Weirdest Things People Believed

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Coming up are some of the strangest beliefs in the world.

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The craziest thing I ever believed in when I was a boy was adults were all intelligent and wise. Time has proven me so very wrong about that childish belief.


Weirdest thing I believed? My Dad used to tell us eating dark toast would make hair grow on your chest. Being female that worried me a bit because on Sundays he was in charge of making the toast and he always made it dark. I remember looking to make sure I wasn't growing hair before I realized he was kidding. The one my Mom used to say we laughed over. She'd tell me if I kept eating pumpkin seeds I'd grow a pumpkin in my belly. When I was pregnant with my son I told her she must have been right! I even referred to him as 'my little pumpkin' both before and after he was born.


Notice how this guy NEVER clickbait us? This is a true YouTuber of honor!


I'm from Canada, and our "go-to coffee shop" is called, Tim Horton's. When I was like 2 or 3 years old, I truly believed that Tim Horton's was called, "Importance" and only IMPORTANT PEOPLE were allowed to go inside. I would ask my mom all the time, "Can we go to importance, sometime?" and she'd always have NO IDEA what I was even talking about. Then one evening my Uncle announced to the whole living room that was filled of all of our family members, that he was going to grab some Tim Horton's and if anybody wanted something, "speak now or forever hold your peace." I remember like having a MIND=BLOWN moment, Star Struck, awestruck, jaw dropping, adoration, extreme pride and all around amazement! Just thinking that, MY UNCLE!! was important and SPECIAL enough to actually be worthy to enter! lolol... God love how children portray their every day immediate family/friends & trusted adults as pretty much Invincible Superhero-like awesomeness, and whole heartedly think that Mom and Dad are above all other human beings!! :P such a cute story! IMO :)


They told me if i drank coffee before
I was 18 years old, my knees would turn black.
I ask my grandmother and she said that goes back for generations.


When I was a kid, I heard if you crossed your eyes, they would stay that way.


The way babies were treated way back when seriously make me wonder how we as a species has gotten this far.


As a kid, my parents showed my brother and I an image of my dad as a teenager & then we watched the original Karate Kid movie. My dad & the actor looked identical as teenagers!
So for a while, we were convinced my dad WAS the Karate Kid!


My dad said that when I was a toddler, during emergency snow removal the police would drive through neighborhoods telling people on a PA speaker to move their car or it would be towed.

My mind as a toddler took this as they were going to turn cars into toads. My dad said that I came running into the room saying: "daddy move the car or they will turn it into a toad" he said he couldn't stop laughing.


Weirdest thing I believed when I was a kid was that dead animals would come back the next day and walk around his cute loving animals again


I believed that medieval times looked like paintings when i was a kid


The craziest thing I believed as a kid was we would all be happy and that the world is a beautiful place


When I was little my dad told me that if I didn't wash my hands after playing in the garden little worms could get in your eyes. Every time I had a eye muscle spasm, that was the worms.


When I was little I thought the lights that moved across my room were scary ghosts. I didn’t know they were just cars passing by the house with their headlights on.


Weirdest Thing People still Believe: Politician promises.


I remember I believed that every liquid have to contain water. Like gasoline or oil are just water solutions of some sort, as if being liquid is something only water can do. And after that I turned out to be an engineer and a physicist somehow...


That the phrase "don't drink and drive" literally meant drinking any liquid while driving was illegal.


I remember when teachers would tell me that a whole bunch of dna was fluff. I was so confused by that that I started to think of what could have been missed. I predicted that the fluff was meant to distinguish cells from each other. A neuron needs to produce and withstand electrical charge, but that structure won’t do for a stomach cell. I was technically correct when evolutionary development theories stated that huge swaths of our dna are coded instructions of what cells go where and do what. It was totally fascinating.


Weirdest thing I believed when I was a kid: Drinking coffee would make me stop growing


When I was a kid, I believed that if you plant sugar cubes it will grow into a sugarcane
