Audio | J. Krishnamurti - Ojai 1970 - Small Group Discussion 2: Can one free the mind of all images?

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Audio | J. Krishnamurti - Ojai 1970 - Small Group Discussion 2: Can one free the mind of all images?
How is one, being conditioned, to break through?
Can contradiction, the dualistic quarrels within oneself, end?
Why do you have an image of somebody?
How does desire come into being?
What is the energy that feeds desire and keeps images going?
How does the mind investigate deeper levels?
What is the quality of your mind now, having gone through all this?
The recording ends shortly before the end of the discussion.
This channel is managed by the Krishnamurti Foundation Trust, UK, and by the Krishnamurti Foundation of America.
The role of the foundations was described by Krishnamurti when he said, 'The foundations will see to it that these teachings are kept whole, are not distorted, are not made corrupt. They will not give rise to any sectarian spirit in their activities... nor create any kind of place of worship around the teachings or the person.'
We maintain extensive archives of Krishnamurti's original works and all four Krishnamurti foundations are actively engaged in the publication of material in various forms.
For more information about J. Krishnamurti and the Krishnamurti foundations:
This organization is a registered charity. Registered charity number: 312865
© 1970 Krishnamurti Foundation Trust
How is one, being conditioned, to break through?
Can contradiction, the dualistic quarrels within oneself, end?
Why do you have an image of somebody?
How does desire come into being?
What is the energy that feeds desire and keeps images going?
How does the mind investigate deeper levels?
What is the quality of your mind now, having gone through all this?
The recording ends shortly before the end of the discussion.
This channel is managed by the Krishnamurti Foundation Trust, UK, and by the Krishnamurti Foundation of America.
The role of the foundations was described by Krishnamurti when he said, 'The foundations will see to it that these teachings are kept whole, are not distorted, are not made corrupt. They will not give rise to any sectarian spirit in their activities... nor create any kind of place of worship around the teachings or the person.'
We maintain extensive archives of Krishnamurti's original works and all four Krishnamurti foundations are actively engaged in the publication of material in various forms.
For more information about J. Krishnamurti and the Krishnamurti foundations:
This organization is a registered charity. Registered charity number: 312865
© 1970 Krishnamurti Foundation Trust