InPresence 0088: The Law of Progressive Contraries

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InPresence host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in "parapsychology" ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). For many years he served as president of the non-profit Intuition Network, an organization dedicated to creating a world in which all people were supported and encouraged in developing inner intuitive abilities.

Here he discusses the second "cosmic law" formulated by his friends, Dean and Wendy Brown. He also pays tribute to Dean Brown, who was a major source of inspiration and guidance for him. He relates the principle of progressive contraries to the Dialectic philosophy of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. He shows how one can apply this principle in politics and in parapsychology.

(Recorded on May 19, 2018)

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Such a lovely person you are Mr. MishLOVE !!!


This video was interesting in many ways. Thanks Dr, Mishlove - hope you are having a wonderful summer.


Well, gee!!! There goes my last shred of self-confidence... The last few InPresence presentations in a row seem to show the value of being quiet in our brains. Our notions are often just notions, despite our thinking commotions. Despite despising deceitful deniers, We rationalize our lies and desires, Dancing on shadows that turn into fires, Truth returns, rotates, retires. My ego wishes I'd have watched all of these 4 years ago when you posted them!


Ah, Jeffery, you are more familiar every day — what little thesis I managed for my BA built on the love of what I discovered to be thesis/antithesis/synthesis, after Hegel, but which I earlier saw in the balance of the sephirot, which I saw reflected my father's rare advice of compromise and balance. Thank you so much for these videos, by the way — every one is greatly appreciated.


Such fascinating background story. Are there psychological invariants ? Love, hate, greed, etc.


You've known some fantastic people, Jeff. You've been both very lucky and very good.


Observation: The synthesis of contraries regarding the polarization of our (American) two party political system has progressed so far that neither side of the liberal/conservative constituencies even know what the other side is thinking. In fact, even the "Independents" who historically claim to occupy the political spectrum middle ground don't know what either political party stands for anymore. Not to mention, the overreaching influence that BIG money has upon our elected public officials. I digress; Is this not a sign of impending collapse?


The third position is the result of a triadic thought process as Peirce understood. This is too simple. Only a triangle allows for infinite continuity. Binary thinking is the bane of the intellect.


Sometimes, the Hegelian dialectic can seem like a swarm of angry hornets. This discussion has a buzz of that.
To me, the political contraries have lost their synthetic power for several different reasons. For one, the parties are more interested in being a majority so they can throw their weight around, and less interested in doing any good for people. For another, there is WAY TOO MUCH arrogance around each person's thinking he or she is right and the other people are wrong. Then on top of it all, most people aren't willing to take responsibility for running a democracy, so the power-monger-demagogues and their shady backers run rough-shod over all of us.
As for my contraries: I think a lot, and thought is mostly full of contraries that progress and digress and regress. I believe that most people's contraries are found in the struggle between conscious and unconscious forces within themselves. I don't know if it makes sense to talk about having a contrary in another person. Our ego-personality is so synthetic and malleable that it would be more like a dance than a face-off. From my point of view, this is the reason the mystics keep telling us to get back to the true Self (which is completely subjective, as I understand it, and therefore not available for demonstration of proof). Somehow, this "true Self" is supposed to have creative power and intelligence beyond anything that the objectivist world can muster. I don't know, because I'm pretty sure I haven't found it yet.


The issue for me is truth. I agree that contrary aspects can be found in most, if not all, truth BUT I do not find the notion of opposites helpful. To me it seems only able to harden attitudes and create unnecessary conflict. Lots of people get scared if they cannot find absolute truths. They do not feel safe. I think that we all would be better off if we accepted that truth is nuanced. This does not mean that truth doesn't exist. Most of us can identify a lie when we hear one. But "truth" leaves plenty of room to explore and come to a common understanding.
Feel free to twitter this to the President if you feel it might be helpful.


Thanks for all of the wonderful stories you graciously share. I am grateful and thankful. I experienced God and Satan in one fell swoop, rather intensely, after eating a lot of mushrooms last fall. That was a revealing trip, to say the least


I shed a tear watching this. I had the same ambitions as this man.


Just another example of NDE hundreds occur throughout life but never really amount to a physical death. I called it destiny point both are an intersection of time and space and gives the opportunity to view life from the past and the future. Point is more opportunities exist than current time and space would have you believe!
