The Amber Trust - Lucy's story

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This film is about teaching a blind child with severe autism and exceptional musical potential.

It features Lucy, who is 10 years old, blind, with autism and severe learning difficulties but exceptional musical potential, with her teacher Daniel, and Adam Ockelford, founder of The Amber Trust.

Lucy’s story is a part of ‘Amber Sound Touch’, The Amber Trust’s online resource for teaching music to blind and partially sighted children and young people, including those with additional disabilities.

The Amber Trust was founded in 1995 to provide blind and partially sighted children, including those with additional disabilities, the best possible chance to meet their musical needs and aspirations and fulfil their potential. Amber aims to enhance the lives of as many of the 25,000 visually impaired children in the UK as possible through music, and to promote high quality music provision.

Registered charity no. 1050503
Company no. 3117803

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This is the kind of person who should be included in the honours list for his work .


Bless you Daniel. The world needs more educators like yourself. Children look up to sports figures, Superhero's, and various others, but in reality, the special education teachers are the true hero's.


Daniel is the teacher that becomes immortal as he will forever be remembered as the teacher that nurtured and released the creative talents of his students. Lucy is an inspiration her talent is breathtaking. What a wonderful story.


Lucy’s teacher is a very special man to have the ability and to give Lucy the capability to play. i’m in awe of them both. truly they have been given both very special gifts from God. They are both incredible ❤


It also should be mentioned how DIFFICULT it is for most people with autism to allow others to touch them. It's an immense sign of trust that she allows Daniel to guide her hand, reach around her and tickle her head for focusing. I think it's beautiful to witness how the human body can react to something powerful as music. All her reactions would describe the music even if you muted the video. For example, in the last part running down the high keys almost tickles her soul where as the lower bass movement feels like it's providing ground for her "walking" feet. Stunning.


I'm here from reddit, Lucy is amazing and so is the teacher!


The dedication and the patience of the man is quite amazing. This incredible man is more deserving of knighthood than the whole bunch of lackeys and kiss-arse politicians who are knighted.


Daniel Bath, you are the most patient giving man I have ever seen. you deserve an OBE, Thank you for taking the time to give this young lady the skills to play beautiful music.
Also Lucy is an amazing person and I send you both my tenderest love.


I am autistic and mother to autistic twins. They're both nonverbal, and music is an integral part to help them learn things, express themselves, and connect to the world. It's really quite amazing to me. Thank you for this video.


Daniel, you are a pillar for all of humanity. The world NEEDS, educators like you.


I can't begin to express how much I'm in awe of two people I didn't know existed before today. Two people who have made it clear to me that our governments spend far too much on weapons and wars and far too little on humanity. God bless you both for showing what happens when we invest with our hearts first.


Daniel, you're a hell of a good person and teacher. Lucy, you're amazing and your talent is incredible!


The relationship between Daniel and Lucy is incredibly important they are showing what can be achieved with the right teacher for the student.
Lucy can show everyone what people with autism can do and Daniel is showing autistic children can do, I hope Daniel can train more music teachers to be like him and give a way to unlock a whole new world for them


Incredible teacher! Beautiful girl! Lovely story😊


Daniel is a rare breed of teacher, to have that kind of patience, what a lovely person, its amazing to see ❤ x


I love her piano teacher. He is awesome. He has learned to work with Lucy's disabilities so he can help her get the most out of her talent. Lucy has a wonderful talent she has! I'm a pianist and I'm impressed with this, and happy for her.


This man is a true hero to be able to make a sad thing and turn it into the most beautiful thing. You can't help but love the inspiration this little lady gives.


Amazingly empathetic music teacher. We should all be so lucky.


Having seen Lucy perform on Channel 4’s “The Piano” I was delighted to fond this video. As the father of a son with Aspergers who took up the clarinet at Primary school and has since gone on to get grade 8 in both clarinet and tenor sax, studied music and performance at uni and through the Northampton music service played with their wind band at many local, national and international events Cannot endorse enough the benefits of great music teachers and the joy they bring to countless young musicians, their families and audiences. It is a shame that the government does not put more value on the arts and spend more of our taxes on these services. I had never heard of the Amber Trust before today but shall take time to learn more about your wonderful work and try and support you in this great journey. Thank you to Lucy, her mum Candice and Daniel for an inspiring story and beautiful performance. Heart warming. ❤


Chapeau bas pour Lucy et spécialement pour ce professeur admirable 👏👏
