Resisting Tyrants (Romans 13:1-5)

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Pastor Tim preaches from Romans 13 about submission to governing authorities and resistance to tyrants. There is a rich evangelical tradition in standing up to tyranny. This sermon lays a foundation that will be further explored in coming weeks.
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Amongst the most rational analysis of the current state of our nation and the role we should take in our day-to-day lives.


Thanks for making a stand for the truth of Romans 13, our own Church in Liverpool UK has stayed open through all the lockdowns for the same reason, we are to serve God and obey God not man.

See you one day soon in Glory brother.


I pray 🙏🏿 God blesses and keeps you, your family, and your message safe and free from government tyrannical and viral infection. Keep standing for Jesus and His Gospel. Although my wife has lost her job after serving as a PSW through the pandemic, we trust God to provide for us one day at a time. GOD IS GREAT ✝️ ALL THE TIME 🙏🏿 Thank you for your daily blessings ❤


Thank you for boldly sharing truth. You are brave and strong. I stand in agreement.


Awesome Sermon! Loved it, and learned so very much. Thank you Pastor Tim. Praying for you and your ministry for the gospel of Christ.


On point pastor Tim, Thank you Sir for persevering !


Pastor Tim, God bless you and thank you so much for this truth that you have given us, so faithfully studied out and rightly divided. I’ve listened 3 times, and I get more out of it every time I hear it. I haven’t heard such an excellent study in my entire life on this subject.


Thanks for a great sermon. Now we must all do what good sermons call for count the cost and - Apply it.


An excellent exposition of Romans 13 and beyond. Thanks so much.


This is the best sermon I've heard since this pandemic. Thank you Pastor. - from British Columbia


Well said Tim. No man has authority over another man without a contract. And corporations only have authority over another corporation. God is the only authority over man. Do not willfully cause harm, injury, or loss against any man and honor thy God. Very simple.


I’ve had this sermon on my to watch list for a while and now I’m finally getting around to it. Tim Stephens is right. If a man were to tell his son to steal a computer from a store because “if you’re caught you’ll only get a spanking but I’ll go to jail” no one would blame the boy for disobeying. If a pastor were to ask one of his female parishioners to “get it on” with him during a counseling session, no one would blame her for fighting back and reporting the incident. If we believe family and church authority doesn’t require unconditional obedience then why is it so particular to chant “Romans 13” about state authority? It’s an interesting double standard, isn’t it?


Brilliant sermon, thank you Tim. Packs such a theological punch. I'd be interested to hear what you think of my book 'Romans 13 and Covid 19'. Stephen Richardson wrote the foreword (a fellow Canadian pastor and friend?). Blessings, JL


Thank you so much for this wonderful message. You explained it so well.


Fully with you, hoping and trying 2 get the mainline Church 2 step up also


The sermon that sparked the Freedom Convoy by commercial drivers who refuse to "chase the dragon" as Canada's head of government is behaving like "Dirty" Lyle from the 1978 motion picture Convoy from the signature ballad from 1975 by William Dale Fries, Jr. aka C W McCall around the time of the federal 55 mph speed limit due to the oil crisis in the mid 1970s


anyone know wshere to get the info in readable books?


I think there’s deeper blasphemous symbolism to it. Remember when Jesus taught us to render to Caesar what’s Caesar's and to God what’s God’s? To demonstrate it, He took a coin and pointed out that there’s the image of Caesar on it. This very image identified the coin as Caesar’s. Then, by the same token, what was meant to be given to God as His? We were. Why? Because we are made in the image of God, and therefore we belong to God, just as the coin was made in the image of Caesar, and therefore it belonged to Caesar. By concealing our faces, Satan attempts to invalidate this argument. When our faces are covered with cloth, we no longer resemble God. We are no longer marked as his property. So then, what’s the next move? Exactly this: to claim our bodies. And that’s what happens with the vaccine! The government is claiming our bodies. It is effectively taxing them: you have to periodically resign the control over your body and get a jab; otherwise you will be excluded from society. The exact same thing will happen if you owe money to the government. They will attempt to exact a penalty from you; if unsuccessful, they will put you in jail. There’s periodicity, there’s a sanction. Vaccination mandate is a levy paid in one’s body. That’s what it is. Satan is making a power grab, usurping something he was explicitly told is not his. And he is doing it having first undermined the very argument by which he was denied. He will use it in the end to enforce the mark of the beast. Anyway, that’s how I see it. Would love to hear someone’s thoughts.


awesome meat. help me lord not to take the persecuters person as its not flesh and blood we war against but principalities and powers in the heavenlies that work behind and through these tyrants.


I work in tech and am a top performer. Yet, I’m being terminated for refusing to put a dangerous, ineffective, and leaky “vaccine” into my body, even though I am a remote worker. I will NEVER submit to this wicked edict. Never! We must stand even if we stand alone. #StandForFreedom. #PrayForStrength
