The Sun Opposing Neptune: Stories I'll Never Forget

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Today, we'll explore the Sun's opposition to Neptune, an aspect perfecting over the next two days. I'll walk you through the astrology and share five memorable Sun-Neptune stories from my client practice, focusing on the impact of Neptune transiting the Sun in birth charts. These examples highlight the most common themes that arise from this powerful dynamic.

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We are not our birth charts. Thats definitely something to remind myself of. Both me and my daughter have the Sun exact opposite Neptune on the same axis. I've struggled with addiction in my younger years and would hate for her to have to learn the same lessons that I did. I am thankful that we live separate lives and pray that I am able to be there as a guide. I keep an open mind to say, "I wonder what it will mean for her in her life".


I had a spiritual awakening today. Realizing the state of my life is correlated to my low self worth. The low self worth fog is clearing and I can see the light of my true worth. Also I bought 4 really cool DVDs for $1. I was really planning on giving people who hurt me the silent treatment both out of resentment and I don't want to deal with low vibrating people, but your last statement on grace, i will eventually see that it was me who allowed them to hurt me and I will come around. I may be financially poor but I feel so fortunate for this awakening.


Transiting Neptune is / has been opposite my sun for a bit now. Today's my solar return (bday) and this is just off transiting Neptune squaring my Gemini moon for a few years prior. I struggled with hard alcohol during this time big time. I no longer do, however. Thank God! 😊 🙌🏼


Woah! I just had a frank talk with my son about the damaging effect of addiction. I didn't even realise that we have this alignment happening right now. He's a Pisces sun on my Moon and this talk is much needed and so timely for this eclipse. I'm releasing a whole lot personally and I'm glad that this is one of the things that I can team up with him to release so that he doesn't repeat his Pisces sun father's pattern. I'm so grateful to have been given this moment with him, I feel supported and at ease that our future will be healthier without this karmic cloud hanging over us.

Edit: He just wrote a letter to the universe that speaks exactly to number 5. 😭 What a healing moment this is.


There are gifts to experience through the experience of Dementia with loved ones. Adam you nailed it! Look for the gifts


I love "we are not our birth chart." My alcoholism shows in my natal chart. I can not change that. However, I have been sober 4.5 years because I choose sobriety.
The birth chart is a tool. It's a guide, a map, my blueprint, to build a beautiful life. If I want. Astrology is a language to interpret that blueprint/map. What I choose to do with that information is up to me.
I am too old to keep running head first into brick walls. But if I use my blueprint, it will show me where the doorway is.
I have natal Neptune conjunct moon in Scorpio 3H in degree based trine to this full moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces 7H. The woo has been wild and I am so here for it!
Thank you for sharing your insight and tangible examples of the energies. ❤


Timing couldn’t be better! My adult son has addiction issues. Thank you, Adam. Gives me hope.


Yesterday during a cacao ceremony I drew a card after the question "What do I need to let go" and the card said "Distorted Perceptions - Reality is rarely what we are raised to believe it is". When you were talking about your 5th point, I had to think of that card. I really enjoy listening to your talks. Thank you.


I have natal Neptune in Libra 29 degrees opposite my Aries third house Sun (and square Mars and Uranus). I see my life as a spiritual journey and am happy to have more questions than answers. Friends are frequently surprised with my twists and turns but no one has ever said I am boring 😊
I am 68 and have had Parkinson’s for ten years now- no decline whatsoever in cognitive function.


Healing with my father was confirmed in his last days, which met he passed with nor unfinished business with each other. very freeing and heart healing. My spiritual awaking is a continuous soul dance for me. Always one more step; exciting.


WOW thank you!!! I had an unexplainable spiritual experience the morning after the Lunar Eclipse involving energy and heat in my body rising that felt like a sun shining from within me and this makes so much sense now when you talk about spiritual awakening plus I had a major karmic completion end the day of the eclipse that started on last Octobers eclipse. I also just noticed that the Moon was sextile my natal Jupiter which is still conjunct transiting Pluto. The universe is such an amazing, beautiful, mystical and magical place which is also a reflection of Everyone, You, Me, and the great I AM presence that we are all a part of. I love it!!! Dear universe please enlighten me and show me the way 😃💜😃💜😃


Thanks for the love Astrologer.
And wisdom.


My Ascendant is 29°pisces ( Neptune is there)
Mercury is 29°Sag
Opposing and squaring the sun right now. Not to mention Saturn is sitting on my Mars in Pisces being opposed by Mercury. Major headache today and lastnight for the full moon. Woke at 2:30am 😂 decided to go out to align with the energies coming in. Love this stuff


We just had a sun shower here 😊 I've been hearing Chris Cornell signing sun shower regularly in my spotify. I've been wondering when I'll see one again. How very appropriate for it to arrive today. Hopefully a rainbow 🌈 on the drive home from picking up my little daughter 🩷


Love it! So beautifully put. I feel all of them. So healing. And I do usually feel trippy with Jupiter in the 3rd in pisces. Thank you.


This is how I generally live with a Sagg Neptune square Pisces Sun. I never knew what light was until it hit me in 2022. Now I know everything about it because my Sun is in the Saturn Neptune Sandwich right now 🙄♾️🧚💎🧜‍♀️✨🐉


I have a Sun 1H/Neptune 4H square within a degree in my natal chart, and in 2020/21, transiting Neptune opposed my Sun and squared my Neptune, which coincided with a newfound depth in my astrological study.


Adam, your skin looks amazing today! Perfect amount of sun ☀️ 😊


*Sun opposite Neptune* Mercury house.This is how I see in lyrics with Mercury trine Neptune.. Find archetype in this song:

He deals the cards as a meditation
And those he plays never suspect
He doesn't play for the money he wins
He don't play for respect

He deals the cards to find the answer
The sacred geometry of chance
The hidden law of a probable outcome
The numbers lead a dance

I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier
I know that the clubs are weapons of war
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But that's not the shape of my heart

He may play the jack of diamonds
He may lay the queen of spades
He may conceal a king in his hand
While the memory of it fades

I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier
I know that the clubs are weapons of war
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But that's not the shape of my heart
That's not the shape
The shape of my heart

If I told her that I loved you
You'd maybe think there's something wrong
I'm not a man of too many faces
The mask I wear is one

But those who speak know nothing
And find out to their cost
Like those who curse their luck in too many places
And those who fear are lost

I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier
I know that the clubs are weapons of war
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But that's not the shape of my heart
That's not the shape of my heart
That's not the shape
The shape of my heart.


Thank you, ive been Very aware of Neptune on the T between my cousins 25 sag Sun & Uranus 25 gemini for 18 month, He"s in Maine, 1000"s miles away, but long letters, emails by return for 35 years have almost ceased, he is simply fading out,
