All SPECIAL Towers in Kingdom Rush ORIGINS- #kingdomrush #applearcade #towerdefense #strategy

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We are going to see all the special towers in kingdom Rush origins in this video

#kingdomrush #kingdomrushfrontiers #kingdomrushorigins #kingdomrushvengeance #towerdefence #tdmgameplay #towerdefense #towerdefensegames #towerdefensegame #iceage #yeti #terminator #lordoftherings #judgementday #gollum #thering #slenderman #penguin #avengers #guardiansofthegalaxy #avengers #captainamerica #creator #muppets #plantsvszombies #zombiesurvival #towerdefence #towerdefensegame #strategy #strategygames
*I am a big fan of kingdom Rush series.
*I have never bought a hero or used extra items from the shop to win the game.
*I believe the developers did a pretty good job with these games, that you can always figure out a way to win them without the extras.
*I have finished all the 4 parts in Veteran or Impossible mode
*I have finished all the Iron and Heroic challenges in Hard mode (Except 2 levels in the first part and I don't think I will ever able to finish them in hard mode)
If you are a kingdom rush fan like me, you can follow my channel as I do different videos on how to play kingdom rush in new ways so that I won't get bored of this great game.
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The blood crystal effect appear to be good in the early waves, and turn bad in later waves. In early waves, they sometimes kill a bunch of gnolls with a blood tranforming failure. Or they sometimes teleport enemies back down the path. Later into the battles, they transform weak gnolls into strong blood gnoll, but no longer fail and kill them, and instead of teleport enemies back down the path, they instead teleport them forward.


Magic blossoms first appear in waterfalls trail, not redwood stand
Awoks can use their shield to regenerate their health and take much less damage
These tomato looking plants are called venom vines
This red dragon is ashbite, from kingdom rush frontiers
Black dragon is called beresad


It's funny to watch someone who still like kingdom rush recently I finished the Kingdom rush and Kingdom rush frontiers I like your videos keep it up👍👍


Ashbite already been a hero in KR Frontiers


Origin is the prequel of other games and the baby dragon in The Ascent is Ashbite, a hero in Frontier


My top Three
1)Gnome Garden
2)Mini Ashbite




I think that the forest keepers are overally the best barraks cuz they have healing ability and can deal obnoxious damage on their own with magical spears upgraded and did i forget that they have a root that synergises so well as it can hold enemies near ir powerful tower so yea imo forest keepers are better than renegade post


Siento que origins esta bastante infravalorado. Pues todos dicen que frontiers es mejor. Pero origins mejoro varias cosas.

Ojala hubiese tenido 2 mini campañas más o más niveles.

PD: mis 3 torres especiales favoritas.
1-Kid ashbite.
2- bastion ( debieron ponerlo en lugar mejor estrategico en su nivel ).
3- dragones de cristal. ( Si estan junto a la artilleria, funcionan muy bien ).


bro the dragon is in kingdom rush frontiers and its called ashbite