Confusing Probability Question - Bayes Theorem

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The Problem: I bought a pack of 3 Tennis balls. Some of the Tennis balls in the pack can be defective.
There is a
* 70 percent chance that none out of 3 balls, are defective.
* 20 percent chance that just one of the balls is defective, and
* 10 percent chance that exactly 2 of the balls are defective.
The first ball that we take out, turns out to be defective.
What is the probability that, one more ball in this pack is defective?
00:25 Problem
01:10 Confused Approach
02:00 Visual Approach
03:05 Bayes Theorem
Probability can be confusing at times, especially questions related to conditional probability. We hope you enjoy solving this confusing probability question and appreciate the visual approach that we undertook. If you are in class 12 or are preparing for competitive math exams like IIT-JEE, then you will find this video particularly helpful.
Snacks for your brain. 'Epic IQ' is a minimal, visual & engaging approach to Learning, Information & Education. Solve puzzles and riddles. Learn new stuff. Prepare for tests and interviews. Have fun.
There is a
* 70 percent chance that none out of 3 balls, are defective.
* 20 percent chance that just one of the balls is defective, and
* 10 percent chance that exactly 2 of the balls are defective.
The first ball that we take out, turns out to be defective.
What is the probability that, one more ball in this pack is defective?
00:25 Problem
01:10 Confused Approach
02:00 Visual Approach
03:05 Bayes Theorem
Probability can be confusing at times, especially questions related to conditional probability. We hope you enjoy solving this confusing probability question and appreciate the visual approach that we undertook. If you are in class 12 or are preparing for competitive math exams like IIT-JEE, then you will find this video particularly helpful.
Snacks for your brain. 'Epic IQ' is a minimal, visual & engaging approach to Learning, Information & Education. Solve puzzles and riddles. Learn new stuff. Prepare for tests and interviews. Have fun.