3 Tips To A Perfect Landing - MzeroA Flight Training

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There really is a secret to perfect landings and in this video, I demonstrate the dos and don'ts that will lead up to greatly improve your landings. This video was first created in December of 2017. This is a current spin on a classic lesson.
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Hahahah that controller at .34 sounds like he needs a vacation!


What information I received from this;
(In no particular order)
1. Perfecting circuits is crucial gaining perspective on your landings.
2. Airspeed is King
3. Aim for the center line on your right should in the left seat, and sternum whilst in the right seat.
4. Learning how to correct on final with rudder control may be more effective.
5. A transition emphasises that the importance of controlling airspeed (airspeed is king) means that you don't have to flare. Making for a smoother landing as your not aiming to stall the aircraft into a touchdown whilst also decreasing the vision of the runway.

-15 Hrs, Rookie perspective. would of like to seen more of the runway from dash perspective on final.

Great video


heres a tip that works for me: dont turn final when you think you need to turn final.. do it 5 seconds before that and it'll prevent you from overshooting the runway.


Sincerely, I want to thank you for sharing a discussion about your blunders. I watch your videos now, and you are an amazing pilot. I just had my first lesson with takeoff and landings and it did not go well. To the point of being discouraging. But hearing from others who I view as proficient in this who had precarious experiences early on, is very reassuring. Time to fight through! Your videos are extremely helpful and I can't wait to get back up and try some of these tactics. I think I have watched all of your videos related to landing.


Im a military flyer but I LOVE LOVE LOVE G.A even more and I appreciate guys like yourself who upload content like this. It really helps get me back in the game of G.A. I have to watch these every night before I turn the keys on the 172. Much appreciated. Blue Skies to Where are you based out of?? Would love to go up with ya one day!!!!


"Fly that standard traffic pattern." As a student at the bussiest GA airport in the world at Van can tell you this may be excellent advice in the beginning when first learning to land fly the same pattern over and over, BUT once you get a good feel for landing then its my opinion you should be switching your pattern up and practicing different situations. In a busy airspace it is VERY common for a controller to change your pattern to get proper sequencing and spacing and you should be prepared. Ex: something as simple as ATC extending your downwind could have you low on base to final. Or if they have you turn base early, well now you haven't made your normal descent and you are going to come in high.

If you happen to have quiet airspace sure practice the perfect pattern so you know what you feel and see what you are shooting for, but if you ever plan on using an airplane for what airplains are used for (traveling around). You may quite often find yourself in busier air space not getting this "perfect pattern" senario, so practice and be prepared for this as well.


You should have at least 1 million subs, this channel is great! What airport is that by the way? Looks real nice 👍


This information is a key part for mastering your landings. I still use these techniques now that I am in the airlines. Great video!


coming up on 40 flight hours and my landings are not great. thanks!


Thomas Deborah Lopez Richard Thompson Ronald


But u gotta recount for weather conditions


Clark Edward Perez Maria Walker Cynthia


You said the exact same thing my great 2nd cfi said "ditch the flair" thank you! I improved so much with this.


Lewis Linda Martinez Angela Martin David


priority while landing...Speed Height Center Nose


That's it. I think I need to go ahead and buy your product. I am a rusty pilot and am just getting back into it after 9 years and I just am having a hard time with my landings. Every mistake that you mentioned is exactly what I have been doing.


Great advice as usual Jason. My instructor drilled in me when I was working on my PPL. “Centerline Centerline” when landing.


If your beautiful plane had a head rest for safety in an emergency landing it would be great!
Great video, thanks for sharing this


I found my flying skills overall improved immensely when I got into instrument training. The real change was “fly by the numbers”, meaning knowing the performance settings that will produce the airspeed, attitude and track you want. A good landing required a stabilized approach and to make that happen, we need to know what inputs we need to make to produce that stable approach.
I firmly believe instrument flying makes much better pilots, even if they never intend to fly in the soup.


I totally agree with you! Don't "flare" although many, many CFI talk of "flare", "flare"...
