How will the NEW Base Building System work in Subnautica 2?

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Base building in Subnautica 2 has been overhauled! But how exactly will it work? Do we get to design custom base pieces in a new base piece designer? Can we modify existing base pieces and reshape them? Or will we get a modular building system?
Let's explore each option and see which one is most likely!

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Subnautica 2 is an open-water survival game from the creators of the Subnautica series.

You can play alone or with friends as you explore alluring biomes and discover fascinating creatures, flee from new terrifying leviathans and uncover the secret at the heart of the planet.

Craft vehicles, tools, and bases to survive this mysterious alien world, with an overhaules base system, new vehicles and game mechanics to aid you!
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I just hope they don't rush the game . Take your time devs .


Its possible the old building system will still be in this game with the new one being completely optional, I think this would benefit everyone. Either way I just hope the new system is simple and straightforward just like the original.


Only the second one really fits subnautica, i liked the subnautica building system till now bc it was diffrent and bc i simply find the normal survival buidling system boring. I also liked how fast and easy the base building was, making it like the ark sytem would be bullshit, mainly bc it would be slow all while you have only a limited time for building before needing to go back to the surface / submarine and after that the water would still have to be drained (which would prolly work with a machine or on its own which takes time again). It would also not fit subnautica 2, as subnautica 2 plays in the future and why would you go from "You are in an unknown and hostile enviroment therefore we give you a device that can build a full drained shelter with aktive wiring ready for use" to "you have to build everything by yourself and drain it while being on a planet where everything wants to kill you".
The first suggestion with the you have to fill out the structure you build by yourself would also not make sense (if i understood it right) bc it takes too much time to learn, for subnautica not being a building game and it would be too difficult to implement.
The second suggestion was the best as that makes basebuilding more individualistic for the players while keeping the best parts of the old building style.


Subnautica is the best building system in any game I've played. One thing I love about it, other than it being extremely easy to use, is no matter how good of a builder you are your base always looks sick as hell.

One of the issues I have when games break down building systems into tiny pieces, is you have to spend way more time trying to make things look good, need to be a lot more artistic, and often end up with real repetitive boxy modular looking minecraft places.


It would be cool if your base slowly got overgrown overtime with flora naive to the biome you build in, and their could be a passive system you could attach to your base to prevent this for players who wouldn’t want it. This could give more interest to the bases and make them look older and more part of the environment


a cool necessary base feature could be the hub/pump room. a room needed to drain all the water out, and if you have a large base, you would need multiple to keep all the water out


I personally like subnautica’s current base building system. I feel that the others, while cool, wouldn’t really fit that well. If we got some new compartments and attachments to the bases, then I would be happy.


I would love no man’s sky’s system. You can make individual walls and full base things similar to the stuff we have in the original Subnautica.


I'm REAL excited for this New base system, building bases is one of my fav things to do in the first two games, so, getting more options, I will LOVE


A modified Sea Truck (with more Powaaa, the Binford Alterra 2000). The Modules are prefarbicated Pieces, and can be used to build a base with, you can also pack it up, with stuff inside being saved, and replaced when deployed again.


I would love the third option, where you build the base like legos. To ease players into the new build system, they could start with the basic rooms at the beginning of the game and then you are able to find/make a "room builder" where you are able to draw up a blueprint of a custom room. Once the blueprint is created and 'verified that its structurally sound', the blueprint gets added to your habitat builder with a list of materials needed. Then build as normal, lol.


this video reminded me of trailmakers it could be cool if they did something like trailmakers so you can customise ur submarine parts and customizable areas and stuff :)


Honestly if the vegetation of the biome you're in grow on the base piece it would be amazing. But that's kinda hard to code I guess


3:50 me: *Grabs cyclops and turns it into a literal moving skyscraper*


Gods I remember Worlds Adrift. I played the beta for the game before it got scrapped. I still seriously wish they kept with it, that game was phenomenal for its time and I still look back fondly at it. It was so fun!


1:13 Ooh! I didn't expect you to make a reference to a game like that! I was once an explorer of the islands in that game...


For the "square building" one (6:30 and forward), it's worth noting that rounded structures are stronger than sharp/hard-edged structures when it comes to withstanding pressure. So, for a game like Subnautica, this works really well, especially when you consider the fact that you will eventually have to go deep. Deeper waters means stronger pressures. It's more than just an aesthetic.


I am really excited to build some HUGE bases in subnautica 2 any one else?


If they're gonna go with more of a sandbox feel to the base building system, they should definetely give an incentive to innovation. There's a bunch of games where you buold stuff for the sake of it, but Subnautica has always been about incentives. Make it so that specific base features and pieces are required for different depths and biomes, but also make it so that you have a reason to build a base in those biomes in the first place and not just swim there in your vehicle each time you need something


The hidre dock looks awesome, and i cane wait to get my hands on the hidra submarines 👍 🎉
