Mint Mobile Review After 1 Year- Pros,Cons and am I staying?

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I've been using Mint Mobile for over a year now and here is my honest opinion about it. I switched over from T Mobile to Mint Mobile but I've had been on almost all the networks. AT&T, Verizon throughout the years. I discuss the port over process, their customer service, pros and cons. Lastly, I discuss if I'm renewing my Mint Mobile service or am I switching carriers.

If you are thinking of switching to Mint Mobile. Please use my referral code for $15 credited to your account.

Mint Mobile, Mint Mobile Review, Mint Mobile Speeds.
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Cost of 3 months for 6 months of service. Can’t beat that deal.


I'm on year 3 with Mint using their 4 GB data small plan with 12-month billing. No problems.


This is the first solid Mint Review that discusses issues with de-prioritization. Solid review!


Different experience. Visible WiFi calling dropped at home several times per day for the last year+ despite strong WiFi. Required Airplane Mode off/on to restore. Visible chat support was no help.

Just switched to Mint, NO WiFi drops during 7-day trial. Mint speeds MANY times faster than Visible where I live, even late afternoon.


I was on the verge and you helped me get there, thanks homie


I've been with them for about 4 years now


Appreciate the information. I'll be getting Mint soon.


So far so good on mint

The transition was super easy, the app is easy and I like their overall company gimmick with the fox taking jabs at the big guys


Thanks for the clear, detailed, honest review! As a heavy data user, you helped me realize that doing the unlimited plan with Mint is definitely the way for me to go! I don't have to worry about data speeds ever slowing down on the plan, and they're far cheaper than both Visible and T-Mobile if I go for the one year plan after doing the three month trial.


I use wifi-calling at home as Mint LTE signal was weak. I was using AT&T before and it's no better with AT&T. Very satisfied with Mint as wifi-calling has been very stable. checked online about other carrier and not so many provide wifi-calling on both IOs and android. I think I will stay with Mint for a while.
BTW, T-mobile began using LTE band b71 to cover rural area in the last few years. this was a new band and not so many cell phone support it. only latest iphone support this band not even iphone X. if your phone was not purchased in the last two years chances are you can't connect to t-mobile 4G network with this new band and you will have weak signal in some rural area. cell phones not manufactured specifically for US market is out of the question, even latest model. if you live/travel within city limit then you don't need to worry about this band 71 connection.


I did a little research and Visible wireless also prioritizes it's Verizon clients. Be aware. Hopefully it will still be a better choice for you.
Thanks so much for your testimony.
I'm getting Mint Mobile soon.


Thanks for the review! Im from the bay as well and planning to switch from boost mobile.


Yeah that’s understandable prepaid has lower priority that’s why switched from boost mobile to T-Mobile postpaid which is pretty good but just some areas are really congested hopefully that’s fixed soon with T-Mobile’s midband 5G


Great video! Those data speeds were a real concern of mine.


Thanks for putting this together. I just did a Mint review myself and am curious to hear other opinions. new subscriber for you!


Very underrated video great information


I’m on visible, operates off Verizon & it’s unlimited everything it’s insane and a great price 25 dollars don’t even need home WiFi. I’m in a heavy foot traffic congested area no data speed issues I do want to try out mint just to see tho of my experience will be the same


sadly - my family and I have had a rough start with Mint Mobile here in Utah. Frequent network disconnects or data speeds so unbelievably slow that it is ridiculous. I've spent hours with support and tried several items without much success. Needless to say - I am NOT a happy customer right now. Yeah, I know, the price is less than half what we were paying for T-Mobile. But even though Mint Mobile is supposedly utilizing T-Mobile infrastructure, we are not having near the same level of experience and quality.


Not only is mint cheaper, the website is a thousand times more professional than t-mobile.

I wish I had learned about mint years ago


How do you find your data usage? Is 8 GB enough, and what do you normally do with it? I am thinking of trying MM out with the unlimited, but I am not sure if I need it. Most of my data I do at home on broadband. Have you ever tried the Wireless Hotspot, and do you think that would work as one's main internet connection?
Great video by the way. Really appreciate you don't waste the viewer's time and you don't have a lot of music or ads!
