Young People Have Their Say On Rishi Sunak's National Service Plan

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Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has pledged that his party would introduce mandatory national service for 18-year-olds if it wins the national election on July 4.

This could involve serving in the army or volunteering on weekends for a year.

The i spoke to young people to find out how they felt about the policy.
Some said the idea was "ridiculous" whilst others said that they thought the idea of mandatory community service was a good one.

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What do you think of Rishi Sunak’s national service pledge?


National Service was abolished in the UK in 1960 because the generals told the government, "We don't want people here that don't want to be here."


Not all old people agree with this at seventy seven, I personally think it is despicable, they are dictators, young people use your vote and get them out .


Young people: this is your incentive to GO OUT AND VOTE!!!


Vote Conservatives for more of this:

1. Highest energy bills in Europe.
2. Highest taxes in 70 years.
3. Highest interest rates since 2008.
4. Highest train fares in Europe.
5. Longest waiting lists in NHS history.
6. Raw sewage pumped into rivers and our coastline.
7. Lowest corporate taxes in 50 years.
8. Lowest State Pension in Europe.
9. Highest Immigration both legal and illegal ever.
10. Destroyed the NHS dentist service.
11. Brought the Brexit vote and ruined the country.
12. One failed Prime Minister after another.
13. Worlds shortest in post Prime Minister.
14. More corrupt MP's than any other party in parliament.
15. Europes longest Austerity for the lower paid.
16. Highest Council Tax rates in the World.
17. Reduced our Armed Forces more than any other G8 country.
18. Highest number of MP's that have been arrested for sexual offences.
19. Highest number of MP's that have been sacked for corruption and Fraudulent acts.
20. Voted to allow Bankers to have unlimited bonus's even though the bankers caused the crash of 2008.
21. More libraries closed due to council cuts than any other modern country.
22. Ruined and destroyed the Train services by giving private companies tax payers money as subsidies.
23. Voted against Labours creation of the minimum wage.
24. Water companies failing to produce safe drinking water due to profits going to the rich shareholders normally in other countries.
25. Trebled the National Debt whilst giving Tax cuts to the rich.
26. Promised £350 million per week after Brexit for our NHS.
27. Promised 40 brand new hospitals of which one was built.
28. Had a Liar and a Criminal Prime Minister, which is a G8 first.
29. And a Prime minister who crashed the economy and increased the mortgages of hundreds of thousands of people but was in office less time than a Lettuce is on a supermarket shelf.
30. And finally, wasted billions of Tax payers money on crony PPE contracts for their friends and other Tory donators many of which made millions and invest it in tax havens.
God bless the Tories. The most evil and corrupt party this country has ever seen.


It’s absolutely ridiculous kids want opportunities and decent paid jobs, access to higher education. Not getting their limbs blown up in the oil wars.


Last Wednesday, the Tory Defence Minister told Parliament there were no plans to reintroduce National Service. Then we get this announcement yesterday. Unbelievable


When all the Tories kids start doing it, but let's be honest he wasn't thinking of the rich kids when he thought of this.


The Tories took away your futures & your freedom of movement now they want your weekends too.


£2.5bn to fund this crackpot idea could instead create an Apprenticeship Scheme to give youngsters a skilled trade and a way to earn a decent living wage, and boost the economy at the same time.


To all 18 year olds
I am a state pensioner
I value all of you
As the future of our nation
Be bold and ambitious for yourselves
Value your friends
You are not rishi sunaks
Sacrifice to the reform party
You are the future of our nation
Best wishes
And good luck to all of you


Just to let the young know, not all 'old' people will vote Conservative and are against this ridiculous idea of national service. I don't want my grandchildren being cannon fodder


I had to do national service in South Africa for a government I hated, and I felt like I was in prison for being young.
The problem is this suggested policy is coming from a government that doesn’t give a shit about community service. They don’t care about community, which is the reason behind the constant culture wars. If there was a true community and cohesion driver behind this policy, it would be worth considering, but it’s just like everything else. The Tory party does. It’s a slogan and punishment for being young.


My 19 years old nephew is currently doing his basic training at Catterick, then going to Bovington to the Tank Regiment. This is the type of person needed in the armed forces, commited volunteers not reluctant "press ganged" youths.


There are 85 names on our village war memorial, my sons will not join them


why wont the young peoples youth services we cut, whos tuition fees we tripled, whos mental health services aren't being remotely funded enough, whos social media we've refused to regulate, whos rents we've refused to cap, whos wages we've consistently kept below the living wage, whos swimming pools and libraries we've closed, whos NHS bursary we took away, whos opportunity to live, love and work in the EU we took away, who's preferred candidates we deride and mock and who's EMA we robbed.... why WOULDN'T those people want to work for free for us at the weekend in between their second and third jobs that they now need to afford to rent a single room in a shared house...


he's practically BEGGING to be kicked out of the office.


Nobody in there right mind would fight for this government


He himself and his family are the one that should go and serve the mandatory volunteering or military national service. Shame


Please don't think this policy proposal is supported by all old folk. I'm old and I think it's lunacy.

Good riddance, Tories..!