Mary Magdelene is transformed

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From "The chosen" Season 1 Episode 1
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I was atheist. I was saved by Jesus in Oct 2020. I had a series of miracles happen to me. Nothing big, but big in my eyes. Enough to change a 28-year occultist/atheist into a born again christian. I'm transforming into a loving happy person. I actually laugh with people and hug them. For the first time in years I can laugh again. God loves me so much.

Random update: It's 2022, and I am still happy. Jesus is alive!!!!


"Thus says the Lord who created you, and He who formed you. Fear not, for I have redeemed you. I have called you by name, you are mine." Beautiful words!!!


I think I just fell in love with Jesus again.


"YOU ARE MINE" Jesus took someone unclean redeemed her and said"YOU ARE MINE" he is such a good God! So forgiving and loving to everyone who has sinned. And he called everyone by name and said "I HAVE REDEEMED YOU, YOU ARE MINE"😭😭😭


I got goosebumps at this scene unlike any I’ve ever experienced. Such a powerful scene. No matter how sinful, how corrupt, how filthy we are, morally and physically, our Lord comes to save us. How incomprehensibly beautiful.


I’ve seen this scene a hundred times.

It never fails to make me cry.


This series always makes me think how amazing and overwhelming it will be when I meet him.


I have chills in my body after hearing him say “You are mine!”


So powerful! I'm still in tears every time I watch this moment.


"But now thus says the LORD, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine."
~Isaiah 43.


I was always raised Catholic and believed in Jesus, but never really dove into Christianity with both feet in. When I asked Jesus late last year to come into my life, and be the driver, my life has improved exponentially. Since then I live life knowing Jesus is with me always and it’s an incredible feeling. I’m calm, serene and just sure that he has my back. I’m a new person and it’s thanks to the Lord. Sending love to you all


I was skeptical about this show. One day I decided to watch it because I was tired of the darkness in the wordly movies and shows. This scene came on and I could feel the Holy Spirit and I started bawling 😭. That scene is so powerful because that was how alot of us got saved. He heard our cries and we felt something. Life- changing


The actress' little gasp at 0.33, as Jesus recites the words from Isaiah 43, that she had heard from her father so often and so many years earlier ... just phenomenal acting.


One of most powerful shows I’ve ever seen.


Powerful scene. The music is almost as though there's an angel choir singing in joy at Mary being set free from spiritual bondage, for her good and to God's glory. Wow!


I just watched *Episode 1* again, and this scene brings me to tears. Makes me catch my breath. You see the compassion and mercy that Jesus had for Mary and I realize that it was that same compassion mercy and love that He had for me and drew me to Him. He redeemed me just as He did Mary and that’s why I love Him and will never leave Him...He is the love of my life.


Whatever you are struggling with, whatever you are going through, His transforming love can change it and heal you! Hang in there, you are never alone!


You wanna watch a grown man cry? Play this scene for me! Each and every time I rewatch it!! (And so far, about thirty times!) 😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏


This scene gives me chills and makes me cry. I remember that moment where I just felt the presence of God and where he met me in my mess. And how he called me by name and reminded me who created me it's just so overwhelming to see this


I related to Mary too for Most of my christian life, because my testimony is that I used to be in the Church for 50 years, but they were not able to help me. I was a homeless, suicidal, drug addicted, murdering, gay, prostitute, with a multiple personality disorder after being kidnapped for sex trafficking as a teenager. I ran away from a dysfunctional home, and my family never even reported me missing. Every time I'd get temporary relief, 7 more demons more evil than the first would overtake me. Every time I’d ask a pastor to explain why Jesus told the Adulterous Woman to go and sin NO More; they never had an answer. I had been planning to commit suicide on my 50th birthday, because I was hopeless. Then I learned that it only takes 1 DAY to LISTEN to the NT Bible. That day I read so many verses that I'd never heard preached in the lukewarm church. The one that scared the Hell right out of me was from 1ST JOHN 3:9-10. 9. No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God. 10 This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not God's child, nor is anyone who does not love their brother and sister. I instantly knew I was a child of the devil, and it didn’t matter that I volunteered for everything that the church had to offer. For my entire life I was always repenting in secret for 50%, 75%, 90%, but then the next day I’d go out and Willfully Sin all over again, because I had no accountability. My other personalities would just take over and the Church didn't know what to do. Now I understand that it is impossible to sin unless you think about it for at least 3 seconds, and then we decide to either worship Satan or worship God; it’s really that simple. So 4 years ago I finally surrendered 100% to Jesus, and in just 1 day THE TRUTH changed my entire life forever.I stopped playing the victim and then Jesus completely healed my mind, body, soul & spirit. Since then I have never struggled with anger, fear, hearing demonic voices, jealousy, loneliness, sexual or suicidal thoughts, unforgiveness, etc. I have been reading the TN Bible every week since, because I want my mind renewed every day, not just once a week. It takes me a month to read through the OT Bible. Aside from 1ST JOHN 3:9-10 I also made a list of 182 other verse in the NT warning us to never sin. If you are truly Born Again, then you can pray against every temptation and win every single time. No sin is worth going to Hell for, so I want to be ready as the Wise Virgin in Matt 25. Now my ministry is to try and warn as many people as possible to simply spend 1 day listening to the Bible, and underlining every relevant thing. Since most churches in our day are telling us that Jesus didn’t really mean: Go and sin no more, let the Holy Spirit teach you.
