The Top 100 Final Fantasy Songs of All Time!

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Here it is, our most ambitious project to date. When we decided to tackle the music of Final Fantasy, we knew it would be a huge effort. But we didn’t think we would need more than 6 years to finish!

Why did it take us so long? We were meticulous about every aspect. Collecting, scoring, ranking and debating thousands of songs takes a long time, especially when new music is being released every year. We also spent an entire year mixing our own custom splices and dual mixes to ensure that songs are represented at their best – and to create wholly new experiences for you! And compiling all the gameplay video, writing comments, and building the video -- that took another year.

You may not agree with our ranking, but we hope that this video takes you on a fun nostalgia trip. And – that you discover some new favorite songs along the way! We poured our hearts into this project, and after 2 weddings, 2 babies, 1 house purchase, and 1 catastrophic hard drive failure – it’s ready for you to enjoy.

Rejoice, Final Fantasy fans! This video contains the very best music Final Fantasy has to offer.

Please note: This is a fan video only; we do not claim ownership of content, nor collect any ad revenue. This video is a product of love for Final Fantasy - and game music in general.

Intro: 0:00
Top 100: 3:33
Top 90: 40:11
Top 80: 1:17:13
Top 70: 1:53:58
Top 60: 2:35:25
Top 50: 3:17:50
Top 40: 4:06:09
Top 30: 4:49:08
Top 20: 6:00:21
Top 10: 7:28:09
Stats: 8:43:15
Рекомендации по теме

100 - 3:33 - Can You Hear The Cry Of The Planet? (FF7)
99 - 7:13 - The Sky's The Limit (FF Brave Exvius)
98 - 9:49 - Last Battle (FF3)
97 - 15:42 - The Last Battle (FF9)
96 - 21:00 - Chaos Temple (FF1)
95 - 22:46 - Veiled In Black (FF15)
94 - 26:09 - Battle 2 (FF9)
93 - 31:23 - Run Past Through The Plain (FF Tactics)
92 - 35:03 - Main Theme (Various)
91 - 37:36 - Assault of the Silver Dragons (FF9)
90 - 40:14 - Under The Flag (WoTV FF Brave Exvius)
89 - 43:01 - Final Battle (FF10)
88 - 46:50 - Blank Slate (Mobius FF)
87 - 50:43 - Procedamus In Pace (FF14)
86 - 55:29 - World Map (FF Brave Exvius)
85 - 59:04 - Battle 1 (FF9)
84 - 1:02:20 - Hunt or Be Hunted (FF15)
83 - 1:07:26 - Theme of Love (FF4)
82 - 1:10:36 - Imagination (FF14)
81 - 1:14:19 - Dark City Treno (FF9)
80 - 1:17:13 - Moment of Recall (FF Brave Exvius)
79 - 1:20:02 - Apoplexy (FF Tactics)
78 - 1:24:12 - Airship (FF11)
77 - 1:28:21 - Full Speed Ahead (FF13-2)
76 - 1:32:14 - Mystic Ruins (FF Brave Exvius)
75 - 1:34:39 - Village of Dali (FF9)
74 - 1:39:06 - Calm Before The Storm (FF7: Dirge of Cerebrus)
73 - 1:41:26 - Phantom Forest (FF6)
72 - 1:44:46 - Point Of No Return (FF Brave Exvius)
71 - 1:50:13 - Festival of the Hunt (FF9)
70 - 1:53:59 - The Day Midgar Stood Still (FF7R)
69 - 1:59:24 - You're Not Alone! (FF9)
68 - 2:04:03 - Silence Before The Storm (FF10)
67 - 2:07:14 - Sultana Dreaming (FF14)
66 - 2:13:05 - Dust to Dust (FF13)
65 - 2:16:53 - The Beginning of the End (FF Type 0)
64 - 2:19:40 - Beyond The Darkness (FF10)
63 - 2:24:20 - Divided We Fall (FF Brave Exvius)
62 - 2:27:05 - Under the Rotting Pizza (FF7R)
61 - 2:30:58 - Apocalypsis Aquarius (FF15)
60 - 2:35:27 - Balamb Garden (FF8)
59 - 2:38:59 - Wutai (FF7)
58 - 2:43:29 - Regis Boss Fight (FF15)
57 - 2:48:32 - Vamo' alla Flamenco - FF9)
56 - 2:51:42 - Judgment Day (FF7)
55 - 2:55:51 - Penitus (FF14)
54 - 3:03:29 - Spira Unplugged (FF10)
53 - 3:07:42 - Trisection (FF Tactics)
52 - 3:10:20 - Main Theme (WoTV FF Brave Exvius)
51 - 3:13:07 - Giza Plains (FF12)
50 - 3:17:51 - Ultima's Transformation (FF Tactics)
49 - 3:22:15 - Dewdrops At Dawn (FF15)
48 - 3:23:53 - Sound of the Wind (FF Crystal Chronicles)
47 - 3:27:31 - Eruyt Village (FF12)
46.5 - 3:31:47 - Possessed By Disease (FF14)
46 - 3:36:49 - The Valkyrie (FF7R)
45 - 3:43:16 - Servants of the Mountain (FF10)
44 - 3:48:07 - Become The Fire (FF15)
43 - 3:52:23 - Chocobo Carnivale (Lightning Returns: FF13)
42 - 3:56:28 - Anxious Heart (FF7)
41 - 4:00:31 - Besaid (FF10)
40 - 4:06:10 - Don't Be Afraid (FF8)
39 - 4:09:02 - Magna Insomnia (FF15)
38 - 4:12:42 - Hubris (FF14)
37 - 4:18:38 - Premonition (FF8)
36 - 4:23:17 - Aerith's Theme (FF7)
35 - 4:29:46 - The Decisive Battle (FF6)
34 - 4:32:54 - The Dalmasca Estersand (FF12)
33 - 4:36:59 - Antipyretic (FF Tactics)
32 - 4:39:07 - Saber's Edge (FF13)
31 - 4:42:22 - Ultima (FF14)
30 - 4:49:10 - Battle at the Big Bridge (Various)
29 - 5:04:57 - Vivi's Theme (FF9)
28 - 5:08:09 - Main Theme (FF7)
27 - 5:14:21 - Opening Theme (FF6)
26 - 5:18:41 - All or Nothing (FF13-2)
25 - 5:24:17 - Prologue Movie (FF Tactics)
24 - 5:27:11 - Birth of a God (FF7)
23 - 5:31:26 - Dancing Mad (FF6)
22 - 5:49:12 - Crossing Those Hills (FF9)
21 - 5:53:51 - I Am The Sea (FF14)
20 - 6:00:21 - Chocobo Theme (Various)
*- A full 37 minutes of Chocobo themes later -*
19 - 6:37:43 - Battle on the Bridge (FF Tactics)
18 - 6:41:13 - Tenacity (FF14)
17 - 6:46:11 - Fight On! (FF7)
16 - 6:56:32 - Via Purifico (FF10)
15 - 6:59:43 - Fight with Seymour (FF10)
14 - 7:05:30 - JENOVA Complete (FF7)
13 - 7:09:20 - Force Your Way (FF8)
12 - 7:15:11 - Let The Battles Begin (FF7)
11 - 7:22:18 - The Legendary Beast (FF8)
10 - 7:28:11 - A Contest of Aeons (FF10)
9 - 7:35:00 - Up For The Challenge (FF15)
8 - 7:39:09 - Lightning's Theme (FF13)
7 - 7:49:14 - JENOVA (FF7)
6 - 7:58:26 - Opening - Bombing Mission (FF7)
5 - 8:09:09 - The Extreme (FF8)
4 - 8:16:07 - Streets of Rabanastre (FF12)
3 - 8:21:55 - Liberti Fatali (FF8)
2 - 8:25:15 - One Winged Angel (FF7)
1 - 8:38:21 - Ending Theme/To Zanarkand (FF10)

It's not a question of "can" or "can't." There are some things in life you just do.
- Lightning


100) 3:34 Can you hear the cry of the planet? Final Fantasy VII
99) 7:14 The sky's the limit! Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
98) 9:50 Last battle. Final Fantasy III
97) 15:43 The final battle. Final Fantasy IX
96) 21:02 Chaos temple. Final Fantasy I
95) 22:49 Veiled in black. Final Fantasy XV
94) 26:10 Battle 2. Final Fantasy IX
93) 31:24 Run past through the plain. Final Fantasy Tactics
92) 35:04 Main theme. Final Fantasy I
91) 37:36 Assault of the silver dragons. Final Fantasy IX

90) 40:14 Under the flag. War of the visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
89) 43:02 Final battle. Final Fantasy X
88) 46:51 Blank slate. Mobius Final Fantasy
87) 50:44 Procedamus in peace. Final Fantasy XIV
86) 55:30 World map. Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
85) 59:05 Battle 1. Final Fantasy IX (Dissidia arrangement)
84) 1:02:20 Hunt or be hunted. Final Fantasy XV
83) 1:07:28 Theme of love. Final Fantasy IV
82) 1:10:38 Imagination. Final Fantasy XIV
81) 1:14:20 Dark city Treno. Final Fantasy IX

80) 1:17:16 Moment of recall. Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
79) 1:20:03 Apoplexy. Final Fantasy Tactics
78) 1:24:14 Airship. Final Fantasy XI
77) 1:28:21 Full speed ahead. Final Fantasy XIII-2
76) 1:32:15 Mystic ruins. Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
75) 1:34:40 Village of Dali. Final Fantasy IX
74) 1:39:07 Calm before the storm. Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus
73) 1:41:28 Phantom forest. Final Fantasy VI
72) 1:44:47 Point of no return. Final Fantasy Brave Exvius (and Order without honor)
71) 1:50:14 Festival of the hunt. Final Fantasy IX

70) 1:53:59 The day Midgar stood still. Final Fantasy VII: Remake (and Fires of resistance)
69) 1:59:25 You are not alone!. Final Fantasy IX
68) 2:04:05 Silence before the storm. Final Fantasy X
67) 2:07:15 Sultana dreaming. Final Fantasy XIV
66) 2:13:06 Dust to dust. Final Fantasy XIII
65) 2:16:55 The beggining of the end. Final Fantasy Type-0
64) 2:19:41 Beyond the darkness. Final Fantasy X
63) 2:24:21 Divided we fall. Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
62) 2:27:07 Under the rotting pizza. Final Fantasy VII: Remake
61) 2:30:58 Apocalypsis aquarius. Final Fantasy XV

60) 2:35:28 Balamb Garden. Final Fantasy VIII
59) 2:39:00 Wutai. Final Fantasy VII
58) 2:43:30 Regis boss fight. Final Fantasy XV
57) 2:48:33 Vamo' a la Flamenco. Final Fantasy IX
56) 2:51:44 Judgement day. Final Fantasy VII
55) 2:55:52 Penitus. Final Fantasy XIV
54) 3:03:30 Spira unplugged. Final Fantasy X
53) 3:07:43 Trisection. Final Fantasy Tactics
52) 3:10:20 Main theme. War of the visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
51) 3:13:07 Giza plains. Final Fantasy XII

50) 3:17:51 Ultima's transformation. Final Fantasy Tactics
49) 3:22:17 Dewdrops at dawn. Final Fantasy XV
48) 3:23:54 Song of the wind. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
47) 3:27:31 Eruyt Village. Final Fantasy XII
46.5) 3:31:47 Possessed by a disease. NieR Automata/Final Fantasy XIV
46) 3:36:49 The Valkyrie. Final Fantasy VII: Remake
45) 3:43:16 Servants of the mountain. Final Fantasy X
44) 3:48:08 Become the fire. Final Fantasy XV
43) 3:52:24 Chocobo Carnivale. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
42) 3:56:28 Anxious hearth. Final Fantasy VII
41) 4:00:31 Besaid. Final Fantasy X

40) 4:06:10 Don't be afraid. Final Fantasy VIII
39) 4:09:03 Magna Insomnia. Final Fantasy XV
38) 4:12:44 Hubris. Final Fantasy XIV
37) 4:18:39 Premonition. Final Fantasy VIII
36) 4:23:18 Aerith's theme. Final Fantasy VII: Remake
35) 4:29:47 The decisive battle. Final Fantasy VI (World of FF)
34) 4:32:55 The Dalmasca estersand. Final Fantasy XII
33) 4:36:59 Antipyretic. Final Fantasy Tactics (Dissidia NT)
32) 4:39:08 Saber's edge. Final Fantasy XIII
31) 4:42:23 Ultima. Final Fantasy XIV

30) 4:49:10 Battle at the Big Bridge. Final Fantasy V (Almost all versions)
29) 5:04:58 Vivi's theme. Final Fantasy IX
28) 5:08:10 Main theme. Final Fantasy VII: Remake
27) 5:14:22 Opening theme. Final Fantasy VI
26) 5:18:41 All or nothing. Final Fantasy XIII-2
25) 5:24:19 Prologue movie. Final Fantasy Tactics
24) 5:27:12 Birth of a God. Final Fantasy VII
23) 5:31:27 Dancing Mad. Final Fantasy VI
22) 5:49:12 Crosing those hills. Final Fantasy IX
21) 5:53:51 I am the sea. Final Fantasy XIV

20) 6:00:21 Chocobo theme. Final Fantasy II & III
19) 6:37:43 Battle on the bridge. Final Fantasy Tactics
18) 6:41:14 Tenacity. Final Fantasy XIV
17) 6:46:12 Fight on! Final Fantasy VII and FFVIII: Remake
16) 6:56:32 Via Purifico. Final Fantasy X
15) 6:59:43 Fight with Seymour. Final Fantasy X
14) 7:05:31 Jenova complete. Final Fantasy VII
13) 7:09:30 Force your way. Final Fantasy VIII
12) 7:15:12 Let the battles begin. Final Fantasy VII
11) 7:22:20 The legendary beast. Final Fantasy VIII

10) 7:28:22 A contest of Aeons. Final Fantasy X
9) 7:35:08 Up for the challenge. Final Fantasy XV
8) 7:39:20 Blinded by light. Final Fantasy XIII
7) 7:49:25 Jenova. Final Fantasy VII: Remake
6) 7:58:37 Opening-Bombing mission. Final Fantasy VII
5) 8:09:20 The Extreme. Final Fantasy VIII
4) 8:16:21 Streets of Rabanastre. Final Fantasy XII
3) 8:22:06 Liberi Fatali. Final Fantasy VIII
2) 8:25:28 One Winged Angel. Final Fantasy VII
1) 8:38:33 Ending theme. Final Fantasy X

This sure took a lot of time, but it was worth it. Amazing video


I just time stamped all 100 can I get my comment pinned for all of my work please. And everyone else, you're welcome.
3:35 can you hear the cry
7:14 the sky's the limit
9:50 FF3 final battle.
15:43 FF9 final battle Necrochrom
21:01 Chaos Temple
22:48 veiled in black
26:10 battle 2 Nova Dragon
31:30 run past the through the plain
35:05 Final Fantasy main theme
assault on the silver dragons
40:14 under the flag
43:03 Yu Yevon
46:50 blank slate
50:47 Procedamus in pace
55:30 word map brave exvius
59:05 FF IX battle 1
1:02:20 hunt of be hunted
1:07:27 Theme of Love FF4
1:10:39 imagination
1:14:20 dark city treno

1:17:17 moment of recall
1:20:02 apoplexy FFTactics
1:24:12 airship FFXI
1:28:20 full speed ahead 13-2
1:32:15 mystic ruins
1:34:32 village of dali
1:39:06 calm before the storm
1:41:28 phantom forest
1:44:48 point of no return
1:50:13 festival of the hunt

1:54:00 the day Midgard stood still
1:59:25 you're not alone FF9
2:04:04 silence before the storm
2:07:17 Sultana dreaming
2:13:06 dust to dust
2:16:56 the beginning of the end
2:19:41 beyond the darkness FFX
2:24:21 divided we fall
2:27:07 under the rotting plaza
2:30:59 apocalypse Aquarius 13

2:35:28 balamb garden
2:39:00 wutai
2:43:30 Regis boss fight
2:48:33 vamo alla flamenco
2:51:43 judgement day FFVII
2:55:52 pentius FF14
3:03:30 Spira unplugged
3:07:43 trisection FFTactics
3:10:21 main theme brave exv.
3:13:07 Gina plains

3:17:52 ultima's transformation
3:22:17 dewdropstat dawn
3:23:55 sounds of the wind
3:31:48 possessed by disease
3:36:48 the valkyrie
3:43:16 servants of the mountain
3:48:08 become the fire
3:52:25 chocobo carnivale
3:56:28 anxious heart FF7
4:00:31 besaid

4:06:10 don't be afraid FF8
4:09:03 magna insomnia
4:12:44 hubris
4:18:39 premonition
4:23:19 aerith's theme
4:29:47 the decisive battle FF6
4:32:55 the Dalmatia estersand
4:36:59 antipyretic FFT
4:39:08 sabers edge 13
4:44:22 Ultima FFXIV

4:49:10 battle at the big bridge
5:04:50 vivi's theme
5:08:10 main theme FF7
5:14:22 opening theme FF6
5:18:41 all of nothing 13-2
5:24:19 prolonged movie FFT
5:27:13 birth of a God FF IIV
5:31:26 dancing mag FF VI
5:49:13 crossing those hills 9
5:53:50 I am the sea

6:00:19 chocobo theme FF2&3
6:37:41 battle on the bridge FFT
6:41:14 tenacity
6:46:13 fight on FFVII
**6:56:33 via purifico FFX
6:59:44 fight with seymore
7:05:31 jenova complete
7:09:30 force your way
7:15:11 let the battles begin
7:22:19 the legendary beast FFVIII

7:28:20 a contest of axons
7:35:07 up for the challange
7:39:22 lightnings theme
7:49:16 Jenova
7:58:35 bombing mission.
8:09:18 the extream
8:16:18 streets of rabanastre
8:22:00 liberi Fatali
8:25:25 one wing angel
8:38:30 FFX Final theme


Shoutout to all the people out there who had this 2 year old video suddenly pop up in recommendations.


I don't understand why so many people are hating on this. This is amazing. There is definitely over a 100 ff songs that deserve to be in the top 100, but its kind've impossible to do. If you don't agree with the rankings, then make your own.


This is one of those incredibly rare videos where the creator poured their heart, soul, time, energy, blood, sweat, tears and probably a bit of piss into it. Deserves more views. Thank you for making this I greatly appreciate it.


This goes beyond being a video, this is a project that took 6 years of work, let that number sink in. Its a remarkable amount of time dedicated to put so much dedication to finecraft this list that covers so many games. I want to praise the effort that was put to achieve the final result, which speaks for itself. Very few are able to maintain interest in such a project fo so much time. Praise to the creators of this masterpiece :)


Of all " vgm compilation " we can find on YouTube, I think you did one of the most ambitious and well crafted work I've ever seen. The selection, the editing, the mixes, the sidenotes... everything in this project reflects love and passion for music and videogames. Thank you guys 🙏🙏🙏


Please, please, for the love of music, do not ever take this video down until the end of times, or at least until I die.. This is part of my life's routine, I need to hear and read the whole thing once a month. It's a wonderful gift to all FF Fans, I'm so grateful. Thank you so much ♥️


I won't comment on the ranking itself as that is obviously very subjective, but I LOVE that the comments and remixes/dualmixes really give so many of them a chance to shine, and that spinoff titles were considered! It really shows an appreciation of the franchise as a whole. Getting a top 100 list that everyone will agree on is impossible, but this is probably the most enjoyable one just because of the obvious love that went into it.


I, as a fan of final fantasy, cried a lot just hearing the main theme of the series. As the video went by, the tears dried up and gave way to an immense nostalgia. And in the end, when my eyes reloaded i cried again. This was the best work I've ever seen.

I'm proud to know this series since I was 9 years old. and proud to be a brazilian who knows this series


Gonna try something.

100. 3:33 - Can you hear the cry of the planet? (Final Fantasy VII)
99. 7:15 - The Sky’s the Limit (Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius)
98. 9:50 - Last Battle (Final Fantasy III)
97. 15:45 - The Final Battle (Final Fantasy IX)
96. 21:02 - Chaos Temple (Final Fantasy)
95. 22:49 - Viled in Black (Final Fantasy XV)
94. 26:10 - Battle 2 (Final Fantasy IX)
93. 31:25 - Run Past Through the Plain (Final Fantasy Tactics)
92. 35:06 - Main Theme (Final Fantasy)
91. 37:39 - Assault of the Silver Dragons (Final Fantasy IX)
90. 40:50 - Under The Flag (War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius)
89. 43:08 - Final Battle (Final Fantasy X)
88. 46:53 - Blank Slate (Mobius Final Fantasy)
87. 50:49 - Procedamus in Pace (Final Fantasy XIV)
86. 55:30 - World Map (Final Fantasy Brave Exvius)
85. 59:05 - Battle 1 (Final Fantasy IX)
84. 1:02:24 - Hunt or Be Hunted (Final Fantasy XV)
83. 1:07:29 - Theme of Love (Final Fantasy IV)
82. 1:10:43 - Imagination (Final Fantasy XIV)
81. 1:14:23 - Dark City Treno (Final Fantasy IX)
80. 1:17:18 - Moment of Recall (Final Fantasy Brave Exvius)
79. 1:20:03 - Apolexy (Final Fantasy Tactics)
78. 1:24:14 - Airship (Final Fantasy XI)


I am not going to say that there werent songs I was disappointed to not see, but don't take that as a bad thing. Is every one of us made a top 100 list it would look entirely different. You put a massive amount of effort to make an epic compilation of amazing pieces from games you clearly love, and this list reflects that. I couldnt be happier that I found this. Thanks for all your hard work.


I've been listening to this almost every day at work. The music doesn't demand too much of my focus to the point of distraction, so I can tune in and out as needed, and I'm always happy with what I hear. At the same time, that means I don't memorize the songs and order, so it's "fresh" every time I play it! And I LOVE how long it is too! It covers my entire shift AND lunch instead of those other videos that end 30 minutes before I'm out unless my ADHD ass remembers to pause it for my lunch break. lol

So basically? THANK YOU!!


*Songs that totally deserved a spot in the top 100:*
FF2: Rebel Army Theme, Pandemonium
FF4: Four Emperors, Illusionary World, Another Moon
FF5: Ahead On Our Way, Battle On The Big Bridge, The Evil Lord Exdeath
FF8: The Man With The Machine Gun, Martial Law
FF9: Freya's Theme, Kuja's Theme


Yes, finally they have come back. We've waited for you all this time. Welcome!


I don't usually comment in YouTube videos.
I hardly ever leave a like or dislike, I just watch videos.
But this video. It had me in tears at the end. Thank you so much for the amazing work you did on this.


I'm so grateful for you including Streets of Rabanastre in the top 5 songs. It's such a beautiful song.


I can't overstate how much of a crazy amount of effort this video must of taken. From an FF music channel, nothing but respect for putting this together.


Still listening to this.
Love the transition from Terra's Theme to All or Nothing. Always makes me smile
