masculine core.


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Married a 37 y/o when I was 29 y/o. We've been together 18 years, and married for over 16 years.
When we met at 27 and 35. I thought she was younger than me, and she thought I was her age, or a little older. All my friends thought that she was 10-15 years younger than she actually was, too. Also, she had strict parents, and was very sheltered until she married her first husband at 16, and even then she was sheltered, while I was more of a street kid, so in many ways, I'm her "elder" even though she is chronologically older than me...even my mother-in-law always said that *I* was "mentally 10 years older" than [my wife]!
She's always been a traditional, old-fashioned woman, who is just the right amount of submissive; she knows that *I* am head of the household, and must get my permission for any important decision (and I extend the same courtesy to her, as she IS my wife). She cooks, cleans and treats me like a king, but she is, by no means, a "doormat, " nor do I treat her as such.
I've always dated older or younger women, but almost never any of the same age... even at 14, I had a 16 y/o girlfriend!
I did, however, once date a woman 13-1/2 years older, and it didn't really work out in the end...we sure had some great times though!


My man, you have a stain on your shirt, and its creased lime hell, you had one bad experience with an older woman and somehow built this idea, it doesn’t mean anything, everyone is different and it has been my experience watching other people and having to experience it on my own that true love surprises all limits like age, color, religion …etc, for anyone listening to this video thinking you will get clarity, i say look into your heart and decide what is best for you, if you love that older woman and you truly believe it is a good match and there is chemistry between you two then go pursue it, otherwise do not waste yours or her time and leave before you get attached or get her attached, no need to take into other people’s opinions


I'm married to a 43 year old and I'm 39. She looks like she is 25 (seriously) I thought she was 25 when I first met her. She was actually a virgin when I met her when she was 38 (I know crazy right). She is kind of a kid. Really innocent etc. BUT honeslty she's incredibly insecure and jealous which drives me absolutely crazy. Not sure if it is because of the age difference or what but super jealous and super insecure and controlling (I.e. Freaks out about my female CO workers, me going to the gym, going on work trips etc etc.) Has driven absolutely mad


I'm flabbergasted by the comment section. Truth be told, I've had some opportunities to 'get into' older women when I was 24-25. It never felt right. Glad I didn't do it.


Don't date older men either. They'll age you. They've been sleeping around, they've aged and now want someone younger


The only men who warn against older women are just intimidated and weak. It’s ok if you’re not sexually attracted to someone older, but avoiding them based on all the other reasons in here are coming from beta males. If an older woman is strong, then only the younger men who are stronger can handle them. So if you aren’t able to handle an older woman, then you’re just not strong enough (or mature enough) of a man. I’ve given younger men a chance and discovered a few who were absolutely amazing. They were mature and had great qualities. It’s really about the individual character and had nothing to do with age. Avoid older women if you want children. But if you don’t want children and you’re attracted to her, it could be an amazing relationship that actually enhances masculinity


Sir, I'm in love with a woman who's 14 Years older and she's in her early 50s She's doing well financially and work in a corporate company. She never had kids and hates kids, She has a nice shape. And she first initiated contact and started speaking to me in the church. . I feel like I'm constantly chading her, but she's not responsive. I have to do the first move, but whenever we meet we speak for hours and whenever I go to meet her. I get mesmerized by her eyes. I feel lost. I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm going crazy. I think a lot about her.


Never wanted to go with older women 😞 One i was with, i met her in summer camp, she had came and visited our house one time, and never again visited more often. Out of many women in the world, she didn't have to be one of them! I went to her house, the night before she and some family members headed off to Belize for 3 months! Years earlier i could of just went with someone in a private school, but one wasn't close to being my type! Better yet, a late friend had a daughter. This is what i get for being so picky more often!


I know a couple who married when he was 27 and she was 37. She was desperate and infertile. A lot of men find that advantageous (especially if they come from religious families where it's not okay to not want children) but will seldom admit it.


I think there are good and bad at any age in either gender. I think we all have experiences in life that can wound us. Some people heal, change and grow and some do not. They become bitter and judgmental. I see people meeting later in life and discovering a meaningful relationship, as well as, younger generations. I still believe in love, forgiveness of self and others. I believe that there is someone for everyone. It just depends on where we are within ourselves and when our heart is open . All people can have baggage. You don’t live life without scars, sacrifices and struggles. These experiences either break us, or grow us. We can remain bitter, or learn to embrace growth and change. I believe looks and attraction is exclusively in the eyes of the beholder. Otherwise, everyone would look and be the same. Some people do not look at the superficial aspects of our physical or outward appearance, as much as they look to the inward aspects of our soul. Some people actually appreciate a little natural imperfection. Some people desire more. I don’t think we should stigmatize every man and woman by every other . I think it’s important to get to know yourself and the other person and decide what really matters to you in the longevity of your life? None of us stay outwardly youthful forever. As we mature, looks become less vain and the soul becomes gold. Trust, compatibility and softness and comfort, trump in successful companionship. Keeping healthy and fit is important, but there are people out there that are enjoying really great sexual relationships with spouses that may not ring up to be really great looking, or model like in physical attributes, but yet, really know how to fully delight their partner. People enjoy different things. It’s that simple. It’s sad to see and hear all this venom being hurled at men and women the like. Underneath all this hurt, pain, hostility, etc., are a lot of hurt, scared people, who all want and need the same thing, but have lost the ability to connect because of whatever hurt or failed them, or mistakes they themselves have made. We all should be encouraging one another to find happiness and love again, instead of tearing each other down and apart. Yes, everyone has a story. That the harsh reality of life, but we can choose to be better people than we ourselves were before and learn to be more observant in the new other people we may hope to find companionship with in our futures. If we continue to to tear others down, raise the bar too high, then that just proves that we have not grown and we do not allow room for others to grow, forgive or be forgiven themselves. We then remain in a perpetual state of disbelief and disappointment because we become to impossible to satisfy ourselves or others. That doesn’t say good things about the person you are allowing yourself to become. It’s very negative and superficial. You no longer see people as human beings, but as objects to objectify.


Short and to the point. 🎯 it is a recipe for disaster to get ‘into’ older women. Whatever we get into gets into us. The foundation has be solid before any lasting structure can be built.


I'm 18 she's 23 and I wish I never met her


I am 64 and he is 32 ! I am in heaven!


Some guys want an older woman. And they want to be punished when they are bad.


get real no natural authority its matter the age difference or similar, , its who the couple are not a age if one is more dominate and wants to stay that way ..sorry yours was that way but its not true for all


Blah blah blah, your opinion is not a fact!


I never see younger men and older women work. The men start wondering for younger women. The older women keeps getting older. Not to many hot 75 year Olds.


I’m 14 and she’s 18 I mean I ain’t workin out that much


What if she's 1-2 years older than me?


It's more than just the age gap, it's also the actual age. I'm 53 and I'm dating a 60 year old. At our age the gap doesn't mean as much.
