1 Hour of Potential Missing 411 Cases

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► 1 Hour of Potential Missing 411 Cases

► In this video we take a step back in time across the channel and visit some of the creepy and disturbing missing person cases that have been covered.

00:00 Found With Clean Socks...?
11:52 Missing Berry Pickers
23:41 Missing in Hawaii
31:54 The Entire Tribe Vanished
50:33 Missing Scientists
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Hey all,

Firstly, my apologies to those who got half way through this video before I had to take it down last night. Unfortunately, I got hit with a copyright notice for a piece of audio that I have the license for, which pretty much defeats the point of purchasing the license in the first place lol

Anyway, I have moved home recently, and unfortunately we’ve been left with lots of repair work to do, but we’re getting there now and things should be getting back to normal shortly so I can start researching new cases again.

This video was a look back at the channel to revisit some weird cases that I’ve reported on over the years. I’m not sure all of these would be accepted within the Missing 411 criteria, but I think most of them certainly have the potential, so you’ll have to let me know if you think they do.

There should be another video fairly soon, I'm planning a deep dive on a disappearance that I've been interested in for awhile.


You talk about such stressful situations but you really do have such a calm and reassuring voice!


I personally love the stories thrown in sometimes when someone is found and what they say happened. I agree we can learn a lot from them. Brilliant!


I happen to live in Washington state, not far at all from Osburn Idaho. One thing that people should understand about Osburn is that its barely a town. Its a small backwater. North idaho is more like Mississippi or Alabama than it is like Seattle. Their police departments are small, "good ol boys" clubs. Its a bad look if they have a case they cant solve. They dont want to call in outside help. Partially for the optics and partially because small town police departments (all police departments really) are crooked and have shady things going on that they dont want outside eyes on. So it was probably just easier and more convenient for the Osburn cops to say it was just an accident. Its a small town. Im confident that at least a few people there know what really happened


Hello Adam. Amazing on how much one has to go through to make a video. Thank you for doing double the work for us to enjoy!! Take care & stay safe. 🦅


A new subject class could be *"YOUTUBE MISSING 404"*


I thought it was me doing something at first last night 😄 It’s ridiculous these hoops you have to go through to do this work. Especially as you already have all the correct paperwork in place.
Just sat down with something to eat so Looking forward to watching this at the same time.
Hope you get settled with the House soon, moving is such hard work!
Thanks for your continued quality content 🙌


Bwahaha--"I'm sorry, chief" @4:40 caught me off guard and i chuckled out loud.


Congratulations on the new home. Also, I hear you've been working on your narration and - to my ears, at least - it's definitely getting better and better!


Hi Adam!
Congrats on your new house, and thank you for the video! I don't mind if these are cases you already covered on another video some of them I don't remember, plus I like to be refreshed about prior cases it brings further awareness that way imo. A lot of these cases are bizarre and a bit eerie. Anyway love your content and all that you do! Cheers


Maybe a compilation of missing people from sweetgrass county in montana. There are three massive Hills in this area called the sweetgrass Hills and people go missing around here.


I really appreciate the in-depth research and narration of this channel. Straight into it, no messing, focus on the circumstances. “Some” channels use a lot of waffle about the whole family history in place of genuinely looking into the missing people. In many ways you are more respectful in doing their cases justice by looking at every angle. Excellent work. 👍🏻


Dylan's case seems perfectly natural to me. The ground was hard.


About Dylan...
It may be that someone was following him or made him feel uneasy, and if they were following him after he had called his mom and walking he may have ran the opposite direction and into the forest to hide, running and scuffling his legs. If that was the case he may have been too scared to walk back out of the woods thinking they may still be there, and sadly hypothermia set in. That would also mean that somebody or some "thing" followed him and took his shoes off or whatever was done. That poor mom searching for him must have been so scared for him. It's sad what some have to go through.


That person dangling from the cliff during Natalie's story....oh my


William, the berry picker one, is not strange at all. He was in his eighties, it would be very easy to wander off and forget where he was, no matter what claims people make to his health.


Love your channel and all of your content 💯%. Thank you 😊


We LOVE Your Content On ALL Of The Cases You Present And THANK YOU For Your Hard Work And Time You Take To Do This. 😃


Love how the CanAm Dave guy gets pissy when others talk about missing persons cases.


There's a very similar story to the "Entire Tribe Vanished" that's in America called The Lost Colony of Roanoke. Roanoke, Virginia. Always been puzzled by that one.
