3 Subtle Signs of Nocturnal Warfare | Spiritual Warfare

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I’ve been attacked by demons in my sleep more times than I can count on two hands. In the aftermath of the attack, I woke up absolutely exhausted and found myself stuck in a vicious cycle that affected every area of my life.

Nocturnal warfare is real and it does more than keep you up at night.

What is nocturnal warfare? Simply put, it’s warfare that happens at night. But it’s more than spiritual warfare that happens after dark. It usually happens while you are asleep or to keep you from sleeping.

The nocturnal attacks on my life seemed random, but they weren’t random at all. They were calculated. I suffered from these attacks until I learned how to shut it down. Now, I sleep in peace.
In this seven-part series, I’m going line by line and precept by precept to teach you how nocturnal warfare works and how you can shut it down.

You’ll learn:
-The Reality of Nocturnal Warfare
-Why the Enemy Attacks at Night
-How The Enemy Attacks at Night
-Subtle Signs You’re Experiencing a Nocturnal Attack
-Spirits that Attack You in Darkness
-How We Open the Door to Nocturnal Attacks
-Breaking Nocturnal Warfare Attacks
Ask yourself, how much is it worth to shut the devil out of your night?

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"An enemy exposed is an enemy defeated"


I am currently experiencing this attack and this video is a year ago. Praise GOD for letting me bump on this video of the mighty woman of GOD. Thanks to your obedience Apostle Jennifer


Thank you so much for adressing this topic! I always enjoyed a peaceful sleep - waking up refreshed and ready for the day. But for the past two years I experienced nocturnal warfare. I can witness to what you are saying .... thank you for all your input! Whom the Son sets free shall be free indeed!


I'm glad that you decided to release this teaching because this has been happening to me for a while too. The enemy has been attacking me with vain imaginations and I recognized the times that these attacks would occur. I have been praying John Eckhart's Prayers that rout demons, which has been helping me tremendously. God bless you and I will be signing up for the class.


I get attacked every single time I go to church or even pray. All in my sleep. It’s so real and scares me. I don’t know what to do besides stop praying and stop going to church. I can’t do this anymore. I’m exhausted


I thank God for you Jennifer. Came across you for such a time as this. My wife and I have started your Seer school. Looking forward to getting equipped in this season God has allowed me to be off of work to be repositioned.


This is so powerful and necessary to teach. I experienced it and it really negatively affected my daily activities. Thank you Apostle Jennifer Leclaire, may the Lord God continue to bless the work of your hands in Jesus name 🙏


Namaste Jennifer!
I'm up as u can see posting this msg at 2am. 🙏 for this key to breakthrough nocturnal warfare.👍🔥🔥👍🔥🔥👍🔥🔥👍🔥🔥


Yes frequent for me! Can usually overcome, but tough warfare!🙏🏻🙏🏻❤


Last yr or the year before, I had a dream, a man walked up to me and asked me if I wanted to have diabetes now or a major sickness later in life, I have been having dreams where I am figuring out things and movings that keeps my mind active, even though Im asleep. My mom has dementia too and hums all day until she sleeps but lately, she has been doing very loud all night, so that wakes me up all the time, So am very tired some days, pls pray for me!!


Apostle Jennifer LeClaire thank you for coving this topic I have experience. And know your giving me the keys 🔑 to overcome it. In its tracks. Thank you Jesua thank you, Lord God. 🙌🏾🙌🏾


I know I need to shut up and quit speaking those things into reality


I went through this definitely in 2019. Thanks for sharing.✅🕊


I’m midway watching this and I had to pause to first take a long release breathe because I’ve been scouring the internet for this information and most of what I found wasn’t really describing what I’m going through! Yes I’m going through it right now! Been for a while and last night was most intense I’m still going through the ripple effects of last night I’m terrified about tonight because I’m already feeling it! I’m glad to finally got here, I’ll continue watching till the end and come back with my comments but this far I’m grateful 🙏🏾 I had to comment immediately!


Went through that on fast and the prayers on sanctified prayers with Jennifer this is victory


Thank you for speaking on this. I told my Bishop i woke up with a finger print in my arm. And he really didnt understand how to help nor what words to use. I prayed and I searched for answers of why. If you can please connect with me so I can understand more.
All I remember is about two months ago. There was a blood moon happening and I slept for 12 hour's. When I woke up there was like a wind touched my left ear I jumped up. Later that day I discovered my left arm is now a light skiined deep finger print. Now its a light mark still there. Any advice here?
Last year from August to January this year I had a terrible problem trying to sleep. I absolutely could not. I love that you imclude the word!


they are up all night casting their spells and doing their wicked magic against The Lord' God's people.


I haven't slept through the night in years....I don't know how I am functioning at this point at all


AMEN 🙌🏻🙏🏻🙌🏻 Thank You for this lesson Apostle God Bless You 🙏🏻🔥♥️🌹🌎


Appreciate this teaching as I knew something was wrong but didn’t know how to stop 🛑 awaiting funds to check out course