The MOST IMPORTANT Aquarium Video EVER Made!

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I used to think my grandma was just being frugal when reusing decorations, gravel, filter pads, and other stuff in her mixed guppy/molly tanks. She even sent my brother home with a sandwich bag of gravel and some live plants from her tanks when we set up a 20 gallon goldfish tank at our house.

She knew what she was doing. That was back in 1979.


Fishkeeper for 52 yrs, the best explanation of the cycle I have seen. A must view for anyone interested in the hobby.


I kept fish in the 60s and 70s and knew nothing of this, and neither did the fish-keeping books! I was so lucky that things just worked out. This series looks like it will be VERY helpful.


40 years in the hobby. What an insightful video. First I want to say is this. You have been involved for decades and you still have the energy and concern for the transfer of aquarium knowledge to the initiatives. God bless you. I could watch videos like this over and over. So simple and so basic yet so important. I just watched a video that Lisa made regarding heaters. You guys are awesome. Keep teaching it is so appreciated. Love our fish.


This is by far the best video made that explains how the cycle works! I will share this all my fellow fish keepers…


This is incredible. I have been wanting fish for a long time, and have been doing my research and finally today bought stuff for my first tank! I have been going crazy trying to understand tank cycling - especially as a first time fish owner. And you have explained this SO INCREDIBLY WELL. I sincerely appreciate all the time and effort you put into this video. Thank you so so so much for helping me understand this process! Here's to my first fish tank!!


If you dump the bottle of Fritz Zyme in the toilet, at least there is probably some ammonia to convert 🤣.
Great video John, a stable cycle is so critical to a successful ecosystem in your tank. Years ago I learned all of this info from you and I have passed it on to many new (and successful) fishkeepers!
Thank you!


As a child from the 80’s I remember people saying to buy a couple feeders to throw in in tanks to get your tank started off on the right foot after all they were meant to be eaten, your tips seem to be a much kinder safer way thank you ever so much for sharing and best wishes always.


That's one of the things I love about this hobby. You can keep fish for years and years, and you can still learn something new. Thanks for the informative video!


I am a 57 year (yikes 😳!) Aquarist. Got my first tank for my 12th birthday. Started watching your videos a couple of weeks ago. They are great and so needed. Years ago small privately owned shops wanted you to succeed so they educated you in the hopes you would enjoy the hobby and be a long term customer. Today they are far outnumbered by chain stores where good information like you are putting out is scarce to none. Just started setting up several Betta tanks (there are some real ones available on my area now.) and your tips on Betta keeping helped me set up a few of nicest small tanks for them I have ever had.
You never stop learning in this hobby because while the glass box with water and fish stays the same, filtration, lighting, and water treatments improve all the time.
So here's the old school way we practiced for years to set up a tank. Set your tank up, and add fish slowly. One or two at a time every week or so. It is an exercise in patience, but the rewards are great. I enjoy shopping carefully for the best examples of each fish I am looking for. Again, these videos are great. Thank You.
Sharon from Michigan


I'm a brand new Betta owner and this is so so helpful! I love my beautiful boy and I'm so glad I have videos like these to make sure he gets the best life possible! 👏🏻


I'm so excited about this series! I struggled with keeping fish alive when I was a kid, so I have been hesitant to try as an adult. I recently decided I'll give a betta fish a shot and got a 3 gallon aquarium on my desk. The fish will be upgraded to a 10 gallon within the next year when I move, but right now I'm in a 500sqft apartment, so we're all trapped in our own little boxes. I don't have the fish yet because I am trying to properly cycle my tank, so this video came at a great time! :)


I found this to be extremely helpful! Please please please!!!! Keep these vids coming in this series! You made everything so clear without making me feel like a dummy, you kept it entertaining and crucially informative.


I’ve had aquariums most of my life. I never had live plants and have survived by water changes often. I am now going to live plants after learning so much from your videos, thanks


Option 1:
Put fish food into the aquarium
Optional: Add Quick Start
Wait a month/ Test the water
High Ammonia= BAD (it's important to have ammonia at first. But, avoid putting the fish in just yet)
High Nitrite Levels= WAIT (Good Bacteria is starting to form)
High= Nitrate levels= READY! (add the fish)

Option 2:
Add the water +Start the filter
Add the fish
Feed the fish
Fish die and gasp for air
Change 30% of the water ONLY [don't touch filter, don't rinse/clean decorations]

Important: Remove nitrate by doing 20-30% water changes every 2-3 weeks


"There is no bacteria that removes nitrate."

There is anaerobic bacteria that completes the nitrogen cycle and turned the nitrate into nitrogen gas. This type of bacteria is the opposite of aerobic bacteria and does not like oxygen so it requires different circumstances to grow.


I've been a fishkeeper for a number of years. I'm quite familiar with the information presented and really feel that I'm well beyond this content . . . BUT . . . BUT . . . this was like watching my favorite action movie!! I already know how it's going to end but why was I watching it like I had never seen it before and was glued to every word presented?? This video was brilliant and I plan to forward it to friends and family I know (the list grows) that are looking to purchase their first aquarium. THANK YOU!!!!


Timing of this series couldn’t be better for me - I’m just setting up a new 150 litre aquarium for the first time!


This was super helpful as someone coming back to aquariums mid life, funny we had these in the different houses I lived but I think we were always doing it wrong lol. Keeping goldfish in 10 gallon tanks for 5 years and keeping them stunted at 2"....I'm trying this again with a real strategy to get big healthy fish, that will outlive my mammalian pets. Thanks for the help!!
