Why I Got REJECTED from 8+ Animation Jobs

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Once again, my opinions do not reflect my employer or studios that I've communicated with in the past -- this is purely for educational purposes!

High Concept vs. Low Concept

Recording Equipment:
Canon EOS M50 Camera, Movo Microphone, iPhone 7 (for older videos)
Drawing Equipment:
iPad Pro 12.9in (2017), Any sketchbook, pen, or pencil really.
Editing Equipment:
Adobe Premiere Pro or iMovie depending on laziness LOL

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I often wonder if my hard work will pay off and get me into the animation industry at some point. Such an uphill battle coming from a poor family and not having a university in my country that teaches even basic stuff for the animation industry. The internet is a good resource but my biggest fear is that my lack of connections will be my downfall. Hopefully my skill can eventually overshadow that flaw


Such an awesome video!! I’m at CalArts right now, and I feel like nobody ever really talks about the rejections they’ve received. It’s always just talking about acceptances and “the job application process, ” but nobody ever really shares the specifics!


Just got rejected from my art program yesterday, and I immediately clicked. Thanks


Thats wild you were rejected from dreamworks despite you working there and them suggesting for you to apply, but its really nice hearing your journey even the rejections because i feel like nothing is guaranteed going into the animation industry. I graduated 2 years ago and still haven’t broken into the industry but i know all i can do is keep applying. But even as a industry professional seeing how rejection is just something you deal with no matter the background is nice to hear in a way and your advice really helped me think of rejections in a different way. Thanks for the video, and congrats on the new book!


Thanks for this video! I think it’s comforting to know basically every artist is gonna get rejected at some point, even ones we look up to. Immediate success shouldn’t be so glamorized, perseverance and growth should! 💕


14:20 so true! Even for concept artists, many times I had to write entire paragraphs in order to make modelers understand stuff more in-depth and they LOVE IT. As artists we need to communicate as much as possible with everyone to get the final product done with the best quality and to not use words is like shooting yourself in the foot in any development related position. Usually when a Director is the one who evaluates they really appreciate deep explanations, but well, everyone is different, sometimes you get people who want everything clearly communicated just in visual language (drawings). Artists life XD. LOVED THIS VIDEO!


Rejection sucks. Usually because you sift through many posted job positions to find one you think you’re fit for but then you get the rejection email. But still, usually it’s an indicator to keep on trying (plus it tests how much you want to be in the industry), and crafting your work. Also with what you said about being skipped over those who have more experience or suitable skills.

But still, the job market is flawed due to the last thing I said, because usually those who apply are those who recently graduated, or lack an art degree but have the skills. Definitely one thing to do is networking.


At least you get a response. I usually get either ghosted or don't hear anything until months later. 😑


This is a well needed video, currently applying for jobs in my desired field and facing rejection left and right. Will take this time to reflect and update my portfolio and application.

Great content as always 🙌🏼


Heyy this is so cool of you to normalize rejection! It takes a lot of courage to talk about it openly, let alone share your story on youtube. This is such an encouraging and comforting video, thank you!!


thank you ... I have gotten rejection emails as well, which can be sad at times. but I'm just going to be focusing on my 3d environment projects for now until I apply again in the fall/ winter etc. this has really helped and the advice was excellent.


I’m still early on in uni and my head has been spinning thinking about internships, getting rejected, and not even breaking into the industry at all. Listening to your story and seeing how proud you are of the wonderful work that you do now really puts my mind at ease 💕💕 tysm michelle!!


I took a storyboard class at the old animation guild and the teacher taught the class to watch and copy scenes from live action films. Would that help giving ideas on how to draw animation storyboards? I mean not copy the film and put the drawings in a portfolio, but to take similar idea and create different scenes.


Hey everyone, just wanted to share my experience of working in a unionized workplace. It's been a game-changer for me and my colleagues. We have better wages, benefits, and working conditions, and we have a voice in decisions that affect us. If you're thinking about your future career, I highly encourage you to consider working in a unionized workplace. Don't let employers exploit you - stand up for your rights and join a union today! #union #unionize


Thank you for the videos. Being outside of US and not having THE education makes things even harder...


HI MICHELLEE your videos have been my breakfast buddY~~thank you for keeping it so real and honest <3 i've been applying for jobs and been getting so discouraged with each rejection!


Thank you so much for this video, perfect timing as always, I swear u can read my mind , I’m about to enter my 3rd year in art school and it’s the infamous year of starting to apply for internships


It's alright, everyone makes mistakes and learn from them! I'm a student at Kutztown University, I'm an animated arts major and this video really helps for when I have to make my portfolio to get my foot in the animation industry


I’m currently in Community college for animation. This video was super helpful especially since I’m dealing with rejection for non art jobs. I guess I should get used to it😅


Can you talk more on your experience on taking the animation test, tips, tricks, and how did you get the test? Did you go in person or they emailed you?
