Arc Length Calculus Problems,

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This calculus video tutorial explains how to calculate the arc length of a curve using a definite integral formula. This video contains plenty of examples and practice including integration techniques such as u-substitution, factoring the gcf, factoring perfect square trinomials and simplify radicals. This video shows you how to find the arc length in terms of x and in terms of y values. Here are the steps. First, find the first derivative of the function using the power rule or chain rule. Next, plug everything into the definite integral formula and integrate it using the limits of integration that are provided.


U-Substitution - Indefinite Integrals:

1st Order Differential Equations:

Initial Value Problem:

Area Between Two Curves:

Disk and Washer Method:

Volume By The Shell Method:

Volume By Cross Sections:

Arc Length Calculus Problems:

Surface Area of Revolution:

Work Problems - Calculus:

Integration By Parts:

Trigonometric Integrals:

Trigonometric Substitution:

Integration By Partial Fractions:

Calculus Final Exam and Video Playlists:

Full-Length Videos and Worksheets:
Рекомендации по теме

I have noticed this common thing in all his videos that makes it really easy to understand each problem is that he does not skip any step, skipping small basic step can confuse students, leading them to fail tests. and for saving people like me thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.


01:19 f(x) = 1 + 6x^(3/2); [0, 1]
06:42 y = (3/2)x^(2/3); [1, 8]
14:14 x = (1/3)(y^2+2)^(3/2); [0, 4]
20:05 x = (1/3)(sqr(y))(y - 3); [1, 9]


To the organic tutor, I just wanted to say thank you so so much for all your videos, I am currently in my final year teaching, and am majoring in mathematics and science. I would not have been able to do it without your videos. Your methods are amazing and its simple to follow your explanations. God bless.


We need more people like you. Who explains. Everything. Like every step and detail. Like really in DETAIL. Even though we know some stuff. It's better for someone like you to explain in full detail. So that it is really understood. ❤


how is getting a volume easier than getting length in calculus,


college has been so difficult to keep up with these past few weeks that i’m reviewing all this stuff the day before the test :(


I love you so much man, you are saving me right now in calculus 2!!


This is the first time a teacher of mine has explained a concept clearer than you. A testament to my calc II teacher a few years back, and even more so to you for being better than the hundreds of teachers I’ve had.


Self-studying for Calc BC. Oof, talk about procrastination. One of the few good things that came out of the pandemic is the shortening of the AP tests. I should probably still learn the rest of the stuff so I'm not confused later on lol.


Professor Organic Chemistry Tutor, thank you for another beautiful video/lecture on Arc Length Problems in Calculus Two. Calculating Arc Lengths in Calculus is straight forward, however, the Algebra and the Integration can get messy. This is an error free video/lecture on YouTube TV with the Organic Chemistry Tutor.


Crazy how I can literally watch 6 min of this video and understand the topic but won’t even understand a word from my professor 120 mins lecture.


You’re videos are a lifesaver! I felt somewhat comfortable with arc length before watching, but after watching I felt confident in my work!


At 18:11 I'd like to also add that it helped me to just use u-substitution to let u = y^2, so you can just factor u^2+2u+1. It's easier for me to remember because we use u as the variable for u-substituting integrals as well.


This mans a true genius, thank u for saving my gpa on an array of occasions


Thank you thank you thank you so much for writing out all the steps. My prof goes so fast and skips stuff when writing everything and it kills me cause I just can’t catch up that quickly. Even some yt vids skip some things and I just appreciate how in depth these vids are.


I watched most of your calculus videos and they’re just the best thank you!!!


At the conclusion of example problem 2 around (14:00), you didn't convert the "u" substitution back to its original value (1+ x ^2/3) before making the final calculations. I'm wondering why? I'm new at this, so if it's a stupid question, you have my apologies. When I did convert it back, I got a decimal answer of 3.611. Thanks for your videos. I take extensive notes from them and follow your work closely.


Awesome content! The way you explain complex topics in such a simple intuitive way is just amazing! Thank you, for all the math help!


The procedures to this our easy. I really wish you went more into detail about what’s happening and why we’re doing these things and explaining what the answer means and is telling us.


Ok can I just say this: arc length integrals suck.
