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Hey Y'all Hey! In this video, I discuss what the Holy Spirit told me in regards to (some) single Christian women. As always, I pray you are blessed AND entertained by this video. Thank you for watching! And please don't forgot to SUBSCRIBE! :)


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Great video sis!! When we try to help God, things ALWAYS fall apart. We also have to cast out all of the lies from the enemy because he knows what we desire and he will start to tell us things like "God did that for him/her but not you" "You are going to be too old and wrinkly to enjoy the promise when it finally does show up" or "God has forgotten you" i immediately try to rebuke those thoughts because it will put you in a funk and you start to question the Lord. I still struggle with this and it is a daily battle, but i try my hardest to cast my cares unto him and remind myself of his word.


You are sooo right! Once I stopped focusing on finding a man and started focusing on God and making myself happy, I found my husband, he literally came out of nowhere. Don’t lose hope ladies, your husband is out there! she’s giving great advice. Don’t be desperate, focus on yourself, praying, traveling, reading, doing charity work, whatever makes you happy and God will send him to you. God’s timing is not your timing . Let go and let God


On a serious note...." may the lordt REBUKE that spirit of delusion, thirst and desperation and replace it with peace, patience and self worth....#AMENT!🙏✨🙏


This is good!!! Leaving our position in Christ for man is never worth it 🙌🏾


"... He won't require us to do the most ... " Giiiirrrrlll 😭😭😭🙌🙌🙌


Once I pulled back from dating, I was able to graduate with a B.A. in criminal justice. And the pressure to get a man came to an end. I follow John 15:7 and I'm on God's timing.. I'm just like sister Hannah of the Bible😄😄


The fact that you said that marriage is not better than being single, set me free in that area! 🙏🏾
I always thought that marriage was “higher” or “more goal-oriented” than it is in reality. It was a lie.

Thank you for the truth Lord & speaking through Lala J. ❤


Sometimes I gotta come back to this video as a little wake up call when I fall into the same patterns. God is good!


This video showed up on my recommended last night and I’m re-watching it after waking up the morning after. This was literally the Holy Spirit sending me this, I kid you not. God bless you for being his vessel! 💜 To all of my sisters out there: LISTEN to this message! It is SPOT ON!!!


you are preaching!! May God bless you for your obedience in sharing what he tells you to share❤ I pray that everyone who sees this accepts God’s word


I have been single for sooo long, but was never interested. But nowadays, the devil is sending exes in my way, making me get temped. Thank you for this video. Makes me really correct my path and fix my eyes back on my Lord and saviour. Bless you girl! 🙏💖


Literally heard different messages this week talking on Ruth, David and Solomon touching on the things you've referenced. Giiiirrrrlll, YOU ARE IN THE SPIRIT!!!


I am so glad that I found this video and I have to confess... that's exactly the gems of wisdom I needed. And hearing and meditating on this really made realize that I shouldn't be wasting my time worrying about love because I know in my heart that as long as God is existing, I will be loved. He ain't nowhere near through with writing my love story so the least I can do is to continue doing my job which working on the possibilities and let God handle the impossibilities. And I'm way too beautiful to be settling less than God's best! God bless you and thank you for encouraging me.


Lady you are a good guidance for women who forget themselves.
Self focus and Christ will lead us always, desperation is never the answer


God led me to your page and all I can say is Thank you God … you truly are a vessel, I followed yesterday and literally have watched 4 videos that have been ON POINT !!! Thank you sis for being willing


Dont be desperate...but also dont be afraid to tell a man how you honestly (feel)...If you see a man that you find interesting dont hesitate to approach a him...Its not chasing or harassing its just how people used to meet each other before the social media era...Its a lot of men that would feel honored to see women learning how to come true with their feelings...Its not about being desperate...If you learn how to approach a man and tell him how you truly feel then you will get a lot further with your man...Trust me im a man...


Yeah I have been single for 6 years plus waiting until marriage. And lord I think about my ex. And I would go back to him back and forth because I’m like I’m not going to meet anybody better than him. I heard God tell me kayla your either going to wait or your going to keep on doing things your way and not wait on my timing. Nobody is in my DM’s on the gram. I am 32 years old and hunny I wanted to be married before 30 and have a child and the career. My life is nowhere like that at all. I have never been engaged or even ever had a man propose to me before. Today my ex called me hunny I didn’t call him back at all. I have had other women tell me that I will never find a man who doesn’t have kids or who is going to wait until marriage to have sex with me. My ex was really inconsistent with me he would go months weeks days without texting me or calling me. I’m like God you know what I’m going to let this man go. I deserve better than that. I don’t want a man who is going to be inconsistent with me doesn’t lead me closer to God and not making me a priority and not waiting until marriage to have sex with me. Yes it has been hard for me to be single. I don’t have no man giving me attention or making plans with me. I know God is going to bless me one day with someone. While I’m waiting I’m going to work on paying off debt and getting into Nursing school. Ladies let’s stop being desperate on the gram or anywhere else.


"i was praying for my husband for 5-6 years and hes nowhere to be found!"....#DECEASEDDD! ☠️⚰️☠️ #NOWLOGGINGOFF..😭😪😭


I needed to hear this word. Good things comes to those who wait on the Lord


This was an on time word!!! (as my granny would say lol) Thank you ma'am for being obedient and sharing this message. I definitely needed this
