CARBS Before or After Exercise on Ketogenic Diet?

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CARBS Before or After Exercise on Ketogenic Diet?- Thomas DeLauer

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Michael Scott told me to eat a bunch of fettuccine alfredo before a workout though.


As a former pro athlete and a fan of keto I found a huge benefit from adding a small amount of carbs pre workout if I was doing anything 'high intensity' that day. Without then I genuinely feel like I was missing a gear in my bag work or conditioning sessions. All anecdotal I know but really made a difference for me.


Man carbs aren’t bad at all. I’ve done Keto a few times to cut, and I’ve done just a regular diet where I cut my calories back. I was eating a banana and oat meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner I’d have chicken or steak wraps, loaded with lettuce tzaiki, hot sauce, some cheese. Kept my muscle much better, lost fat and had better workouts, I also was combing this with cardio daily. Way better diet long term… but if you need to lose weight fast and short term, keto will work and you’ll see results, but it took me a while to get over my fear of carbs because of years of doing keto.


I eat a protein bar with 14g of carbs before my leg day workout. I feel like it gives me that extra boost at the gym and it doesn’t take me out of ketosis. After that I’m back to a regular keto diet.


Even before I went full keto, I had trouble exercising with food. It’s why I don’t like doing afternoon/evening workouts because it’s after lunch time, and depending on what I’ve had, I can get really nauseous. In the mornings before a workout, I would have something light like crackers or a granola bar. Now I can’t eat before exercising at all. If I even have a little something in the morning before a workout, I get uber-nauseous. I’ll only have fluids like water, sugar free electrolyte solution, or black coffee.

I think for me, I’ve just always had a sensitive stomach. I had a lot of problems with reflux before I started keto. But consuming after I exercise largely depends on the type of workout I did. After HIIT and short runs (about 6 miles or less), I’m usually not that hungry even if I fasted before. But if it’s a long run or a swim workout, I’m a ravenous beast. Typically, even those times, my post-workout meal is high protein. I still don’t incorporate a lot of carbs. Unless I’ve just run a half marathon. Then, I eat whatever the 🤬 I want. 😄


I found your channel 4 my months ago, while trying to research a substitute for a diet plan I use to lose weight, yo yo dieting. I thought you were the guy from an add for losing weight that always pops up. 😂. So, what the heck, I gave you a listen. I figured you look like you are in great shape and well spoken, you must know what your doing. Well, after the first couple of videos, I started incorporating you advice. At the same time I was getting interested in Dr Fung’s IF. I use to be more interested in the physical aspect of losing weight. To my surprise I know am more interested in the internal aspect of make my body healthier, more efficient and the over all mechanics of cleaning up the mess I have made of it. Your videos have changed my relationship with food. Hello, my name is Chris and I’m a carbaholic. I have an unhealthy view of calories and have totally shot my metabolism. How is that for honesty? I am still struggling with low calories, but the food is so filling that I’m just not hungry. Crazy, right? My only problem with the videos is, your brain works so fast and you give so much information, sometimes you lose us mere mortals.😂😂


Still hoping for a house tour. That background today looks so stylish


I started Keto 2 weeks ago and I do endurance cycling. At first my performance dropped so much that legs were burning even at 100 watt(with ftp of 260), so i couldn't give up on performance and took carbs before and during. Seeking for best strategy for endurance rides of 3-4 hours, seeking best practices for: 1)glycogen loading 2)pre workout food 3)in ride amounts of sugar(probably will go back to 80gr per hour that worked best)


Hey Thomas I followed your diet advice for 16 and lost some serious weight but absolutely crashed my testosterone, have you seen this happen often on Keto?


I am in low carb diet (50gms max daily) and I do light exercise then I decided to go to the gym and try heavy lifting. After more than an hour I pass out. The doctor told me I run out of sugar. So the next time I di strenuous exercise I ate a cup of brown rice to my meal before my work out and I don't have a problem any more banging iron in an hour or 2.


I’m big on the keto diet to burn excess body fat. But I eat three carb meals a week on my big muscle group days at the gym. I take in roughly 50 to 75 carbohydrates about one hour before those workouts. It is absolutely 100% necessary to take in carbohydrates before your work out on the ketogenic diet. I’ve been doing it for 15 years and it works. If you cut out carbs altogether you will not build or maintain lean muscle.And the carbs you eat make all the difference. I eat oats and fruit an hour before my big muscle group workouts. You won’t get bloated he won’t mess up your work out and you’ll get the biggest fucking pump you’ve ever had.


Workout in a fasted state to reap the benefits


Absolutely agree, I consume 20g of carbs and 20g of vegan based protein after my workout and pretty much aim for a high protein meal with some added fats 1 hour later


Another good one! Keep these up man. Would you recommend doing this after every weight training session or just a couple through the week?

I just started adding carbs (rice cake & fruit) back in my post workout nutrition along with a shake and some leucine, cinnamon, salt, and cacao


Good stuff. Have a question. Started keto for low-inflammation (Lyme Disease and age) years ago. Fell off the wagon during covid. Also, appreciate the mental clarity. I play a lot of competitive tennis. So, I would prefer the carbs beforehand. If I was playing a tournament, then I might be tempted with the glycerol. But normally I am playing friends or a league match. I would like to enjoy my carbs. Matches can be as short as 50 minutes or as long as 2.5 hours. How do I manage this? Thinking the more enjoyable carbs sometime before the match and then maybe like a chocolate chip oatmeal bar between sets. When I'm on keto, I lose a spring in my step later in the match! Makes me press in the beginning too, which makes me more error prone!


You have inspired me on my journey! Thank you so much for all of the great info and consistency.


Could you talk about the best way for breaking a fast while doing both vegan and keto?


I drink dextrose right before my workouts and it makes all the difference in the world. I feel so much better than without it and power through my workouts instead of being sloppy and lacking energy especially for high intensity workouts where you need that explosiveness. That alone is worth taking dextrose pre-workout for me.


Just A Curiousity then question, please? What IF one DOES Feel Better AND has a BETTER Training Session WITH a Pre-Workout Meal??
(I ask ALSO because I Train HARD?!)


i beast it up, humalog insulin pre and post workout, dextrose intra and post with EAA's and post with whey. post WO meal carbs and white fish. rest of day keto style. works like a charm as always
