How to easily find your ring size 💍 #ringsize #diamondring #engagementringshopping

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How to easily find your ring size 💍

Follow these steps:
-Cut a long piece of paper
-Place a piece of tap at one end and stick it to your finger
-Wrap the paper comfortably around your finger
-Mark the spot where the paper overlaps
-Take the paper and measure it against a tape measurer or ruler
-Use the conversion ring size chart to find your ring size!

#ringsize #diamondring #engagementrings #engagementringshopping
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Some places will send you a free ring sizer in the mail. Or you can by one for 10 online.
BUT if you really need to know asap this could do the job.


Terrible method, because you're paper measurement can vary by as much as 2 ring sizes either direction depending on how tight you pulled the strip around your finger when you went to measure it.
