How To Beat Morning Sickness During Pregnancy | Doctors Explain

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Morning sickness is an extremely common early pregnancy symptom affecting up to 85% of pregnant women! For our Week 7 pregnancy update, we are discussing nausea and vomiting in pregnancy, and remedies for beating it! We will cover the causes of morning sickness, hyperemesis gravidarum, statistics, as well as tips to help your nausea--from lifestyle modifications to medication options that are safe for pregnancy. In this week by week pregnancy guide, we also review baby's development during the 7th week of pregnancy!

**Weekly pregnancy update on Wednesdays! We will be covering everything from TTC, infertility, prenatal care, labor and delivery, best baby gear, your baby's week by week development, postpartum concerns, and other pregnancy tips and tricks!

Intro Music: A WAY FOR ME - Nicolai Heidlas by Chem Ocampo
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7:06 is the start time of things to do to keep nausea and vomiting to a minimum.


Everytime I barf I then just burst into tears and my boyfriend has to come snuggle me and tell me it's going to be okay and will get better 🥺 pregnancy is hard.


I am currently going through morning sickness at about 6-7weeks. I find water, side of ginger ale, the wrist bands for morning sickness, zofran, ginger chews (small) and my lavender oil to smell. This video helped so much!
I sound so extra but it is so horrible and I can’t wait to be past the morning sickness phase 😂 ❤️ bless the mamas out here! We got this.


This video gives me so much peace of mind. I have my first OBGYN appointment coming up in 2 days and I’ve been so nervous, I constantly feel like I have to puke! It’s been so hard at work with constantly being sick. But hearing you say that sickness is a healthy pregnancy response is comforting. ❤


I call bs on the “nausea is protecting you from eating the wrong things” theory because the only things I can stomach right now are foods like ramen noodles, bread, bagels, Mac and cheese etc. I was eating way healthier before my pregnancy but I’ve developed food aversions to anything that isn’t plain and easy to eat.


Yes I a 14 year old male really needed this guide. Thank you youtube recommendations


It’s honestly so scary going through it alone! My mom never went through HG so my whole family was shocked and ignorant as to what was happening with me. I just know I don’t want anymore babies haha! I used to want like 6 but I can’t. I’m so tired and I hate throwing up in the middle of the night. We got this mommas!


So glad this channel popped up! Weeks 5-7 were intense queasiness but never throwing up and extreme tiredness. I’m on week 9 now and I started eating every two hours and the queasiness subsided almost completely. Sleeping, peppermint power mints and peppermint tea helps. Ginger made me feel worse. I notice I can smell everything too...I can’t stand scents!


I had HG with my daughter, worst thing ever; nothing worked for me and I lost 30lbs. And I still had an 8lb baby. Love you guys channel


This video is very helpful considering I am trying to conceive my first baby while being emetaphobic(extremely fearful of vomiting). I’m glad to know there are lots of options and that not all woman have vomiting.


I wish I had found this video sooner, I am now 37 weeks +4 days with my first child (22 years old) and I didn't even know hyperemesis was a thing until Ive had to experience it myself. I remember everyone telling me the nausea and vomiting would get better & that it would go away in the second trimester and unfortunately week by week passed and I never got any relief 😢 but thankfully once it got diagnosed as hyperemesis gravidarum and I started trying nausea medications eventually I found a medication that helped and have found which foods trigger that nausea and vomiting and it has gotten so much more manageable for me. Being sick and kind of miserable 24/7 was definitely not what I was expecting going into my first pregnancy but I am beyond thankful for modern medicine and I just keep reminding myself that I am going through this for the best reason ever and it will be so worth it in the end which is finally so close!😊


I really thought I was one of the few that didn’t have to deal with this. Then seven weeks hit and 🤢. I’m so nauseous I want to pull my hair out.


i am 13 weeks pregnant but already have gestational diabetes . Would you do an episode addressing this and meal plans? Thanks


I’m 36 weeks pregnant with a baby girl and my morning sickness still hasn’t completely gone away. I still get nauseous and sometimes vomit in the morning. At the beginning of my pregnancy I would get severely sick every 2-3 hours, which subsided when I ate something. Food had to include something with bread, pasta or crackers, or else it wouldn’t work to subside my nausea. As my pregnancy went along, I could go more hours without eating and not feel sick. Now I still only feel sick in the morning, which makes sense since it’s 7-9 hours without food. But having to eat more frequently than I had to previous to being pregnant has slowly made me gain more weight than I’d like (30 lbs already).

My sister in law gets hyperemesis during her pregnancies and she is currently pregnant... she lost 25 lbs in the first 12 weeks of her pregnancy and was severely dehydrated and put on IVs. Now she’s on medication and it is more under control.


I wish my ob had listened to me during my first pregnancy. I started vomiting non-stop at 6 weeks. My GP started me on zofran which worked ok for me until I had to stop due to side effects. The bonjesta the ob put me on did nothing. I was constantly eating crackers to push the vomit back down my throat all day long.

At 21 weeks, I remember telling my ob that I was still suffering. He didn’t believe me. He told me it was just heartburn and to take tums. A couple weeks later, I was vomiting blood and suicidal. So many people just do not understand how terrible it can be. And because I was gaining so much weight, noone believed me.


Nothing works for me I'm freaken miserable. I can't wait until this pregnancy is over. I'm never having another kid again.


I'm 6 and a half weeks along, and I've found the most helpful thing for my nausea has been Tang orange drink. I mix the powder with water and it helps immensely. I'm not sure why. 😅


Currently dealing with hypermesis graviderium ☹️ sometimes the meds won’t even work. But it’s helpful to know it’s still a healthy pregnancy. I was so worried


I’m 6-7 weeks pregnant and nausea and vomiting started 5 days ago. Everything I smell triggers me, the thought of food, even opening the fridge makes me gag. Drinking water makes me sick too, I’ve lost a few kilos and feel miserable. I’m sick of being recommended ginger! Nothing seems to help including anti sickness medication, I wake up every morning hoping this will be the day I feel better, it has been so tough


Week 8 and I’m nauseous everyday over any little thing 😢 happy this is on my feed
