My #1 Tip For Every Date You Ever Go On

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Do you get panicked before a date?

Do you fear you might run out of things to talk about?

Nervous but excited, hopeful but unsure, optimistic but queasy... Going on dates can be scary.

But what if you never had to have these feelings ever again?

Today I'm going to share with you my "long­-term" approach to always be ready, and to show up in a calm and easygoing state, ready to have fun.

Video links at the end:


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"If you STAY ready you don't have to GET ready." That's good! And it applies to every part of life. That's what I love most about your videos.


The shoulders on this man are CRAZY GOOD


Oh my gosh! It was meant for me to watch this video... I was literally doing this last night. I was asked to go on a date for the first time in a long time and my thought process was: "I haven't been working out, I need to start working out/ buy a waist slimmer/ buy a new dress... My hair looks boring so I should go get highlights... I wish I had braces, my teeth aren't straight enough..." etc.

I didn't even think twice about it. It's like I only think to take care of my looks when a man is interested in me. Terrible I know. I really needed to hear this. I've got to do better.


So I guess what he's trying to say during the whole video is that the date is for you, you're not for the date.


If you stay ready, you don't have to get ready. Love it!

Thank you. Hugs Matthew. See you soon.


Priceless insights, as usual. You were meant to speak to the world, and the internet is the perfect platform to do it. So glad to have found your channel.


"If you stay ready you don't have to get ready." !!!! Best line. 


This guy is giving great advice and the women are only talking about his appearance...


I have to say that Matt your so on point there is nothing more appealing then talking to or meeting people that are well traveled, we'll read, educated that gets you excited about getting to know more about them!


"They want to have great restaurants that they can recommend, or go to, where they know the best table, or where they know that they're going to be atmosphere, but they realize that they haven't been out in six months"
March 2021... This hurts... SO... BAD :'( :'(


thanks Matthew for all these videos. I'm 30 and currently single.I learned a lot from your channel, I know I deserve so much more than I accepted until now and I won't settle for something less than I truly deserve. yes, men are difficult, afraid of commitment and not strong enough to say what they should say to a women..but I won't lose hope. He has to be there, somewhere for me. Happy new year!!


Really good advice as always! Seeing our long-term selves is something we sometimes forget!


"It's just practice", this was my philosophy for the date I recently went on. I told my friends that it was going to be a train wreck, and that I was ok with it being messy and awkward b/c it was practice. Getting back on the horse after a long while, it's not going to be graceful (nor successful) but how else am I going to get better?! LOL


So like how I'm cramming rn by watching this video? 😂 accurate


I have a date tomorrow. And ive been CRAM SHOPPING for more sparkley clothes and jewelry., Im in pretty good shape from hitting the gym after work. I thank God for the amazing blessing of health

Автор know what? I was so depressed few minutes ago, because is like anyone nowadays want to have something real. Just having fun around seem to be the rule! Anyway...I was sad, but watching this video reminded me of the plenty of things I could be doing right now in order to create an amazing life 💜 There's no point in being sad just because you haven't found a partner yet. Live, learn, enjoy and love yourself...the right person will find you while you grow 🥰


This is actually one of the greatest pieces of advice for dating I've heard. And relevant to both men and women.


I love your philosophy about almost everything. It matches my own but its great to hear someone else say it. You touch on the person as a whole not only dating which is a fantastic approach. Nice work!


I've been stressed about an upcoming year as a speech captain. I haven't been very knowledgeable in content before and this year I was chosen to lead and teach a team of experienced people who are my age. I didnt need any dating help, but this video really helped me get a good look in the mirrior! Thank you. (:


Love that you give legitimate helpful advice, different from the 'be yourself and wear nice perfume' that everyone else tells you!
