John Locke walked so the Founding Fathers could run

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You could make the argument that without thinkers like John Locke, there would be no United States.

Also known as the “father of liberalism,” he is considered to be one of the most influential Enlightenment philosophers. His ideas were the backbone of America’s founding documents, especially his idea of the state of nature.

Locke believed that nature was ruled by reason which taught that “no one ought to harm another in his life, liberty, or possessions.” He believed that these rights were naturally endowed. This concept was later adopted by the Founding Fathers.

That’s what’s unique about the American Constitution: it doesn’t give you rights. It says you are born with these rights, and the government can’t take them away from you.

America declared her independence from Great Britain 72 years after Locke’s death, but his ideas lit the fuse that would ignite a revolution.

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