Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Tips And Tricks - Amazing Things You Want To Get Early (FF7 Rebirth Tips)

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Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Tips And Tricks (ff7 rebirth tips and tricks)

00:00 Turn On This Setting
00:39 Best Early Game Character
01:26 Early Game Materia #1
02:45 Early Game Materia 2 & 3
03:43 Don't Miss This Combo
04:16 Early Unlock You Need ASAP
05:15 Secret Early Ability
06:46 Other Settings You Should Use
07:10 Early Weapon Has Best Ability
07:41 Unlock The Right Skills
08:13 Secret Vendor For Amazing Items

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This video includes: ff7 rebirth,final fantasy 7 rebirth,ff7 rebirth tips,ffvii rebirth,final fantasy 7 rebirth tips,ff7 rebirth tips and tricks,jorraptor,final fantasy vii rebirth,ff7,final fantasy 7 rebirth tips and tricks,ff rebirth,ff7 rebirth guide,ff7 rebirth early tips,final fantasy rebirth,final fantasy rebirth tips,ff7 rebirth secrets,rebirth tips and tricks,final fantasy 7 rebirth early,ffvii rebirth tips,ff7 rebirth beginners guide,ff7 rebirth things to do first

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i gave the enemy skill materia to tifa for this exact skill. tifa has the fastest atb charge so this becomes insane


I'm 17 hours in and finished up the grasslands. Still not leaving 😁. I LOVE the grind! Before this game, my top all time game list was 1. FF7, 2. FFTactics, 3. FF6. FF7 Rebirth is my new #1. Best game I have ever played!


Boss: You're perfectly healthy why are you calling in today?

Me: Mako poisoning


Tottaly blows my mind how much bigger rebirth is compared to remake. on Dynamic difficulty, taking my time and exploring, doing all the side stuff, it took me aboui 15 hours just to clear the grasslands. another 8 for the Junon area. just got to Costa Del Sol (finish the card tourney on the boat, its SO worth it!!!)


You can press L2 to cycle between the minimal and the compass or no navigation aid at all. You don't have to go into the settings.


The game is great the nostalgic factor makes it legendary


Can't wait for part 3, as having Vincent playable is gonna be awesome.

That and cid, plus travelling by Airship is going to be. soo cool.


Been watching a lot of guides this weekend. This was the best one. Thank you!


Good video. Also you can reach the small Island by swimming too. You don't necessarily need a Chocobo.


On all weapons for all characters, set the skill that's unique to each weapon to your shortcut(the currant weapons unique skill will have a blue dot on it to let you know thats the currantly equipped weapons unique skill, until you master it then the dot goes away)it and just use it in one battle like 5-7 times and boom, that skill is mastered and you can use the skill without the weapon the skill comes on, withput needing to equip it. In the equip menu, there is a little yellow check on each weapons blue "xp/use" bar to let you know its mastered.


The producers of this game said that they took a lot of inspiration from The Witcher 3....
But if you want my personal opinion I see a lot more of ghost of tsushima in this game then I see The Witcher.
Maybe the mini games or side content is kind of like The Witcher but I still really don't see it but when it comes to these Springs you have to find and the birds that are flying around and the chocobos you have to follow and the sneaking around at times and the multiple different things you have this game screams ghost of tsushima


Pro tip use asses often especially when facing burts bandits again use it on every single party member. As he has several members like 4+ it makes getting the 16 access a lot easier earlier on. Or else you’ll have to explore everywhere in the grasslands to get 16. You only get a few chances until they get scared straight and promise not to be bad guys anymore. After that you’ll have to do it the hard way


Thanks Jo raptor gonna I picked up FF16 gonna beat it and jump into rebirth I’ve never played FF games so your videos really do help 😅


Ive seen multiple people do the minimap tip. Mine was on by default.


Thanks just got a ps5 stoked on this game


By the way you don't have to have completed either the remake or Intergrade to get Ramuh and Leviathan. I forgot to replay intergrade all the way but it still let me do it. So you could start it and save as soon as you open it and you still get it


Fought Titan at full strength. Feel proud and dumb at the same time😅😂


Always enjoy watching your videos. Super helpful 👌 👍


The easiest way to get OP from the moment you start the game, is to have finished the remake on hardest difficulty


I love your videos man been waiting few days . Im looking forward to forward for the fort condor video from you honestly i cant beat the last boss frustrating vas hell lol
