Scientific Study on Progressive Christians says…

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What's truly interesting about this observation is how many people naturally doubt it. I don't think this is because it isn't true. I think it's because of a rather widespread "group-think" that conservative Christians are all Trump shills and care more about political lines than gospel lines, yet the more progressive Christians are just compassionate and openminded.

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I keep politics out of my faith, but I refuse to keep my faith out of my political views.


From what I’ve experienced Progressive Christians have a tendency to mesh their belief in God, with their belief in government, looking at each relationship as equally important.

My wife and I are very conservative, with a primary focus on God and how He works in our lives, while our progressive friends focus more on feminism and equality.

They have no idea what our political beliefs are because it’s just not important to us, but it seems to be all they talk about.


I've been getting less and less consumed by politics, the older I've gotten. As a conservative Christian I always vote for my conservative values but I don't get so worked up over the day to day things. I think the more and more that I've grown closer to God I've just learned that he is in control and the media is trying to instill fear in our hearts.


We as Christians only have one political commitment and that is to God. Whatever side and policies best reflect His truth and His law is the one we should commit to, which has landed me on the right-wing side of things as an American. But our focus in life should not be on politics (I for example do not follow the news media in any way for mental health related reasons), it should be on God and His word, with our politics simply being guided by those. (We should not however, engage in tribalism with our politics, that only needlessly divides us and does not display the love of Christ to those we politically disagree with).


That’s because progressivism/leftism is a religion in and of itself


Because they are modern Sadducees and this world is all they've got. So if you disagree, you are in the way of their purpose, their heaven, their hope. Might explain the cornucopia of emotional expression that follows.


I feel like I'm an example of this. I'm an African American Gen Z woman, and while I believe that many ideas on the right are more aligning to Christian values, I don't support all of them. Especially since some are rooted in racism (which does still exist) I can't really stand for those. But I'm definitely more open to hearing different ideas than my progressive counterparts who would lose their mind hearing I don't support BLM or more welfare. BLM the organization does not align with Christianity, and I've seen with my own eyes how welfare makes people reluctant to escape the system. It's hard to escape the system, but my mom was able to do it, and sadly we do have to work harder for it but it's possible. I also notice many progressive blacks put their race on the same level as their faith (if not above for some), but for me my faith comes before my race.


To the Conservative Christian, politics are important. To a progressive christian, Politics are their religion.


So glad I escaped the cult of politics 🙌🏼


Progressive seem to do a lot of projection 😅


This is not a shock for anyone who has ever been on Reddit


Lib Playbook says 'blame your opposition with your agenda'


I believe it’s because conservative Christians understand that politics in general are corrupt. If you are living by the Bible and the teachings of Jesus you understand that.


The question is, do you make your spiritual views fit your politics, or your politics fit your spiritual views? Lefty, or progressive, "Christians" put their political views first, then mold spiritual views to fit this and justify what they wanted all along, their political ideology.


I agree. Because there is a possibility that they are more concerned with the secondary problems of this world than the primary problem which the conservatives usually get their focus on.


Of course... they are so commited that their biblical view is shaped by their political views


Pretty obvious. The culture has done nothing but move left my entire life. If conservative Christian’s were more committed you’d think there’d be pushback or movement toward the right occasionally. But there never has been.


Butthead: “Is that that Christian Slater dude?” Beavis: “Christians? Later dude”


Progressive Christian sounds like an oxymoron.


That’s because politics is often an idol to the left (In fairness there are some on the right who do this as well, but liberal theology looks to government as “the Savior” far more frequently).
