Learning the Difference Between Socialism & Communism from Youtube! Part 1

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It's so frustrating when people who have zero education regarding Marxist/socialist political theory say things like "It seems like the socialists want bla-bla-bla, where-as the communists seem like they want bla-bla-bla... It's all a little unclear!"
No, it's NOT "unclear" at all, it's actually extremely clear and well thought out, YOU simply haven't informed yourself and are ignorant on the subject. So, of course it would appear "unclear" to you.
And yet they speak with total confidence! As though they're now the ultimate authority on something on which that they don't even have the most basic grasp! It drives me mad! Vaush and the other radlibs do this ALL the time too!


There is alot of "idk" and "I think" coming from the video being reacted to. Kinda like they didn't do much


A lot of people don't know of Engles.


Do it to it Eddie.... I share your love of the straight structural analysis. It is not "too hard". Liberating once you get it!


I said at least 5 times during this video when they said something like "they used Marxism instead of Communism", and I said "WHAT?". This is an example of people not reading enough on a subject.

Thanks for the video, I appreciate your dedication on exposing these kinds of disinformation.


Hi. Little comment from "who don't know Engels"
Actually when I study in college (here in Quebec you have High school, then college, the university), we've been talking about Marxism, but never about Engels.
Actually even in my first political class in university, we've spoke only about Marxism.
It's really because I search about Marxism that I knew who the fuck was Engels.


Great work, Eddie! Young people like you are the hope for America!


Just started following your work and wanted to say keep it up comrade, good shit! Curious if you're a member of any particular party?


With AI I can imagine a future, if we survive capitalism, where there are billions living fulfilling lives or Elon Musks descendants are ruling over everybody else.


Eddie would you like to have a debate with my father?


I usually like Xidnaf's stuff but ye this was off.

Right at the start he mentions how "and people started moving to cities".

Maybe whatever source Xidnaf was reading described it that way but that's not something that just happened or popped out of nowhere. There's usually material motivation for why important historical events/phenomena happened. And whether your talking about the industrial revolution, the early days of capitalism or why socialist ideas started to form, that's a pretty important detail. You can't just brush past it quickly.

A major cause was because people were chased off their farmland. The expansion of enclosures (through private property) and resulting erasure of the commons meant more people losing their means of subsistence, and left with little choice but to sell themselves into wage labour. i.e capitalism was doing land reform way before any socialist project .

I know it can prove very difficult to determine exact starting points in history and I wouldn't expect anyone to explain the entire process of how the black plague created a seismic shift in class structure, as the precusor to modern capitalism. But saying people just started migrating leaves out very key details important for the discussion of the formation of socialist thought.


Great to listen to your videos. Encouraging.


Excellent analysis. One caveat. If you refer back to Žižek v Peterson you'll see JBP didn't even read the Manifesto. He admitted to merely skimming through it!


the vast number of everyday people who haven’t interacted much with marxism don’t know who engels is, you’d be surprised how many don’t even know who marx is. it’s tragic don’t get me wrong, but the “might have heard of” is fairly accurate


5:24 I think the 'requirement to work' more so focuses on eliminating the unemployement. A call for a society requiring people to work, not a society requiring a reserve army of labor and the homeless for its existence.


That would be like reading the Wealth of Nations and saying "Okay I know what modern Capitalism is"


When you look at the channel that made this video, so many if them have been edited to say they were wrong in the title LMAO


Eddie please react to Vaush's video on the Chinese balloon. He legitimately goes full mask off fascist neoconservative. It might be the most far-right video of his.


I love how they just totally skipped over the "enclosure" that forced people off the land and was the reason they had to migrate to the cities to find paid work for the first time ever to survive. This video makes out people were just choosing to move to the cities to find a job. Changes the context of the whole thing if people were forced to move or chose too. And yeah the rest of the video is lame as...


Haha. There are some who have never heard of Engels.
