Was St. Joseph Old When He Married Our Lady? | THEOLOGY OF THE BODY

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Was Saint Joseph an old man when he took Mary as his bride? Since the second century, depictions of Saint Joseph have rendered him as quite elderly, but looking into the reasons for this, it becomes clear that this is less than historically accurate. In fact, there is little to no evidence suggesting that St. Joseph was old. The custom of depicting St. Joseph as an old man came from a misguided intention to preserve Mary’s virginity; however, aging our image of St. Joseph says far more about our own hang ups and doubt in God’s grace than it does about the profound mystery that is Mary and Joseph’s virginal marriage.

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He SURELY Protected me in the I was in St. Joseph's for almost 2 or 3 months


St Joseph understood the Immaculate Conception much deeper than anyone in the history of this world, he learned about it from the messenger of God himself.


Hi, my name is Belen Wong and I'm from Mexico, we love to watch your videos on YouTube and we would like to help to spread the message of the theology of the body to people who speaks Spanish because there's not a lot of information in Spanish regarding that and also we love the way you explain things. My husband and my sister could help adding subtitles to your videos in YouTube if you like the idea.


I think another potential reason for the depiction of St. Joseph as old is probably the fact that Jesus gave Mary to St. John to care for. This seems to imply that she wasn’t still living with St. Joseph anymore which is likely due to the fact that he had passed away. I don’t think it’s unlikely that St. Joseph was a bit older than Mary.


I really appreciate this channel and content. Thanks


God bless you, i almost cry of joy on how you depicted Saint Joseph, thanks a lot!


That's one of the things I liked about the 2006 film, The Nativity Story! I think the actor playing Joseph, Oscar Isaac, did a good job playing a masculine Joseph!


How much affection would Saint Joseph show Mary his wife? Would he kiss her and hug her?


I think St. Joseph was fully a man. But he was much more-- a purified man, very holy, filled with Divine Grace, and much elevated by it, living a far different life than ordinary men! He was a Saint! Many today, have no idea of what a man or woman really is, who becomes a Saint! Purified, sanctified, perfected, and much elevated beyond mere ordinary, natural life, by Supernatural Divine Grace, totally filled with God's Grace, very pure in their mind and heart and soul-- empty of self, extremely close to God-- actually, "married" to God! "It is no longer I who live, but Christ Who lives in me, " as St. Paul said. Saints are an extraordinary, rare, and extremely beautiful work of God, a great and rare gift to the world! A Saint is able to pray and receive miracles for us, from God! A Saint is ready to enter Heaven, though still living in a body, on earth! St. Joseph and Our Blessed Mother lived a very rare, beautiful, holy, and blessed life, completely in union with God, Who also came down from Heaven to earth to live with them, as the holy Christ-child, Jesus. The Holy Family was beautiful, holy, angelic, and rare, beyond anything we can possibly imagine!


What a wonderful explanation! Thanks a million❤


Dr. Chris.
How obout the apparitions of st. Maria de Agreda and the Mistical City of God (approved by the Church).
She had an apparition and got a messege from heaven stating exactly the age of st. Joseph when he married Holly Mary, age of Jesus when st. Josrph died, age of Marry at time of marriage, and how old She was at time of Josephs dead.
I'm asking that because lately I hear a lot of personal (protestant) perception of Church documents and theology.
I'm afraid that there is too mutch of protestant vie/approach in CC now days when we listen to, and take fpr granted authorities with lot of vies, instead looking for the thruth in Gods Church documents that are there to read, available yo all. And I'm not talking here about the apocriphs of The Fathers of the dessert where the "Old Joseph" perception was taken from.
Can you please give your view on that? Thnks


Whole body holiness!
But I thought Joseph was a widower and had previous children?


St Joseph was a gigachad with a lot of self-control. Real.


The infancy gospel of James makes it clear that Joseph was a widower a lot older than Mary and already had sons from his previous relationship. The temple priests made him take Mary's hand in marriage, despite his protest over their age difference. In that book he was depicted as more of Mary's guardian than her husband. I get the impression that he's rather fearful of her (and just the entire situation, understandably) because of the Holy Spirit's intervention on her body, instead of passionate.

I didn't believe in the perpetual virginity of Mary at first, and didn't cared if she stayed a virgin or not. She is still the humble, faithful Mother of God whose "yes" was the start of humanity's salvation. After reading that gospel I started believing that the theory of her perpetual virginity might have some truth to it. A man like him wouldn't dare touch his much younger wife who bore the divine in her body.


Thanks for your job and for this explaining of the masculinity, Saint Joseph, pray for us! :)


Very good analysis that makes perfect sense. Thank you.


I always assumed he was depicted as old because he died while Jesus was still somewhat young. I had never thought too deeply about it though. Thank you for opening my eyes on this and many other subjects through your videos.


When Gabriel announced to Mary, she said, "how can this be since I have no relations with a man." Since she was marrying Joseph this statement makes no sense UNLESS her intention was to remain a virgin during her marriage. That could only happen with Joseph's awareness AND concurrence. If this were not their intentions, why would she remained a virgin after the birth of Jesus? After all, consummation is an integral part of marriage. Without it, there is no true marriage. St. Joseph is depicted as being older BC some believe he was a widower with other children by this first wife. Mk 6:1-5. Although this is conjecture, it gives a reason why Joseph is depicted as being older.


Well, theoretically speaking, even if he had had sexual relationships with Mary, he wouldn't become impure. Sex in marriage isn't an impurity, it's something sacred. So now, the question is, why is Joseph's virginity considered a virtue?


Chris, love the opening quote by JPII but it’s NOT from Redemptoris Custos; rather, it’s from his Wednesday Audience of 21 Aug 1996. But great quote!!! Bro, when can we have you on our Cuppa Joe show on Josephology?
