How To Beat the Ender Dragon! ▫ Minecraft Survival Guide S3 ▫ Tutorial Let's Play [Ep.50]

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The Minecraft Survival Guide Season 3 continues in Minecraft 1.20.2!
This tutorial will show you how to defeat the Ender Dragon, and explore the rewards of the fight!

Returning to the End, we take on the Ender Dragon - destroying the End Crystals that heal it from the obsidian pillars, damaging it in the air with a bow, and dealing melee damage when the dragon perches on the portal.
We deal with the dragon knocking you into the air, and the distraction of accidentally looking at an Enderman!

Once the dragon is defeated, we discuss how to obtain the dragon egg, what to spend your xp levels on, how to travel through End Gateways, and what to look for when you explore the outer End island!

Along the way we look at how chorus plants can be grown and harvested, why you shouldn't sleep too close to a silverfish spawner, and how to respawn the dragon if you want to fight it again!

Survival Guide Season 3 world seed: 787419271612053211

Minecraft soundtrack by C418, Lena Raine, Kumi Tanioka, Aaron Cherof

Season 3 of the Minecraft Survival Guide will teach you how to master Survival Mode in Minecraft 1.20 and beyond!


GNU Paranor001

#Minecraft #Survival #Tutorial #SurvivalGuide #EnderDragon
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I promise I didn’t post this early just to throw off all the “babe wake up” comments 😂
Just goofed up when I scheduled the video and didn’t set the time right. Enjoy the 11 hours of early access!


Quick comment before I finish watching. Some XP orbs will teleport through the return portal to your original spawn point (not the temporary spawn you set with a bed). Be sure to visit your original spawn soon after returning to the overworld to claim the rest of your XP orbs.


If you’re falling into the void you can eat some of the teleporting fruit and it will put you back on the island. Keep that on the hot bar.


just a heads up (pun? not intended) you'll continually get yeeted up into the air if you do crits/jump-attacks on the dragon when you're in the fountain & it's perched above you. To not have to deal with yeetage, don't jump, just let your weapon charge up between hits to do "strong attacks", and you'll chip away at the dragon's health still decently fast, with zero risk of yeetification.

In terms of actually hitting the dragon, if you do F3+B you can see the massive main hitbox, and the smaller hitboxes that much closer resemble the outline of the dragon. attackign the massive hitbox won't work, but attacking the smaller hitboxes (best of all* is the lil hitbox around the dragon's head) will do the best possible damage

Also, when the dragon leaves it's perching phase, if you weren't in the end fountain at the time (e.g if you were still running around shooting crystals), the dragon will charge you. To avoid getting yeeted in this situation, keep an eye on when the dragon's leaving its perching phase, pillar up 2-3 blocks, and then drop back down again as it gets closer to you. It will fly a little higher to try & hit you off your 2-3 block pillar, but then not have enough time to dip back down again when you've dropped off, and so you won't get hit at all!

*assuming you're not doing an SSG speedrun strategy called "one shot strats", which is certainly not recommended for regular minecraft gameplay :D


Just a side note on the Chorus Fruit, when you smelt them, you can also use the Popped Chorus Fruit and Blaze Rods to craft End Rods (lighting).


0:08 • intro >
0:47 • The Nether >
8:23 • Dragon Egg >
13:47 • The End >
15:17 • The Void >
15:46 • The Return Gateway >
16:34 • Chorus Plants >
18:36 • Ender City >
19:43 • Bridge >
20:24 • Outro >


I also suggest using bottom slabs for bridging so that you don't have to squeeze passed Endermen that can spawn on top slabs. That can be very scary if you don't have a lot of bridging experience.


Sunday night survival guide video, I’m so down ! Thanks Pix!


Here we go, season 3, 3rd Dragon fight! Even though i consider myself a minecraft veteran, i still like seeing how to prepare for the fight!


for bedrock players. back in april, mojang decided to add a ticking area in the End dimension in 1.19.70. this means that the End island has permanently loaded chunks on realms and servers. so if you try to fight the dragon and you die, your stuff will despawn if you don't go back in five minutes. it is also very useful for a lot of farms that can be always loaded without a player


One chorus fruit trick I've learned: if you are trying to ender pearl to a distant island, and it wound up being farther away than you thought- as the end pearl is falling to hit the smooth wall on the far side to my doom, I eat a chorus fruit that is ready in my off hand before it hits- that little eat teleport 'undoes' wherever the pearl was going to send me. whew.


What a treat! Love an early video release!


i never would have done this on my own if i hadnt been following along with you in this series. i just defeated the dragon on my own for the first time and ive been playing MC for many years


I discovered early on in Minecraft that I'm a much better terraformer than I am with structures. Getting there slowly though.
My first terraform in Minecraft was hogging out the stronghold into a large area, lining it with black concrete, and turning it into a winding path through a dark oak forest into a clearing where you can jump to the end. Been able to make it even more moody since then with all the updates the past couple years.


Hey Pix, a bit of helpful infor about the coras fruit is it doesn't just teleport you to a random location it teleports you to a random solid block within a radius. Its very helpful if falling into the void or a high place to get you back on solid ground.


Babe don't sleep yet, new survival guide episode just dropped.


Sunday night bonus video from Pix. Love it.


Finally early! Just wanted to let you know I really love your calm, informative content, Pix. Hope you have a splendid week!


Great fight! You took care of her a lot better than I did. Your real skills on the bow shots show up. Amazing shot up into the cage on the crystal, too.

Didn't watch this immediately as I am following along on this seed (on hard.) I didn't want spoilers and I was just about ready to jump into the portal when you posted. Epic, epic luck on the city!

Perhaps you can get the 'You Need a Mint' and the 'Is it a Plane?' advancements when you re-spawn the dragon. But the fight when you can fly is so much easier. And just as fun!


Early Access!!! Let's go🤩🤩 Also, you are showing a lot of restraint by not destroying that silverfish spawner. Especially knowing how much you like silverfish.
