Eliminating String Noise - GL365 Student Spotlight

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In this Student Spotlight lesson, I will help Patrick figure out how to eliminate string noise whenever he is performing bends or moving from one string to another.

Half of the battle of playing the guitar is keeping the strings that you don't want to be heard from vibrating. In order to accomplish this, you will use your index finger along with the muscles at the base of the inside of your palm to keep all of the unwanted strings quite.

The concept is pretty simple but requires a hand position (at least during a bend) that will facilitate proper muting. It will feel a bit awkward at the first, but eventually it will become second nature and you will gain more confidence in your playing knowing that you have complete control over the guitar strings.

I will start out by demonstrating the proper angle your fret-hand should be at during a bend. The angle not only helps the muting process, but also gives you more leverage, strength and control for the bend itself.

This angle will then allow the index finger to lightly collapse over the string or strings right above the one that has the bend being performed on it.

For all the other strings above the ones being muted by the index finger, your picking hand palm will do the muting.

When you are not bending and have a hand position with the fingers pointing more straight up, you simply allow the index finger to touch the adjacent string just above the string you are playing. Then the rest of the muting above that string will be done with the picking hand palm.

I hope this lesson helps you quickly start getting more control of those strings Patrick!

For anyone else that needs help on the guitar, please submit your video question on the Student Spotlight page!

Рекомендации по теме

Carl is hands down the best player/teacher on youtube. He is an incredible player and makes things look so effortless while explaining things clearly. There are other youtube channels out there for more beginner stuff, but for intermediate to advanced things Carl stands alone IMHO. Keep up the great work Carl. Would love to see you play out sometime!


This video is a lifesaver. Been struggling with this for a while. Thanks!


This should be one of the very 1st things a guitar tutor should teach a student but most don’t. It’s quite hard to re-learn finger placement later to include this technique.
Imagine your driving instructor teaching you gears and acceleration but not the brake pedal! Ridiculous!
—-Thank you for another concise and useful lesson. —-


This is a dream come true video. Being a beginner I encounter many such problems. Thank you Carl as always.


Just today I was trying to see how I can stop this EXACT issue that I am having. Thanks Carl. I definitely try this tomorrow


Was facing this issue very recently and this video is like a rainbow amongst dark clouds. Thank you!


Carl is hands down the best teacher on youtube. The camera angles and resolution, to the patient explanation and clear speaking voice. He really is a top notch teacher!


Thank you so much! That was my major issue, I was able to learn everything but my strings used to ring out whenever I DID NOT want them to and it was very frustrating! I am now practicing this every day and hopefully it's gonna become second nature quickly! Thanks again for this great video :)


I have found that rolling back the volume knobs helps and that older distortion pedals like some of the older MXR ones dont create all this over the top or oversaturated distortion and this eliminates a lot of adjacent string noise yet gives a nice sustain on single notes for lead work.


This technique is good and all. The problem comes when you need to use your index finger right after finishing the bend, e.g. for a hammer on. Suddenly, the muting of the string by the index finger will be working against you since you produce sound as soon as you "leave" or stop touching the muted string.


I learned this technique a few days ago, was kinda mindblowing for me, hahaha, had this issue for a long time.. But thanks for your lesson!


So friggin' weird! I was working on some country-style bends, and was having this *exact* problem, when I got notice for this video. *Thanks Carl, * and your viewer for the question.


I hate when string noise happens when i switch chords so much that I dont even play my strat....


I always hear other strings when I'm tapping. Especially in hot for teacher (that might be because Im a kid w/ smallish hands). Do you know how to eliminate that


Thank you so much for the help Carl, Its really helping me out!


Great instruction Carl, really nice job


Wow, you blew me away. Such gret knowledge, thank you for sharing!


These student spotlights are great! Thanks for the awesome videos, very helpful


Hands down the most helpful lead guitar lesson !


These tips are Awesome...love this series of vids!! Thanx Carl...you rock \m/
