Revealing our twins' gender?

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I immediately said "They need a Subaru Forester, it'll have tiedowns for the third seat", but then I had a moment of "Is it my place as an old white man to suggest a Subaru to the Lesbian Queens of Bristol?"


I knew before I even clicked 😂 Rupert manifested it, y’all!


Congratulations! When I was pregnant with my second baby, we gave our oldest a baby doll so he could learn how to be gentle with something baby shaped before his sibling got here. He was incredibly sweet and gentle with his baby brother, so attentive. When my youngest was a little bit older, he saw his brother with a baby and wanted his own. That baby doll went on to be his favorite thing for the next 4 years! Recently he was able to hold one of my friends baby, and he cried with joy because he was so happy. Babies are still literally his favorite thing, said he wants to be a baby doctor when he grows up. :)


He asked for a baby sister for two years. One baby sister per year!


16:54 dont worry claudia!! you will get your hiking buddy. im as femme as it gets, always having tea parties and playing dress up. im also outdoorsy and a hiker! i loved going on hikes with my mom in my princess costume and froggy wellie boots. whats more fun than a tea party in the woods? its partying with the faeries!


I know it goes without saying, but it means so much and makes me so happy that you protect your child's privacy and will continue to do so. It's good to follow creators that really cares <3 Thank you for loving your family


Twin sister here, we didn't mind being called twins with my sister as much as we did mind people treating us like we were essentially the same person, which we are not. You can always refer to twins for the sake of practicality without turning it into an individuality issue! They will learn to understand it's better than saying "these are my children of same age who shared a womb" and even refer to themselves as twins. Needless to say, my sister and I have very different personalities, but we get along super well.


Bwahahahah! At the point where y’all were saying, ‘Rupert is a Carl’s Jr burger ad came up so I was excited that Roo was getting a burger!


Congrats! The bit about straight vs queer made me remember a story my therapist told me about her gay friends whose son was afraid to come out as straight. It was so stressful for him at the time but also a hilarious story to recount later. (Everyone is happy and okay now and can laugh about it.)


One thing that the boy section always has put the girls does not is dinosaurs, there are always more dinosaurs! There needs to be more pink frilly things with dinosaurs!


I became a member when the pregnancy was announced because I wanted to support your family every step of the way. The world is a better place with you all in it!


10:23 YES!! I don't get why a lot of people pretend like it is a "girls only" thing to be a social being with empathy.


I would LOVE to see some of the same videos we got with Rupert, like nursery tour, how floor beds work when you have two sleeping in the same room potentially waking each other up, getting to see all the clothes you’ve picked out and how many of Rupert’s baby clothes will be reused, and any disability related stuff to having more than one to look after now


I applaud your gender neutral parenting. My son’s fave color is magenta and loves to dress up as Wonder Woman. My daughter dislikes dresses and her new fave color is black with purple. I absolutely love watching them discover who they are without pressuring them 😊


Congratulations! And as a parent of only 2 - but 2 who are exact opposites of each other in almost every way (except gender) - let me just say that you can intend to parent them the same way as you do Rupert...but in the end, you won't. And that's ok. Because even though you will keep the same intentions & philosophy, the kids will be so very different. Sometimes that's in ways that don't affect the parenting as much. Other times - as with mine - it affects it greatly. For example, one of my kids reacted well to the 'talk' manner of correction: "Hey, you did this. This is why it's not a good idea. Please don't do it again." But the other of my kids would listen to that same exact talk, nod his understanding...then do the thing over and over again (including listening to the repeated talk) until he actually GOT the bad consequence of that thing that we tried to warn him about. He just had to experience consequences himself or he wouldn't believe the consequence would happen. So, as you can imagine, how we had to parent the two such different children was VERY different. One we could warn about things. the other we would warn - and then plan how to minimize the consequence that we KNEW he would eventually get. So...that was long-winded. But the point is....stay flexible. Keep your parenting goals in mind, but know you'll probably have to adjust them on the fly. And that is just fine - expected and a GOOD thing.


I find boys’ clothes much more durable and they seem more comfortable. I tend to buy gender neutral clothes for my nieces and nephews even once I know what my siblings are having. I was born in the 80’s and my mum somehow managed to avoid entirely pink and purple clothes for me and my two subsequent sisters. I wore a lot of red and forest green, loved dressing up, glitter, Barbies and ballet, but was also happy playing cars or Lego with my brother and my cousin ( 2, 5 years younger and 2 years older than me). When I was 8, I did ballet but was obsessed with dinosaurs and Greek/Roman/Egyptian/Norse mythology.


I LOVE your waffling! The reveal wouldn’t have been something I was waiting to watch so eagerly if I’d thought you were just going to go straight to “we’re having girls”. The two of you chatting to each other and going off on tangents mid-video is what makes you such a perfect match for YouTube - never change because you’re great. Love you and your kids 🩷


rupert is going to be SO happy!! congrats to you two!


My twins were born at 30 week. I was fortunate that they had a good birth weight. They spent 6 weeks in hospital (4 in NICU, 2 in level 2) . They are 18 now and flourishing. Don't let anyone scare you. You are strong and capable. I honestly think Dr. are trained to prepare you for the worst.


I am personally not a fan of gender reveals however I know that you two are amazing parents who don't follow gender norms - so I wanted to share your joy (and support you both!). Congrats and here's to a happy healthy future for your family.
