The Aquarium Nitrogen Cycle - (Simple Explanation)

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A common question in the fish keeping hobby is what is the nitrogen cycle in aquariums? It can be complicated but it doesn't have to be. In this video you get the need to know information for keeping your tank healthy and your fish happy.

So what is the nitrogen cycle process? The aquarium nitrogen cycle must be completed before adding any fish. "New Tank Syndrome" is the number 1 killer in the aquarium hobby. Understanding the basic nitrogen cycle is a must in this hobby. I'll also give you some tips on how to start the nitrogen cycle super you can hurry up and get those fish! ;)

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I've watched dozens and dozens of videos on this and this is the first time I've clearly understood it. Great content for me, the beginner, and you're a great teacher!


Dude, my kid won a fish and I had no CLUE what to do. Your videos are AWESOME! So easy for us newbies to understand. Thank you!


Same as other comments - your videos ARE SO SIMPLE to understand, thank you. I am 35 YO but have a fish tank for the first time and the learning curve has been quite steep. You channel is a god sent


I’ve watched every nitrogen cycle video on YouTube and this is the best one. I didn’t know the bacteria actually consume and transform the ammonia into nitrite


Just getting started. Bought a house 8 years ago with a 350L tank embedded in the man cave bar . Ignored it for 8 years but now got the bug. Set it up last weekend with filter, lighting, heater, aeration and substrate. Week in and desperate to add fish but watching your videos I’ll be patient for at least another week as added some bacteria kick start from week 1 so hoping 2 weeks will do it. Love your content.


I can't stress enough how much your video helped me. I watched hundreds of videos, and none was better than yours. I rarely comment on YouTube, but in this case, I had to. Excellent content, I'll stay tuned!


You shared the bit of information about tank cycling that I was most confused about. I was confused about tank cycling and how an 80% water change wouldn’t cause you to restart the tank cycle…

It is because the helpful bacteria doesn’t live in the water column!! Everything has clicked for me now. Thank you!


I've been keeping fish for 10 years and this was still helpful. (setting up my second aquarium) Haha! Well explained.


Thank you so much! Because of your videos, i was able to save my fish through "quarantine". so happy with seachem products, though its expensive😂 Started with this hobby about 3 weeks ago and hopeful that me and my fishes would survive! Thanks for your simple and direct explanation. God bless!


You are an awesome teacher. Finally am seeing someone who teaches this in the best way 😄 Keep helping the fish keepers brother ❣️


im watching ur playlist for beginners, and all i can say is ur freaking brilliant 😍 i just setup my new aquarium, & im getting all the info i needed from ur channel ..million thank u bro


Very knowledgeable!!! This I very important to know especially for the new people that come into the fish Hobby!! Hit that button!!! Not knew to the hobby but you never know what you can learn!!!


Im learning more from this man than those bigger channels. Very informative and newbie friendly! Thanks for these ! Imma sub!


Bloody love these videos. Really easy to understand for a beginner like me and so well edited! Best of luck with the channel man✌🏻


I’m planning to get a tank after moving in a month or so & have been visiting lots of different aquatic sites. This is the best explanation of how to cycle a new tank from scratch that I have found. Well done & thank you, sir.


Man, you remind me of a teacher I had that explained things so easy, it was impossible to get it. Thanks man!! Much appreciated!


Dude thank you so much for this video. There are a ton of tank specialist videos just showing off their extended knowledge without regard to the viewer. Extremely confusing.
I’m a smart guy, but I’m no chemist or college grad. I’m going to be following every video you make, thanks for your content my man. I’m setting up a 40 gallon for my kid’s yellow belly slider, this helped me out a lot.


Just want to thank you for sharing all of your amazing knowledge!! Love all of your content! Have my first 75g Mbuna tank and love it. Has been up and running very successful for 3 years. On my 3rd batch of fry already. All my fish started small and have grown together. Have had several fresh water tanks but never African Cichlids. Have researched and learned a lot! Mostly from you. TY !!


Best concise explanation and presentation, which flowed without any hesitation and useless rambling. Brilliantly edited with more than adequate links provided in the "Read More" Section . Thanks KaveMan...Subscribed...🙂


This is the first video that made sense for me. I have 2 beautiful Goldfish and thought I had cycled my tank before getting them but realize i didn't do it correctly. So now I have a tank with my goldfish in it that isn't cycled after 4 months and now having ammonia issues. I know now what I'm doing wrong. I'm too clean! lol I have over cleaned my filters and decorations. Realizing now to leave those alone. I'm currently doing the water change, adding the stability etc and leaving my media alone. I hope my goldfish are strong and will survive my rookie status because I love them so much. I will continue educating myself with your videos. Thank you for keeping things simple and understandable. ❤️
