Silo | Season 2 Episode 1 BREAKDOWN, Deep Dive & Theories | Apple TV

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Please join Ben and Ste as they discuss the FIRST episode of Silo Season 2. Is Juliette being followed? Are ther more secrets than we realise.

Episode 1: The Engineer
"Juliette seeks refuge in an abandoned silo after a catastrophic war, believing herself to be the sole survivor, until unsettling discoveries challenge her solitude."

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The episode was slow but it's understandable.... it's a set up episode. Look forward to the season


"We have to admire (paraphrasing) the fact that Juliette built 2 bridges in so little time..." Little?! I fell asleep watching - twice!!


I enjoyed this episode.. seeing the flashbacks - understanding how clever Juliet is when it comes to survival.


I'm with others who think the show should have dropped the first two episodes at once. I was at the SD ComicCon "Silo" panel this past July that had Rebecca, Common, and Steve & Hugh. They also showed a five minute clip, that ended with the last part of this first episode--so nothing important from episode 1 was new to me. Next week will be the "new" stuff.

I haven't read the books, but I predict that during this season Juliette will not only get back to her original silo--but will join forces with Bernard to keep the people of their silo from making the same mistake as the folks in the new silo--going outside. This would be a great plot twist: enemies joining together.

Lastly, I like your idea of the silos being some kind of experiment.

I don't know WHAT the experiment would be for. But, I remember a 2014 tv series called "Ascension" with Gil Bellows that was very much like "Silo"--and the experiment was to observe how people over multiple generations would deal with being confined on a 100+ year voyage on a space ship; traveling to a new planet b/c Earth was destroyed/contaminated. The twist was the space ship was really an underground silo on earth. The "Ascension" series only lasted one season because Netflix cancelled it--I don't think the writers figured out how to handle future storylines, once the audience (and some characters) figured out it was an on-earth experiment. Still I always found it an intriguing idea.


I enjoyed the episode but definitely think they should’ve given us 2 episodes to start the season especially since they had given us so much of episode 1 in the trailer. I enjoyed the flashbacks and have faith that they’ll move the story along and not look like a waste of space later on.


The generator of Silo 18 is steam-powered, so the source of the water could be the source of the steam .


I know it probably had to be slow but boy was that a bad episode. I think they probably should have cut back and forth between what was going on with Juliet and what was going on with her old Silo.


I didn’t see the trailer, which may have made me enjoy the episode more than the people who did.

It’s hard to predict stuff in the show because they keep changing and adding things that weren’t in the books. Most of the changes have worked so far though.

All in all, I’m still looking forward to the rest of the season.


It's nice that you ask questions, but to answer them we need to talk about what is written in the book, but you say not to talk about what is written in the book. How will we tell?